The 2018 LA Pride Parade in West Hollywood returned to its customary format of celebrating the LGBTQ community Sunday after a one-year switch to what was dubbed a “Resist March” to the Trump Administration.
A crowd estimated at about 150,000 was on hand for the 11 a.m. parade and ensuing events.
The parade route started at Crescent Heights Boulevard and will continue west along Santa Monica Boulevard to Doheny.
An assortment of floats conveyed the theme of the festival #Justbe, according to Shayne Thomas, marketing and communications lead and a board member of Christopher Street West, the nonprofit organization that produces the festival and parade.
“#Justbe is a deeply personal invitation for self-expression that, we hope, will empower members of the LGBTQ+ community — as well as our very important straight allies — to embrace, embody and express what pride truly means to them in the rawest, most authentic ways possible,” Thomas said.
Parade entries featured a multi-color “Lifesaver” bus from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation intended to promote condom use to prevent HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and to curb other sexually transmitted diseases. Also participating in the parade were U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and newly appointed LA Police Chief Michel Moore and L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell. There was a float carrying members of the West Hollywood City Council and city advisory boards and commissions.
The parade was dominated largely by floats from corporate sponsors such as Wells Fargo, Walt Disney and Nordstrom but also included participants from local non-profits.
The grand marshal was Michaela Ivri Mendelsohn, a transgender activist and CEO of Pollo West Group, one of the largest franchises for the El Pollo Loco restaurant chain.
The parade had its traditional moment of silence at noon “to remember those who are no longer with us, or cannot be here today, to celebrate those who fought for pride and the freedoms we now enjoy and to think of those who cannot celebrate pride and remain oppressed,” organizers said in a joint statement.
The parade was first held in 1970 in Hollywood, where it stayed until 1979, when it moved to West Hollywood.
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This year’s success in turning out a crowd is something of which we should be proud. Sure, they vastly underestimated the number of people who would show up, but just look at the unprecedentedy small crowds 2016/2017. Given the numbers from those 2 years, the fact that CSW dramitacally underestimated this year’s turnout is very understandable. The aforementioned small crowds in 2016 & 2015 were primarily the result of major & unforeseen events. The shootings in Orlando occurred DURING pride weekend. This resulted in many possible attendees being too frightened to even show up. Recall that there were two individuals… Read more »
So the world didn’t end for us under Trump after all!! Learn anything people? Stop listening to CNN and start thinking for yourselves. Trump is for everyone. The MSM is conning you. Watch Fox and see the truth. Always question what you hear and look for confirmation.