WeHo City Council to Consider Changes in City Hall Pay Tonight


west hollywood city hall, kickstarter campaignThe West Hollywood City Council will be asked tonight to approve several changes in compensation for senior management at City Hall.

A “memorandum of understanding” (MOU) negotiated with the West Hollywood Management Association, the union that represents senior managers, includes the following changes in compensation for the assistant city manager and directors and managers of departments and divisions:

— A 3.1% pay increase, effective July 1. Over the following four years, salaries will be increase on July 1 of each year by the increase in the federal consumer price index for Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County.

— An addition of one salary level to the seven levels currently in place for city executives. The new eighth level for a senior executive is $181,047 a year, an increase of 3% from the current $175,773 salary at level seven. Each year on July 1 senior executives are moved up one salary range level. In order to reach the eighth level, an executive now at the seventh of the six salary levels must receive an “exceeds requirements” performance evaluation.

— Adding two levels of management. The city currently has five management levels: The city manager (who is not part of the union), assistant city manager, director, assistant director and manager. The MOU would add two levels by expanding the director position to director/deputy city manager, director group II, director group I and assistant director.

— Changes in the salary ranges for each existing position. For example, the current salary range for an assistant city manager is $216,680 to $285, 845. The new MOU would reduce that by 5% to $271,300. A manager’s maximum compensation would increase from the current $175,773 to $181,046 (3%). The changes are proposed to create a more logical gap between the salary ranges for various positions.


— An agreement to pay managers who are serving temporarily in a director’s position 10% more than their current salary or the lowest level of the director’s pay range, whichever is higher.

— A payment of $90 per month to senior managers who walk, ride a bicycle or use public transit to get to work. Those who carpool will get $50 a month for a two-person carpool, $70 a month for a three-person carpool and $90 a month for a four-person carpool. Lower payments are available for those who carpool or use other non-car alternatives two or more workdays a week.

The Council meets at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the City Council Chambers, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd., south of Santa Monica. Parking in the five-story structure behind the building is free with validation at the council chamber lobby.

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Tag Generator
3 years ago

Really interesting ideas, thanks for sharing this.

Colver Long
3 years ago

Learnt a lot from this post! Cheers 🙂

8 years ago

Why is it just “senior managers” who get the $90/month?

8 years ago

Larry – the problem with requiring employees to live in the city is that other than the elementary schools, the problematic public education system (particularly the high school) eliminates just about anyone with kids. That’s a huge factor and the context for not requiring residency. Paul Aravelo has been a fantastic city manager. That he lives in Pasadena to me has always been a minor curiosity. He has said his family lives there because of the public schools.

Jeffery Ward
8 years ago

Why 3.1% on July1? The CPI hasn’t gone up in two years, if you are going to tie it to the CPI do it starting now, not next year. No one in the Private sector is seeing significant rises in their incomes, Seniors and Disabled, whose income is also tied to the CPI, hasn’t seen any rise in Social Security Retirement or Disability Insurance in over two years. I have no doubt that City Managers work hard, but they are already rewarded more than the local or national averages. This makes no sense!

nir zilberman
nir zilberman
8 years ago

Thank you, Larry Block.

we MUST stop what’s going on in this city.
i love the idea, to have only city of west hollywood, working at our city, and even more i would love to see our advisory board members be ONLY West Hollywood residents, or can not be part of “non profit” group that have they own interest.

Larry Block.
Larry Block.
8 years ago

Working at City Hall is like hitting the lotto. Imagine, a pension for the city manager who makes over $400,000 .. his pension, just about same for life! Imagine Fran Soloman, $175,000 for life and she is suing the city for more! Imagine all these city staffers.. starting salary $4500 a month to answer the phones.. (thats the minimum actually goes up to $6500) and after a few years your vested and get a portion of your salary for the rest of your life! Work 20 years at city hall and you hit the lotto, your salary in full for… Read more »

Ever Vigilant
Ever Vigilant
8 years ago

Dear Mr. Zilberman: If you would consider concentrating on the LOVE part of your agenda rather than assaulting the readers and bystanders with the HATE filled remarks and out of control immature antics, many would be grateful. Helping your cause in a quiet respectful manner may attract more support than your chosen agitation and agressive behavior. Please exercise some respect and self control while admonishing others to do the same.

Your second comment seems curiously authored by another individual and not your own words. Let’s just say it appears with “legalese” not common to your frequent incoherent remarks.

8 years ago

Wake-Up, West Hollywood. So, the City Fiscal Year End is June 30th…that means the budget must be passed, but the promotions, new positions, restructuring…ALL of the staffing issues do not have to be passed and should be stripped out of the three Staff items on the City Agenda…2LL, 4A and 5B and continued to another time…the next City Council Meeting or to a time uncertain. Also, if you could note the following stats: According to the Census reports, the current population of the City of West Hollywood is: 35,053 and with the numbers hidden in these three separate staff reports…one… Read more »

8 years ago

…and they call me crazy?
this make me sick.
yes, it is nir zilberman.

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
8 years ago

To the Esteemed City Council: In light of the recent painful and costly dissolution of our council deputy system I strongly object to agreeing to the proposed new and vastly more costly de facto deputy system without thorough public awareness and input. I object to approving a costly system (without thorough public discussion) devised by the same person/staff that helped create (or at least enabled) the previous system that turned out to be dysfunctional and costly to taxpayers by consensus opinion of this council. I also wonder how these costly new positions will affect ongoing litigation. Furthermore I find the… Read more »