Car Break-Ins Continue to Top Weekly Crime Reports


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from July 11 to 17. The times are indicated in as Military Time, a concise form in which midnight is indicated as 0000 and noon as 1200. The list also includes the case number.

crime_scene_tape2_500x300July 11

Grand Theft Person. 8600 block Melrose Avenue. @ 1245. A purse was taken from the back of a chair. Loss $1,750. #04005

Residential Burglary. 8700 block Rangely Avenue. @ 2020-2305. A window screen was removed and a television, ipad and watch were taken from the bedroom. Loss $2,000. #04020

Armed Robbery. 900 block Hancock Avenue. @ 0018. The victim was walking north on the sidewalk when he was approached by a man armed with a handgun who demanded property. Loss $9,000 (watch and phone). #03999

Vehicle Burglary. 1100 Block La Brea Avenue @ 1640-1725. The front passenger’s side window was smashed and a purse taken from the front seat. Loss $320. #04013


Vehicle Burglary. 7600 Block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 0905-0915. The front driver’s side window was smashed and a backpack containing a laptop computer was taken from the front seat. Loss $1,180. #04000

July 12

Vehicle Burglary. 7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 2300-2320. A wallet, two backpacks, two laptop computers and a video camera were taken from car seat. No sign of forced entry. Loss $4,000. #04039

Vehicle Burglary. 800 block Hilldale Avenue. @ 1830-0530. A checkbook and sunglasses were taken from the glove box. No sign of forced entry. Loss $100. #04048

Vehicle Burglary. 900 block Hayworth Avenue. @ 2030-0530. A jacket, sunglasses, sleeping bag and spare tire were taken from the trunk. No sign of forced entry. Loss $1,300. #04054

July 13

Strong Arm Robbery. 8900 Block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 0210. A man had his phone taken from his hand. Loss $9,000. #04042

July 14

Aggravated Assault. 1200 Block La Brea Avenue. @ 1609. A transient man was hit in the head with a can of hairspray after acting aggressively and asking for money. #04081

Residential Burglary. 1000 Block Genesee Avenue @ 0001-0120. The suspect broke an attic window and caused an audible alarm to activate. No loss. #04066

Vehicle Burglary. 7500 Block Hampton Avenue. @ 2100-090. An ice scraper was taken from the glove box. No sign of forced entry. Loss $10. #04099

Strong Arm Robbery. 1200 Block La Brea Avenue. A man was arrested after he removed a bottle of vodka from the shelf and attempted to leave the store without payment. When confronted by security, the suspect pulled his arm away and threatened to hurt anyone who tried to block his path. #04086

July 15

Residential Burglary. 1000 Block Crescent Heights Boulevard. 1700-0018. A man was arrested by deputies after being found inside the residence during the burglary investigation. #04125

Vehicle Burglary. 7900 Block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 1630-1650. The rear passenger’s side window was smashed and a backpack containing $7,000 in cash was taken from the front seat. Loss $8800. #04097

July 16

Residential Burglary. 1000 Block La Cienega Boulevard. @ 0036-0900. A screen was cut to gain access and $500 cash was taken from a wallet. #04111

July 17

Nothing significant to report.

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