WeHo Council Adopts ‘Code of Conduct’ Rules for Meetings


city council

West Hollywood’s City Council voted 4-1 to adopt rules of conduct for people attending city meetings Monday night, including proper attire, signs/symbolic materials brought to meetings and language used during the public comment period, including whistling, catcalls and foot stomping while a person is speaking.

“The item that the city manager brought to us on the code of conduct was really to ensure that people actually get to say what they want at council meetings and commission meetings,” explained Mayor Abbe Land. “We want to make sure that people feel comfortable when they express their opinion and will not be threatened and be talked at by other folks. It is really important that we treat each other with respect and that you can say anything that you want.”

Cursing is no longer allowed during public comment time. Shirts and shoes must be worn. Posters and banners can only be 2 feet by 3 feet and can’t obstruct the view of other attendees. Food and drinks aren’t allowed in the council chamber.

The rules were made in response to several recent incidents. At an early March council meeting, approximately eight audience members sitting in the front two rows held up candidate signs above their heads, blocking the view of those behind them. At a late March meeting, a public commenter repeatedly called city staff members “f–kers” while complaining about the extension of parking meter hours.

Councilmember John D’Amico was the one vote against the item.

“I’m concerned that that sends the chilling effect of people who come to the podium and have something to say,” said D’Amico. “I’m agreeing with my colleagues and the city that the code of conduct is incredibly important, but I want anyone who comes to the podium to please say whatever you want. That’s your two minutes. You have the opportunity to tell us what you think.”


The conduct code does not go into effect until the council votes on it a second time. That was good news for resident Michael Crosby, who showed up at Monday’s meeting wearing nothing but a Speedo bathing suit. Crosby was there to encourage the council to approve the new recreation center and accompanying swimming pools.

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11 years ago

It’s a Kangaroo Council full of entitled “politcos” who poorly represent the community at large. Such a joke.

11 years ago

ok, now that they’ve done this, what about a code on conduct between council/staffers at weho city hall????….by all accounts, fran solomon is a holy terror, john heilman won’t even speak to nor shake d’amico’s hand….seriously what a bunch of babies!!!!….grow the F up already!!!!!…..and where IS the HR department with all of this???…do city staffers have to file hostile workplace lawsuits before changes are made???…and these people are our leaders and management????? UGH

Weho Speaks
Weho Speaks
11 years ago

i cursed one time & not it’s news. These people have no interest in real progress.

11 years ago

Someone better call and remind Jay Jay (John Lucas) Junkin of the new rules! Remember this?

Classic Jay Jay!


11 years ago

I heard that any texting and emailing between city staff and council members or deputies is a part of the public record and must be available if requested by the public under the Freedom of Information Act.

chloe ross
chloe ross
11 years ago

I too had the same question – conduct should be civil and CC members should appear to at least be listening. Rolling of eyes, texting of others, playing Angry Birds during meetings all speak to a decided lack of interest in the proceedings. I don’t know how well they can see us in that poorly designed “meeting chamber” but we CAN see them.

Allegra Allison
Allegra Allison
11 years ago

Only if they’re cursing, Rik.
I do wonder who will drive Jeanne home when she gets kicked out of every Council meeting.

11 years ago

Will there be a code of conduct for city council members prohibiting texting or web app posts during meetings?

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