John Duran and Ian Owens Battle Over Use of the Council Member’s Private Data


UPDATE:  The West Hollywood City Council and City Attorney Mike Jenkins will hold a closed meeting this evening to discuss Ian Owens’ lawsuit against the city. No further information about the meeting is available.

A lawyer for West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran has asked a Superior Court judge to bar Ian Owens, Duran’s former Council deputy, from making public pictures of “naked” people found on the council member’s contact list and sharing other private data.

Owens is suing Duran, alleging sexual harassment. Duran, in a statement filed in the lawsuit last month, said Owens copied more than 6,000 personal, political, city and law firm contacts from Duran’s Outlook computer address files in June of last year, shortly after he filed the lawsuit against Duran and the City of West Hollywood and while he remained in the deputy job. According to Duran’s attorney, Matthew Hicks of Lozano Smith, copies of some contacts were filed with the court in November as evidence in Owens’ lawsuit. Hicks said some of those contacts also were given to Steve Rodig, who was hired by the city to investigate misbehavior by Council deputies, and to Michelle Rex, the former deputy to Councilmember John D’Amico and a friend of Owens, who also is contesting the elimination of her job.

Former West Hollywood City Council Deputy Ian Owens, left, with Councilmember John Duran (Facebook)

In May 2015, Owens filed a lawsuit saying the city had wrongfully suspended him on false allegations that he spied on fellow deputy Fran Solomon when he was actually trying to report unlawful activity by Solomon, deputy to Councilmember John Heilman. Solomon had a fraught relationship with Owens’ friend Rex, which mirrored the fraught relationship D’Amico and Heilman had with one another.

In the suit Owens claimed he was the victim of retaliation for reporting Solomon’s alleged misconduct and that Duran sexually harassed him instead of helping him. Owens said Duran made sexual advances and talked about his sex life to Owens, allegations that Duran has denied. Owen is seeking unspecified damages in the lawsuit.

In an email exchange, Aanand Ghods-Mehtani, the attorney representing Owens, told Duran’s lawyer that he would redact the faces and names of the “naked” men found in Duran’s contact list. “We are sympathetic to the individuals whose naked pictures were place on public servers, and do not want to cause them any further embarrassment,” he said.  The photos that Ghods-Mehtani described as “naked” are actually pictures of  shirtless men, some of which came from Facebook accounts.


But he suggested that pictures of the men supported Owens’ claim against Duran. “Assuming … that Mr. Owens knew that certain of those individual were clients — which he did not necessarily know — it was still inappropriate to subject him to the pictures and descriptions at issue.”

As Duran’s deputy, Owens had access to both his personal, work and city government contact files. That’s because Duran wanted to set up a system that allowed his calendar and contact information to sync between computers at City Hall, at his law firm and his mobile phone. To protect the city’s data, West Hollywood insisted that all of Duran’s information be stored on a common server and that no one be given access to that information except Duran, using a private password. Duran gave that password to Owens when he became his permanent deputy in March 2013. In his court petition, Duran said that Owens was only supposed to enter information such as meeting schedules and phone numbers and email addresses and was not supposed to review or download his contacts.

Duran has asked that Owens and his attorney be forced to return all copies of his contact information and that the court not allow any of the information collected by Owens to be presented at his trial, which is now set for November.

In other developments, the five-member Association of Council Deputies union has filed an unfair practice charge with the California Public Employment Relations Board, alleging that by ending the deputy system the city violated a state law requiring a public agency to negotiate with representatives of an employee union before making a decision that would affect members of that union. Fran Solomon, who resigned her position before the City Council voted to end the deputy system, also has filed a complaint with the Public Employment Relations Board. Solomon argues that the city should have continued her employment for 90 days after her retirement under a provision of the city’s agreement with the union. The city has argued that that provision only applies to deputies who leave their position on the death of the council member to whom they report.

The City Council voted last June to end the deputy system, which was created when the city was incorporated in 1984. WEHOville’s revelation in January 2015 that Owens was the source of the allegations about misbehavior by Solomon sparked a heated debate about what came to be called “Deputygate.” Among the criticisms of the system were that some of the deputies, who make as much as $190,000 a year including benefits, didn’t come to work until 11 a.m., took long lunches, didn’t respond to residents’ telephone calls, engaged in illegal campaign activities for their bosses, spied on one another’s telephone calls, sniped at one another and interfered with the work of other city employees to promote the political interests of the council member to whom them report.

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9 years ago

The City of West Hollywood should probably get their elected officials in a room, and remind them of the ramifications of using poor judgment. Even if a council member is not actually harassing an employee, they have to consider the risk factor of how things might look at a later time, or what they might open themselves up to. I don’t know if Duran harassed Owens (I actually think he probably didn’t), but Steve Martin is correct, in that it would have been wise to notify HR before the hire. Embarrassing to have that discussion, I’m sure, but far less… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
9 years ago

Hey Chris, you can’t have one standard for gay men and another for the rest of the world. People have a right not to be subjected to unwanted sexual advances at work by their direct supervisors. That is pretty simple. The fact that Owens and Duran had a sexual encounter prior to Owens being hired does not mean that he can be an ongoing target for seduction. I get that people may not find Owens a particularly sympathetic “victim” but Duran was the supervisor who brought this on himself by not alerting Human Resources about their prior relationship. In the… Read more »

Jim Chud
Jim Chud
9 years ago

After reading all of these comments, I only hope that our current city council understands as do I that there is much public rancor still regarding the whole Duran-Deputygate issue, and the longer that it persists to sully both the Image of our city in the eyes of other cities around the nation, and only serves to reinforce the all too widespread image of Weho being a joke filled with and run by bitchy self serving queens. I hate any generalizations of that sort and no better than to believe it. However, as I said during the first round of… Read more »

James Francis
James Francis
9 years ago

I am absolutely disgusted by the asinine behavior of the deputies who in my opinion should have lived in the city for at least 3-5 years instead of appointed by campaigns or in misguided trust that really evoked humiliation on the city council, who I come to the defense of, were victims, but they Allowed this unelected system to exist, I am glad they rid the city of 1 million dollars a year in salaries of 5 PEOPLE! The city enabled this to happen for 30 years! It Prospered under no supervision! These deputies were unelected and had the clout… Read more »

Truth be Told...
Truth be Told...
9 years ago

Duran’s presence on the city council is a distraction to progress.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Whether Steve Martin has any legitimate points is destroyed by his trying to claim two things – 1) pics of shirtless men are considered nudes (laughable) 2) that if he wants to compare it to other cases if a straight man known to be on explicit straight web sites and have hooked up with women would have a case to make if a employer he had shared past social events with could claim that any references to women constituted harassment. A religious, married man who was offended by this? Sure, maybe he could make the case. But the straight equivalent… Read more »

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
9 years ago

Comments from the community from my FB post of this article “It’s difficult for me to separate my personal feelings for him from this specific case. I feel his character has been very damaging to West Hollywood. It’s frustrating to me, when people like this find their way to a position of authority or power” “You’re right. This is a mess of his own making. He should step down. What an embarrassment.” ” Yea that fool has hit everyone I know up on Grindr and uses his name as power to try and get people to sleep with him. It’s… Read more »

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Ty/James – As a 16 year WeHo resident, your description is totally at odds with my experience of living here. The size of the city -35,000 people – and the quality of the city gov’t to respond to citizens’ needs and give access to them, even at the top – is night and day different from LA. I have lived in Chicago, New York (West VIllage and Tribeca) and nothing comes close to the services and quality of life here. Sorry you have had different experiences, but the idea we should have melded into LA is absurd in the extreme.… Read more »

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
9 years ago

“Ferguson-style punitive/lucrative parking fines”? C’mon guys, let’s keep it respectful to those across this country who truly experience “Ferguson-style” violence and discrimination and maintain some perspective here. Thanks!

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
9 years ago

Mr Duran should of stepped down when this happened way back when. He knew he was in error that’s why he didn’t push to become the mayor, when it was his turn by tradition in Weho. Past it all what kind of an example of a elected gay leader is this sending to the community. That all gay men are promiscuous and on Grindir. Also since Mr Duran is a lawyer by trade he knew hiring a individual he had sex with was wrong. with out at the very least disclosing that to the citys HR and or attorney. He… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
9 years ago

I guess that we have a double standard for gay men and non-gay people when it comes to issues of sexual harassment and common sense. Duran’s “private collection” of nude photos should never have been accessible to Ian Owens. But the issue is not that John Duran had those photos; the issue, as set forth in the Complaint, is that he shared them with his deputy as part of what Owens contends was a rather heavy handed campaign to include sex as part of his job description. Any reading of the Complaint, (which admitted should not be taken at face… Read more »

Ty Geltmaker/James Rosen
Ty Geltmaker/James Rosen
9 years ago

This scandal and so much else of what ails West Hollywood is at its base a story of a kind of aggrieved homosexual men in recovery who feel special. Having moved into this pumpernickel principality just a year ago — after 30 years in Echo Park/Silver Lake, and knowing of these internecine/incestuous WeHo dynamics, nothing — including the boastful obsession with having fled some previous homophobic hell to the alleged gay OZ, is surprising. All while homeless souls, underpaid workers who cannot afford to live here, and rampant destruction of good housing envelops us, to no awareness of those who… Read more »