EDITOR’S NOTE: The organizers of the anti-Trump demonstration at the Matthew Shepard Memorial have moved the start time from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. today, Feb. 2.
Residents of West Hollywood who are unhappy with Donald Trump’s first two weeks in office will have an opportunity on
Thursday to express their dismay.
Robert Gamboa and Duke Mason, members of the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board, are organizing a demonstration at 6 p.m. at the Matthew Shepard Memorial on the northwest side of the intersection of Crescent Heights Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard.
Gamboa said all five West Hollywood City Council members have expressed interest in the event and he is discussing collaboration with the L.A. LGBT Center.
Major demonstrations against Trump have occurred already in Los Angeles and across the world. The Woman’s March on Jan. 21 in downtown Los Angeles attracted hundreds of thousands of participants including WeHo Mayor Lauren Meister and Councilmember Lindsey Horvath.
On Saturday and Sunday, thousands gathered at Los Angeles International Airport to protest an order by Trump to suspend the arrivals of refugees and that banned entry to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. Those countries are Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order indefinitely blocks Syrian refugees, who are fleeing a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Members of the LGBT community, which makes up roughly 40% of West Hollywood’s population, are concerned about rumors that Trump may act to rollback their rights. His vice president, Mike Pence, as governor of Indiana signed a controversial law that permitted businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers based on their religious beliefs. As a member of congress he has opposed same-sex marriage, laws intended to protect LGBT people from employment discrimination and allowing gay people to serve openly in the military.
Trump however, stated today that he would keep in place policies that protect LGBT people working for federal contractors against job discrimination. In a 2015 interview he also said the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing same-sex marriage should be allowed to stand.
I passed the CBEST long ago, Cy.
Let me help you out a little here: In your first sentence you should have correctly said, “….you could HAVE learned so much”, and in the second sentence you should have said, “I’ve been charging by the hour for WHAT you have been getting …”.
The point is, Cy, you and I have been through this before and I’ve learned to not bother with you. Not only are you wrong, you’re very condescending to anyone who presents a different point of view. There is no reason to be that way.
Such a shame blueeyedboy, you could of learned so much! Shortly after passing the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test), I’ve been charging by the hour for you have been getting for free. 🙂
You’re right, Cy, I didn’t read one word of your post.
Give it a rest! We’re not stupid.
I submitted a posting that refuted EVERYONE of the misinformation points brought up by the Trump supporters, with hyperlink references but, I’m guessing they think another one of my comments was far too lengthy for posting. One point on a serious bit of completely fabricated misinformation posted (alternative facts for Trump Supporters) about Al-Qaeda terrorists living as refugees in Kentucky and a major terrorist attack. It’s a complete lie! As in a statement that the stating party has full knowledge to be false and is made with the intention to deceive. Kellyanne Conway made up a fake terrorist attack to… Read more »
Wow, Leslie Karliss, do you ever have me wrong! No, I’m not going to get into a back and forth with you because you strike me as someone who sees sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and all the other -isms and -phobias “in the rising of the sun”, so my time would amount to nothing. In your little world you won’t allow the consideration of any other information to come through that rattles your confirmation bias. So come to whatever conclusion you want about that.
@Mike: How about the administration doing their homework? The GOP which has fostered our fearless leader is not interested in homework of any nature. Their theory is perhaps: “You can’t hit a moving target”, which Trump has personified his entire life skipping from one issue to another, glossing over and confounding anyone to assess even his misdeeds, taxes or multiple business misadventures. His supporters are simply following the same theory…”He got away with it, chances are we can too and never be accountable.”. Jeff Sessions is the current Roy Cohen and the remaining cabinet “world class facilitators”. There are no… Read more »
@David Reid: Well said! @blueeyedboy: Your ignorance is astounding. It’s so easy to hide behind a handle. 1) I’m curious to know why you believe the women’s march was an embarrassment. 2) None of those responsible for acts of terrorism on US soil came from the banned countries. In fact, they came from countries not included in the ban but where Trump has business interests. 3) What makes you think Trump is going to keep in place LGBT rights when his VP and Supreme Court picks, not to mention his advisors and cabinet, would deny those rights given the first… Read more »
It isn’t just immigration. There are attacks on women’s rights, the rule of law, and a pending possible order on religious freedom that will legalize discrimination against ALL LGBT people, abortion clinics, and ultimately to put religious rights above your civil rights.
It’s important. Be there.
1. The Women’s March is only an embarrassment to Trump and his misogynyous supporters given the FACT (as opposed to Trump’s “alternative” facts) that the Numbers of the Women’s March far EXCEEDED the Numbers of Trump’s inauguration! Here in Los Angeles the Women protesting Trump exceeded 750,000! 2. I take no comfort in an unconstitutional ban by an illegitimate President that “it’s ONLY going to last 90 days” when he is actively working to make it permanent. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani interviewed on Fox News on January 28, explained how the administration’s immigration policy morphed from one that… Read more »
And the man who said his mother died due to Trump’s travel ban was also found to be lying. She had actually died five days before the ban.
Then there’s the girl in NY who said some guys assaulted her and took off her hajib (MS?), and used slurs against her, was lying.
Oh, yeah, and remember “clock boy”?
Before accepting racist hate campaigns by the alt-right check out their stories. Report: Inflammatory German migrant rape story “made up” It turns out their claims against Muslims turn out to be HOAXES!
The islomaphobic racist right-wing trolls are out in force posting their long debunked nonsense! Notice the lack of ANY credible references on their part? Join the West Hollywood Muslims at the protest! http://www.mpvusa.org/