‘The WeHop’? ‘WeHoRoll’? ‘Wheels’? What to Call WeHo’s Bike Sharing Program


Where does WeHo’s bike share program go after “wehogo!” got a no?

The West Hollywood City Council will dip its hands into the question of how to brand the bike share program at its meeting Monday. At a previous meeting it rejected “wehogo!,” with some council members saying the name didn’t call out sufficiently the fact that the program is about bicycles. The city hopes to launch the program, which will provide bikes for rent at stands across the city, this summer.

wehogo! bike shareThe city’s Community Development Department staff and Symblaze, the consulting firm hired to help brand the program, were asked to consult with council members and develop other options.

Options that will be presented to the council on Monday, and the city staff’s arguments for them, are as follows:

1) The WeHop – represents a bouncy, light, friendly vibe that suggests the ease of easily hopping around town. Having “we” as part of the name also suggests community and a shared experience.

2) WeHoRide – a fun, utilitarian name that implies that the bike can be an alternate way to get from point A to B or can be a source of pleasure i.e., a joyride.

3) WeHoRoll – a natural sounding name that conveys a fast, smooth ride across the city. It also suggests easy action, rolling along, with an air of confidence.


4) WeHoPedals – a cool, sleek name that focuses on the actual act of pedaling. It also easily adapts to vernacular use i.e., “Don’t drive. Pedal.” Alternate: WeHoPedal.

5) WHeels – a sleek, simple compact name that is sporty and to-the-point. It identifies the system by its most basic element – the wheels. Alternate: WeHoWheelz.

Options considered previously that led to the choice of “wehogo!” were Rovr, Outrider, Woo bi and Zipper.

The City Council will consider the matter at its meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the City Council Chambers, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. south of Santa Monica. Parking is free in the structure behind the chambers of the ticket is validated in the Council Chamber lobby.

Meanwhile, suggestions WEHOville readers?  Please post your comments below.

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Samantha Lavin
Samantha Lavin
8 years ago

I like WeBike but I think since we are supposed to be the “creative city” WHeels is better. I also like BikeItWeho or WeRollGreen for options! I am also concerned about this shutting out the elderly and less mobile. I think Adult Tricycles are a great idea.

weho mike
weho mike
8 years ago

Virtual Spinning
Gym Transpo
Meth Mobile
Hookup Mobile
DUI Alternative
Car Finder
WeHo a-gogo <– personal fave.

8 years ago

I think WeHo Pedals is a good name

Larry Block
Larry Block
8 years ago

WeBike isn’t that what we are doing?

Jeffery Ward
8 years ago

Yes, is this program ADA compliant?

a concerned party
a concerned party
8 years ago
Reply to  Jeffery Ward

Hooray for Jeffrey Ward’s question

8 years ago

How about naming it the R.I.P. GREEN.

8 years ago

Here’s the Barcelona since 2007 which I called Biking since Bicing requires a bit of spitting.
Smart going in Europe

Bicing is Bicycle Borrowing in Barcelona

Bicing city bikes Barcelona

Borrowing Bicing bike in Barcelona. Bicycles are a large and important part of Barcelona’s public transport system. The Barcelona city council launched this innovative bicycle borrowing scheme, called “El Bicing” (pronounced “bee-sing,”) in 2007.

8 years ago

Wheels for health. Bike it. Bikes for less. Wheels to hell with Ubwheels. Bike sharing. That’s it share a bike. Everybody likes Cher. In Barcelona I have no idea if the name but I use the bikes

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
8 years ago

How about “West Hollywood Rent-a-Bike”…..?

a concerned party
a concerned party
8 years ago

I am reading this and I keep pinching myself to ensure that I am not dreaming. All of these sound like less of a brand and more of an american slang – singling out the syllable ‘ho’ leaves itself open to all sorts of ridicule should something happen to make the program fail to succeed. We could always do what big cities do and call it by a name that doesn’t have ‘Weho’ in it – like ‘Big Green Bike’ – referring to it’s inherent ‘green-ness’. These types of names have shown in studies that they engage visitors in the… Read more »

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
8 years ago
