Jack Cline Joins His ‘BFF’ in Running for a WeHo City Council Seat

Jack Cline (right) with Eric Jon Schmidt (Facebook)

Jack Cline, a nurse who lives with Eric Jon Schmidt, has announced that he will join his “BFF” Schmidt in running for a seat on the West Hollywood City Council.

Cline announced his plans to run in the March 5, 2019, election in an email message sent today by Schmidt to members of the City Council and City Manager Paul Arevalo.

Cline describes himself as a “medical-surgical registered nurse and “nurse practitioner” who is on the California Nurses Association team a representative of the nurses’ union at St. John’s Hospital in Los Angeles.

Cline also notes that he is a drag queen named “Jackie (OMG)” and has volunteered to help homeless people. Like Schmidt, Cline says he will not accept financial contributions to his election campaign.

Cline now must submit a nomination form containing at least 20 and no more than 30 signatures of West Hollywood registered voters to the City Clerk. He already has submitted a registration form to the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission.

In the announcement, Cline says that the issues that matter most to him include:

–The health, wellbeing, quality of life and low-cost housing for seniors and low-income residents.


–Making housing affordable.

–The over-development of West Hollywood

–Working on building a Sheriff Sub-Station on the Eastside.

–Reviewing the city budget to “eliminate wasteful spending.”

–Making the city’s response to homelessness “more effective and compassionate.”

Schmidt has been campaigning on similar issues. His campaign has garnered worldwide attention after WEHOville revealed that he was promoting on his Facebook page a website called DudesNude.com Schmidt’s DudesNude profile is Need2BNude. It can be accessed directly by clicking here. In addition to 23 photographs, some showing him nude and engaged in sexual activities with other men, Schmidt has posted six videos of him having sex.

Cline will be the  fourth challenger in a race to fill three Council seats currently occupied by John D’Amico, Lindsey Horvath and Lauren Meister.  D’Amico and Meister have announced they are seeking re-election. Horvath has yet to announce.

In addition to Eric Schmidt, other challengers who have filed the required paperwork are Timothy Williams and Duke Mason. Williams  will be the first African-American City Council candidate since the incorporation of West Hollywood in 1984. Mason was an unsuccessful candidate in the 2015 election and currently serves on the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board. Tom deMille, who has run unsuccessfully several times in the past, has said he will be a candidate but has not requested or filed the necessary paperwork.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story identified Cline and Schmidt as boyfriends. Cline asked that it be corrected to identify them as “BFF”s (best friends.) The story had been updated with that correction.

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6 years ago

No offense to Mr. Cline, but shouldn’t the city require more than 20 signatures to run for City Council? Most people could probably get 20 signatures at happy hour.

6 years ago


Emilija Torbešic
6 years ago

Health Care, LGBT Rights, Women’s Rights, Affordable Housing and, Civil Rights are serious issues that these two guys are very good on! Can they PLEASE stick to these to these issues and avoid needless drama and, West Hollywood infighting? Our rights are under siege by the Trump Administration and, we need serious activists to stand by us!

Thank you! 🙂

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