Tu B’Shvat Seder and Song at Hollywood Temple Beth El


Celebrate the rebirth of floral life after the winter doldrums at Tu B’Shvat, the “New Year of the Trees” at Hollywood Temple Beth El.

“The mystics of Safed saw in it a metaphor for the liberation of the Jewish people from the winter of exile and marked it by a Seder, modeled after the Peach Seder,” says the temple in an announcement of the event. It will take place at noon on Feb. 20, following services at 9:45 a.m.

“Join us for a musical celebration and Seder as Rabbi Norbert Weinberg and Cantorial soloist Bryce Emily Megdal lift us through the four levels of existence through four levels of fruits and nuts.”

Those attending are asked to “bring one generous bag of dried fruits or nuts to share, or bottles of white and red grape juice. (Any unopened bags and bottles will be given to the SOVA food pantry).” Those arriving as early as 8:15 for the morning services will be welcomed with bagels and coffee.

Temple Beth El is located at 1317 N. Crescent Heights Blvd.

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