The Hollywood Reporter Takes Renee Goldberg (aka Angelyne) to a New Level

Angelyne on her Corvette (Instagram)

Kim Kardashian? Lisa Vanderpump? Bryan Hawn? What about Renee Goldberg?

Renee Goldberg, aka Angelyne, is the woman who originated the concept of becoming famous by promoting oneself as famous. Now her fame is headed to a new level (higher than those 1980s Sunset Strip billboards) with the announcement that the Hollywood Reporter is collaborating with Emmy Rossum, star of “Shameless,” and Sam Esmail, creator of “Mr. Robot,” on a cable/online series about Angelyne’s life.

According to the Reporter, the series will be based on a book written by THR writer Gary Baum, the man who dived into Angelyne’s past and discovered that Ms. Goldberg was the daughter of Polish Holocaust survivors. She grew up in L.A.’s Fairfax District and Panorama City.

Angelyne’s fame blossomed after billboards popped up on Sunset Boulevard and elsewhere in the early 1980s promoting — Angelyne! Angelyne has said in previous interviews that the billboards were paid for by Hugo Maisnik, the inventor of Hugo’s Amazing Tape, an adhesive-free tape, who paid for the “Angelyne Rocks” billboard erected on Sunset in February 1984.

The result: Dozens of requests for magazine interviews and television show appearances and offers for film roles.

In West Hollywood, Angelyne likely is better known than any one of the City Council members. Most West Hollywood residents know the 67-year-old pink-clad vixen for her pink Corvette and her habit of parking that car outside Pavilions to hawk pink t-shirts or sell autographs. But her history is much more complex. Consider, for example, that she ran for governor of California in 2003, making her case by stating “We’ve had Gray, we’ve had Brown, now it’s time for some blond and pink.”


Rossum describes Angelyne’s life as “a poignant and bizarre tale about the hunger for fame, the sexualization of women and the erasing of past traumas.”

The Hollywood Reporter says the series is being shopped to cable and streaming outlets.


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7 years ago

I love her. she always talks to me when I see her. I’m so glad there are people who not afraid to stand out in a crowd. She said she might even do something with the West Hollywood Cheerleaders Eastside in the Parade 2018.

7 years ago

I would like to think that personalities like Angelyne, WeHo Jesus, that guy on the bike with the bikini, drag queens and a few others add more color to the community. So in that sense I think they make my world slightly less boring, and that I appreciate. That said, the Kardashians are just annoying, and thankfully I don’t see them in West Hollywood on any regular basis. 😉

7 years ago

She’s not a vixon but maybe a vixen. Still, what a waste of time.

7 years ago

Anthony and Donald really need to lighten up.

7 years ago

I love the fact that the star of a show called SHAMELESS is producing a series about a woman who has become famous for that very quality.

7 years ago

Another nobody who is still a nobody that contributes nothing, does nothing and is nothing. These people who, like Mr. Hawn, Kim, etc are just useless. Mild amusement for the bored but they contribute nothing to improve the community

Donald E Azars
Donald E Azars
7 years ago

I’m so very tired of these publicity seeking people who have no talent, do not contribute to any needy causes, don’t take any public stands on any subject and just “are” be it because of their sex tape, size of booty or bust, what music star they marry or how many paid appearances they make at openings or other events. Be they Angelyne, Paris Hilton or any of the Kardashians, it’s a waste of money, media and time. DO SOMETHING worthy of attention and acknowledgement, be it good, bad or whatever. Just existing does NOT make anyone worthy public acclamation… Read more »