Car Break-Ins Account for $19,400 in Thefts in Latest WeHo Crime Report


Car Breakin

Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from June 13 to 19. The times are indicated in as Military Time, a concise form in which midnight is indicated as 0000 and noon as 1200. The number at the end of each incident is the case number. Four incidents involving the theft of items with a total value of $19,400 came from car break-ins.

June 13

Vehicle Burglary
800 block Hilldale Ave. – 0100-1030 The rear driver’s side window was smashed and a backpack containing a computer and a check were taken. Loss $5,500. #03393

June 14

Vehicle Burglary
1000 block North Laurel Avenue – 1400-1600. Two digital cameras, three camera lenses and a laptop computer were taken from the trunk. The vehicle was unlocked. loss $7,000. #03446

Vehicle Burglary
900 block North Kings Road – 1500-2100. A laptop computer and cell phone were taken from the trunk. No sign of forced entry. Loss $900 #03436

Vehicle Burglary
1100 block La Brea Avenue – 1335 hrs. A guitar, laptop, headphones, camera, and a memory card were taken from the floorboard. Loss $6,000. #03439

June 15


Nothing significant to report.

June 16

Aggravated Assault
7700 Block Santa Monica Boulevard – 1730 hrs. A male adult raised a crowbar into the air and swung it at an adult male during an argument. The suspect was arrested. #03470

June 17

Aggravated Assault
1000 Block Gardner Street – 1840 hrs. Two male adult family members punched each other several times in the face during an argument at their residence. #03501

Other Burglary
800 block North Kings Road – 06/17/16 -06/19/16. The locks to two storage units were cut and a DVD player and a VHS player were taken. Loss $200. #03532

Grand Theft – Auto Parts
8100 Block Norton Avenue – 0300-0500. Four tires and wheels were stolen from a 2016 Audi parked in the sub parking garage. Loss $5,000. #03482

Grand Theft – Auto Parts
8100 Block Norton Avenue – 0300-0500. Four tires and wheels were stolen form a 2014 Mercedes parked in the sub parking garage. Loss $5,000. #03483

Residential Burglary
1200 Block Harper Avenue – 1709 hrs. a male adult transient removed a window screen and opened a window to gain access to the residence. A citizen saw the suspect climbing through the window and called WHD. The suspect was arrested. No loss. #03496.

June 18

Grand Theft – Property
1000 Block Fuller Avenue – 2025 hrs. A forklift was taken from the loading dock area. Loss $5,000. #03518

June 19

Nothing significant to report.

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Brian Holt
Brian Holt
8 years ago

Everyone, everyday and, everywhere has been distracted or forgetful. This does not mean we don’t deserve to feel safe and secure from crime. And try a little compassion while ur at it. It feels like crap to be victimized and violated.

8 years ago

The comments from “Ruth”, and “Be Responsible” are judgemental, and uncharitable…
Real outstanding citizens!

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
8 years ago

We have unfortunately been dealing with this same issue for years. Much of it falls back on personal responsibility, if you are leaving anything in your car that is visible, there is a 90% chance it will be stolen. We have tried and tried to educate the public to remove ALL items and you will be removing the incentive of someone to steal it. I’ve seen reports where people have left property in a convertible with the top down and were angry when it was gone by the time they returned to their car.

Be Responsible !!
Be Responsible !!
8 years ago

I have little (or no sympathy) for those foolish enough to leave personal possessions in full view in the open interior of their vehicle/s. Yet alone not to lock same. One needs to be prudent and take precuations. Lock your vehicle/s and your trunk/s. Or else you may deserve what happens due to your irresponsibility.

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