Jack Mackenroth Takes to the Shower to Fight HIV Stigma

AIDS activist Jack Mackenroth, weareallclean, we are all clean, hiv
AIDS activist Jack Mackenroth

Who wouldn’t want to see Jack Mackenroth in the shower? Especially if it’s for a good cause. In what some are billing as the HIV equivalent to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Mackenroth has partnered with gay social app Moovz to launch #weareALLclean. The campaign invites participants to take (non-explicit, but sexy is okay) photos of themselves in the shower and then post them on Instagram and other social media with the #weareALLclean hashtag.

“I was inspired by the use of the word ‘clean’, especially common in gay culture, to describe oneself as STI/STD free,” said MacIntosh, an HIV activist and former star on Project Runway. “This implies that HIV positive people are somehow ‘dirty.’ I thought a PG or PG-13 shower selfie or video would be a fun way that everyone could easily show their support on social media for finding a cure by using the hashtag #weareALLclean when they post their photo with the link. Then they donate what they can and nominate three or more other people to participate.”

The goal is to raise money to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic and help find a cure, and the campaign will continue indefinitely. The proceeds will be donated to the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) and Housing Works, both nonprofit organizations that work to end AIDS globally. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that there are currently 1.2 million people in the US living with HIV and over 35 million people around the world.

weareallclean, chris salvatore, we are all clean, hiv aids
L.A..’s Chris Salvatore

“As someone who has been living with HIV for 25 years, this is very personal to me,” Mackenroth said. “There is current urgency for funding as we have new treatments that maintain viral suppression and render HIV-positive individuals virtually non-transmissible. Those same treatments can be given to HIV-negative individuals and protect them from infection completely. Essentially we already have the tools to stop the epidemic from spreading. Exciting new research is bringing us closer to a real cure for AIDS every day. ”

Actor, model, singer and social media celeb Chris Salvatore is igniting the campaign from Los Angeles after joining forces with Moovz as well. ”It’s time to erase the stigma and unite as a global community,” Salvatore said. “Regardless of your gender or sexual identity—no matter what age, color, size or shape you are, you should be part of this project… And have fun with it. Be funny, sexy or silly. Who doesn’t want to see people in the shower soaping up for a good cause?”

How to participate? It’s simple:

1) Take a selfie or short video of yourself in the shower or bath — no explicit nudity please.


2) Post your photo now on the Moovz mobile app and all social media platforms such as Instagram or Pinterest with the caption “Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $$ for AIDS cure bit.ly/CUREAIDS #weareALLclean”. If you’re  discovering the campaign by reading this or live in greater West Hollywood, add #WEHOville.

3) Nominate three or more other people to participate.

4) Donate if you can to Housing Works, to amfAR or pick a local HIV/AIDS charity of your choice.

5) Today, in acknowledgement of World AIDS Day, change all your social media profile pictures to your shower selfie photo and spread the word.

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