What You Missed: WeHo’s Donald Trump Rally

Donald Trump rally signs on the southwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at San Vicente.
Donald Trump rally signs on the southwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at San Vicente.

The latest Donald Trump rally in the liberal and Democratic enclave that is West Hollywood attracted several dozen people, and as many signs, to the southern corners of Santa Monica Boulevard’s intersection with San Vicente.

The rally began at 5 p.m., the optimal time for getting the attention of commuters headed home from work. And as at  other rallies on that corner, the Trump supporters tonight attracted the occasional car horn of support from drivers passing by and, more often, angry shouts and obscene gestures.

The photos below show some of what you may have missed:

"Build that Wall!"
“Build that Wall!”
"Hillary for Prison 2016"
“Hillary for Prison 2016”
Trump ralliers on the southeast corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at San Vicente.
Trump ralliers on the southeast corner of Santa Monica Boulevard at San Vicente.
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Robert Muniz
8 years ago

Remarkable… The freedom of speech is alive and well. Of course if Trump gets elected such pathetic displays will land you in jail. Enjoy your freedoms deluded few Trump supporters. Just remember though that when you decide Trump has forsaken you, if he’s President, you won’t be allowed to complain about it…

Cy Husain
8 years ago

WOW all 6 of them showed up and their desperation is showing to the point that they are stealing LEFT WING arguments to bolster the position of their losing right wing reactionary candidate! If their concern on any of these issues has any legitimacy, where were these people when Bernie Sanders was running on these issues? Just exactly where does their candidate stand on LGBT Rights issues? According to the Human Rights Campaign going back to January of 2016 to now the GOP Frontrunner they are supporting Vows to Undo Nationwide Marriage Equality! There are also well substantiated Allegations of… Read more »

8 years ago

Love it! Vote Trump. Enough with Govt corruption…and #MSM collusion with Hillary to hide her crimes. She takes money from people who abuse/kill women and gays. Wake up people!

Your senators also too 400 million in bribes to hide what’s in the food supply. #Monsanto/#Bayer

#wikileaks #cdcwhistleblower #sb277 #vaxxed (the movie) #BigPharma #gmo