Tomi Lahren Didn’t Find Love, or Agreement, in West Hollywood


Here’s guessing that Tomi Lahren won’t be partying in WeHo anytime soon.

The 25-year-old Fox News contributor, who recently moved to Los Angeles from Texas (she grew up in South Dakota), visited WeHo and Venice on Monday to find out what Californians think about the fact that the state, and West Hollywood, are designated “sanctuary cities.”

fox news
Tomi Lahren doing interviews on the northwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at San Vicente.

She walked the block of Santa Monica Boulevard from San Vicente toward Robertson Boulevard, stopping people on the sidewalk for interviews and catching the eyes of many who either knew her from her TV appearances or were struck by her long blonde hair, very high heels and very short skirt — the Boystown equivalent of doing the walk shirtless in tight shorts.

Lahren, a virulent opponent of idea of sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants, shared what she learned on Fox News Insider yesterday in a conversation with Sean Hannity, the conservative commentator.

It appears from the video published above that the West Hollywood locals (with one exception) don’t share her love for Donald Trump’s extradition plans. Her position got support from one young man and a woman interviewed on the boardwalk in Venice.

Despite that, Lahren told Hannity that “California is not a lost cause. I promise you it’s not. There are so many undercover conservatives in this state that I’ve spoken to that are level-headed that don’t like the fact that it’s a sanctuary state.”


And she said she “did encounter a lot of respectful people that like what we do…on Fox news, that like what I do.”

But Lahren said “a lot of Californian are into the whole ‘peace, love and welcome everyone’ — unless you’re Tomi Lahren or Fox News,” she said.

“It’s a very liberal area,” she said. “It’s what they call the epicenter of the Resistance, and they certainly know who I was, and there were some words that I can’t repeat on national television that they were screaming at me.”

“I reminded them that they are supposed to be the loving and tolerant Left, welcoming everyone. Unless you’re Tomi Lahren and Fox News and then you’re supposed to get out.”

Tomi Lahren interviews “Tom” in West Hollywood (Fox News)
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Jim Chud
Jim Chud
7 years ago

First, let me say I’m no saint – not by a long shot – but I work on stuff that bugs me about myself that I see all around me too. That Said, Am I the only person who is weary of what has become constant Twit for Tat(bet you thought I was going to use a different word) on Twitter by all of the legislators with whom I agree on issues, but am becoming really disillusioned by for sinking just as low as Trump or anyone else who uses twitter, etc as their whining platform or way to ‘Teach… Read more »

Cy Husain
7 years ago


YES, we are well on the way to shutting down this mess! In reference to the hydrocarbon pipeline mess. You might like the article below.

Trump’s pipeline agenda just went through a disastrous week!

Keep in mind when those in power have to resort to dirty tricks including the use of blonde model provocateurs, it is an excellent indication of just how effective your political activism really is and how badly they fear the possibility losing.

J Simmons
J Simmons
7 years ago

I know there are many immigration issues. The so called “Dreamers” are nothing but Regular US Residents/Citizens. Anyone before age 3 (4 or 5 ??) Are raised will ALL the Attributes of Americans (For good & Bad … We speak, watch, and Over CONSUME … As is the American Standard). Besides, WE WANT & NEED the largest possible population of young, healthy “American Speaking … Our English is not like England’s) to WORK, PAY TAXES & SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE and all that we all gripe about being taken out of US Paychecks. Birth rates are down, Babyboomers are living longer, but… Read more »

7 years ago

From 2009 to 2016, the Obama administration oversaw the forcible removal of more than 3 million undocumented immigrants—most of whom were sent back to Mexico. Neither Bill Clinton, nor George W. Bush, Obama’s two predecessors, came close in reaching his tally over their two terms. (Newsweek April 2017)

7 years ago

and there is no “crack-down” on immigrants. The “crack-down” is on people entering this country ILLEGALLY. Illegally means…against the law.

7 years ago

yeah…we’re “AUTO-SUFFICIENT”…Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday said the state is projected to run a $1.6-billion deficit by next summer. Yeah, “auto-sufficient” that’ll work.

Ann Ramos
Ann Ramos
7 years ago

You all need to understand CALIFORNIA IS AUTO-SUFFICIENT!!!! that is why they were trying to push CALEXIT. CALIFORNIA IS SICK AND TIRED of all these crackdowns on immigrants, bc California embraces the cheap labor that comes from these immigrants. !!! We heavily need labor in agriculture. CALIFORNIA feeds the entire nation not only with produce but with taxes. CALIFORNIA is the richest state in the nation providing the highest state tax revenues. In simpler words: CALIFORNIA DOES NOT NEED MONEY FROM ANY STATE OR FEDERAL FUNDING. SO STOP THE BS. THE REAL BREAD WINNERS SHOULD DECIDE HOW TO RUN THEIR… Read more »

7 years ago

Yah, no ladies with long blonde hair and short skirts in Southern California. We need to enforce the laws. We need to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens, but WE NEED TO ENFORCE THE LAWS. Ever checked out what is involved for Americans to have residency in Mexico? All countries have restrictions, many are tighter than ours.

7 years ago

Cy Hussain,

I love your passion and interest (because they mirror mine), but seriously, “We’re well on the way to shutting down this mess.”

Have you seen a recent map of the the multitude of pipes that crisscross this vast country?
Did you see The Intercept report of protests in states far from DAPL?

I don’t see it happening, but jeez, you can still surprise me.

7 years ago

My point was that a sanctuary city is a city that limits its cooperation with the federal government’s effort to enforce immigration law. So the point was, whey should the Federal government allocate federal funds to states that willfully give the finger to the Federal government. Federal government laws and regulations supersedes any state’s. I posted that excerpt to inform.

7 years ago

Ok, Kellen, explained to me where I am wrong.

7 years ago

Tomi Lahren is as delusional as the Liar In Chief, Agolf Drumpf.