CDC Releases Entertaining Music Video about HIV


The federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has produced an entertaining music video to educate gay men about HIV. The video, apparently an unprecedented move by the CDC, is called “Exit Disclaimer.” It features the song “Collect My Love” by The Knocks performed by Alex Newell in a crowded dance club.

Newell is famous for his roles in the TV series “Glee,” where is known for playing transgender student Wade “Unique” Adams on season three.

The video also briefly shows the development of relationships among gay men who have met at the club.

“The CDC is known to be exceedingly careful about the messages they deliver, and that makes the video’s content all the more important: it incorporates PrEP and the fact people with HIV can become undetectable, two issues being heavily discussed among the gay community right this minute,” wrote Mark S. King, an HIV positive activist and author of the My Fabulous Disease website.

“Sure, the world conjured in the CDC video ‘Exit Disclaimer’ does not reflect all interactions among gay men. But I wholeheartedly support this alternative, aspirational world, where gay men live joyfully and play responsibly. That’s the world I want to live in, and it models great behavior.”

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