State Accuses WeHo Nightclub Micky’s of Lewd Conduct Violations


abc micky's

Micky’s nightclub, the popular Boystown gay bar known for its go-go dancing events, is under state investigation for 14 counts of lewd conduct and two counts of giving away alcoholic beverages, according to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

For now, ABC has only filed accusations against Micky’s, which, after being offered a suspension as penalty instead chose to have a hearing to make its case. A date has not yet been set for that hearing.

Micky’s management did not return calls and e-mails requesting comment, and ABC officials would not elaborate on details of the counts because they are still open cases. However, according to Boystown sources, the lewd conduct accusations have to do with contact between bar patrons and the go-go dancers, as well as go-go dancer “over-exposure.”

“Our culture here is a little different than a lot of places,” said Eleven Nightclub owner Richard Grossi. “I figure it’s something all the clubs are little bit apprehensive about. Is something coming down the line for all of us?”

ABC received a complaint regarding Micky’s in April 2012 and began investigating in July 2012, according to Kim Wachowski, a supervising investigator with ABC. Twice undercover investigators went to the nightclub before the accusations were officially filed against Micky’s on Feb. 19 of this year.


This is not Micky’s first run-in with ABC. The venue also received violations for lewd conduct and “giving away free goods” (alcoholic beverages) in 1997, and twice in 2011 for sales to minors. The nightclub also had a violation in 1993, but details were not available.

Wachowski said that the previous violations for lewd conduct and free goods would most likely not be counted against Micky’s during this most recent hearing because “they happened so long ago.”

WEHOville also asked for any violations filed against other popular Boystown nightclubs The Abbey, Revolver and Eleven. None of those bars had any violations.

After learning of Micky’s ABC troubles, Eleven Nightclub posted ABC policies in its dressing room and reiterated them to its dancers, many of whom also perform at a number of the other Boystown nightclubs. Otherwise, Eleven hasn’t been affected, Grossi said, largely because his bar has “always had a more conservative policy.”

“Other clubs do a lot more touching and more exposing than we do here,” he said.

Nevertheless, Grossi defended his Santa Monica Boulevard neighbor.

“They are one of the pioneers with dancing, and their crowd prefers to have a little more contact with dancers,” Grossi said. “It’s one of those things. WeHo has always been a city that is a little different with what the public accepts here, and our standards.”

With an increasing acceptance of gay culture, Grossi says he’s seen more people coming to the Boystown clubs who may not have grown up in the culture.

“There are a lot of things that do not adhere to the spirit of ABC regulations, but it’s always been one of those things,” said Grossi. “I think the city has consulted with ABC and let them know that WeHo is different.

West Hollywood Code Compliance Manager Jeffery Aubel said the city was aware of the allegations, but would not further elaborate. “The issue is between the licensee and the licensing agency,” he said.

“I hate to see that Micky’s suffers any kind of penalty for something that is not against our community standards,” said Grossi.

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Daniel Rivera
11 years ago

Rules apply to everyone. Mickys is not just a bar it also serves food. It is governed by Health Codes and they already have the privilege of being open after hours on weekends. Give them an inch they take 9.5.

11 years ago

I agree with Chris and Brenden 100% . Its a money grab and more gay hate . OMG the traffic cops are now hiding in bushes waiting for the meters to click expired . Extortion deep and wide. Its time for the hate to stop . For gods sake let me drop a dollar if I want .

11 years ago

This is nothing more than a money grab from the state and they are using archaic puritan laws on the books to accomplish this extortion. The state is broke because of overspending and excessive salaries, pensions and benefits for for greedy public employee unions. California is now broke and desperate and will grab money any way they can … Why do you think think a traffic ticket tops 500 bucks? Now they’re coming after businesses any way they can. Expect more of this. Here, FUBAR, etc. You get what you vote for and now you’re about to lose more of… Read more »

Brenden Shucart
11 years ago

Never say “rules are rules” to a gay man. It wasn’t that long ago that it was “against the rules” for gay men to be intimate with one another in the privacy of their own homes. Laws aren’t handed down from god, they are crafted by politicians in Sacramento. Outdated laws can, and should be changed.

And if the freedom to enjoy ourselves and each other is the ‘cost’ of full equality, then i’d like my money back.

11 years ago

Everyone if we are wanting equality in all things that also has a cost, we have no more of a right to behave in public in ways that are inappropriate. We don’t need to be overtly sexual as we dont appreciate anyone else being so. The eye candy that is a part of most dance clubs (straight and gay) is provide to entertain and not to have a free feel or look at the person junk. Our sexual drive and desire to be so free about it does not make it right. So, we all have to have the same… Read more »

11 years ago

Shame on ABC for harassing Mickey’s. There is nothing “lewd” or inappropriate about a dancer getting a tip in his outfit or flashing some skin. The bar is not a strip club (which are everywhere around town for straight men). I hope the City puts resources behind our community to fight back against the ABC for its predatory tactics and harassment of our city’s way of life.

Jimmy Palmieri
11 years ago

This is clearly an attack on gay clubs. In straight bars, in cars, behind brick walls, in vans and behind trash cans, straight people have been priviledged to act human as gay people suffer and watch.
Sounds to me like the old “sting” operations, gone commercial.

11 years ago

There has always been and will continue to be more attacks on gay men then straight men. The police do it,..people with an axe to grind do it,…it’s the way the dishonest do it. Gay men can be arrested for kissing and holding hands. Straight kids can make out,..neck and more in public. All without fear of being arrested and being labeled a sexual problem,..lewd behavior or more. If people attending a gay bar with gay men,..acting gay,…act surprised by gay activity,..well then they are complete idiots. This whole event has a stink to it. I wonder how many women… Read more »

Shawn Thompson
11 years ago

I have to say in my opinion and I wasn’t there for the alleged “lewd conduct” that I find it a bit questionable that this whole action is in motion. With the small amount of gay clubs in weho and or the state, I really think this is a bit concerning at the very least.. I’m curious to know how many hetero-sexual clubs have been investigated for “Lewd Contact” and perused by the ABC? And I would love to know who lodged the complaint? There was some talk in the night life world that it might have been another club… Read more »

Profes Shivers
11 years ago

We ARE different. And the rules should be CHANGED! I’ve been to D.C.–our CAPITAL–and have seen naked boys perform, and I hear it’s the same in Atlanta and a few other places. If the dancers and patrons are OK with it, change the rules NOW!!! If you aren’t OK, stay the hell home. Beauty and sexuality should be celebrated.

11 years ago

Of course a straight girl would be the one on here complaining… What do you girls think you’re gonna see if you go out to a gay bar? A bunch of queens just waiting for you to come in and get your free makeovers? Hang out on Sunset from now on…

11 years ago

Rules are rules. Community standards have nothing to do with it. What this article states seems to be that WeHo is trashy and the rules don’t apply to Mickey’s. Well, boys, the rules DO apply to you too.

And our City Council took it upon themselves to HONOR go-go boys. Says a lot about our City Council, doesn’t it?