WeHo Will Install Temporary Warning Signs at Santa Monica Crosswalks


WeHo-special-events-signs-e1410364085541West Hollywood has decided to put mobile lighted signs, typically used to warn drivers of closed streets or traffic congestion related to special events, at unlighted pedestrian crosswalks on Santa Monica Boulevard.

The city soon will be erecting those signs to warn drivers of closed streets associated with the Sunset Strip Music Festival, which will be help Sept. 20 and 21 on Sunset Boulevard. Lisa Belsanti, the city’s public information office manager said the additional signs will be installed on Santa Monica Boulevard as part of that process.

The City Council on Monday asked city staffers to develop a plan for installing stop lights at pedestrian crosswalks on Santa Monica Boulevard that would be synchronized with traffic lights. That plan will be discussed at a joint meeting of the city’s Transportation and Public Safety commissions on Sept. 15 and then presented to the Council for approval on Oct. 6. The mobile lighted signs are a temporary safety measure until the permanent lights can be installed.

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9 years ago

quote from Chris Sanger:


It’s not the cars hitting people that is the problem, its the JAYWALKERS, throwing themselves at the innocent (definitely NOT driving drunk or distracted) cars.

Thanks, Chris – glad you haven’t resorted to victim shaming a group of injured and dead people, despite all evidence pointing to the vast number of cases being where the car driver has struck the pedestrian in a crosswalk

mike dunn
mike dunn
9 years ago

Now that is funny and so true in Boys Town.

9 years ago


mike dunn
mike dunn
9 years ago

Tom Smart
We need crossing guards to help those who still do not know how to cross a street safely,

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
9 years ago

It might be time for a little performance art with a purpose. We need to have crossing guards with neon vests/hats at these walks (and perhaps poles with flags like elementary school) to help get the word out about safety.

9 years ago

Thanks for mentioning jaywalking Chris. It’s a a danger that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Even with all these proposed devices, the pedestrian is still at the mercy of the reckless driver and vice versa.

DON’T JAYWALK, USE CROSSWALKS…….Look, make eye contact, wait for cars to stop, acknowledge and proceed safely.

9 years ago

WEHO should now put a left hand signal at the corner of Crescent Heights and Fountain going northbound. WEHO has wasted more money on other slop the city “officials” should be investigated by the FBI.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Hopefully this helps with the the main recent problem – jaywalkers.

As I wrote in another thread, though, this step could have an unintended consequence – when drivers are asked to focus on crosswalks (and making them safer is indeed a worthy cause), they tend to focus less on other potential pedestrians who are jaywalking.

Hope this helps the situation, but until people recognize that jaywalking seems to be the bigger problem, it might not be as positive as hoped.

9 years ago

Say what you will about his approach – Larry Block is a man of ACTION!

Larry Block
Larry Block
9 years ago

These signs should be up by the weekend. Not satisfied with the council action plan I wrote Mayor D’Amico and City Manager Paul Arevalo after the city council meeting asking for these signs to be put up now. I contacted KTLA and informed Mayor D’Amico and Mr. Arevalo that we would be there in the morning to ask on camera for these temporary signs and what we can do today beside commission more yada yada. Marco Colantonio joined me yesterday morning at city hall to make sure we do all we can to prevent another accident. KTLA was delayed but… Read more »

9 years ago

Great job Larry Block !!! And the others that got involved. You should be proud …. Now if they would add intense patrol enforcement. Let people get a clear message that speeding, distractions, jaywalking, distracted walking will not be tolerated here. The new campaign can be “Relax, be Safe and Enjoy your 3 mile stay” “Route 66” A 30-90 campaign will not only generate revenue but save lives as well. Its the 40 times the Sheriff lieutenant did not get hit in the crosswalk that we now need to fix. There is no reason this can not be budgeted right… Read more »

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