WeHo Sheriff’s Station Offers Training on Gun Attacks


sheriff stationThe City of West Hollywood will host an event to train business owners on how to deal with firearm attacks.

The training session will be help from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the House of Blues building, located at 8430 Sunset Blvd. at Olive. The training will be conducted by staff from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station.

It is open to the public and is aimed at providing readiness skills to people who work in local businesses and nighttime establishments. To reserve a spot for the training, contact Kristin Cook, the city’s public safety director, at (323) 848-6492, or kcook@weho.org.

Instructors from the Sheriff’s Station will discuss recent gun attacks incidents and lessons learned from them, as well as best practices in how to deal with an incident, and basic gunshot first aid. Those attending also will learn how to evaluate workplaces for quick and effective evacuation. The training will feature a live action drill.

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