Mayor Duran Says He Was on List Compiled by Florida’s Alleged Pipe Bomber


West Hollywood Mayor John Duran says his name was on a list compiled by Cesar Sayoc, the Florida resident who was arrested on Oct. 26 for allegedly mailing pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and media figures including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)

Cesar Sayoc (Broward County Sheriff’s Office)

“I spoke to the FBI today,” Duran wrote on his Facebook page. “Apparently, the alleged pipe bomber in Florida Cesar Sayoc had me on his list. The FBI discovered my name in a list of persons that he was gathering information on ….

“I don’t know what this means. He is in custody. And probably will be for a long time. But sometimes these guys run in packs and share information. So I will be cautious.

“I am not afraid. Not my first brush with the far right wing in America. Had the White Aryan Resistance put a swastika on my office door once. Had a file called ‘hate mail’ overflow for a while. And my back porch set on fire once a long time ago.”

“Interesting times that Donald Trump has brought upon us with hate crimes up 17% in the past year against Jews, immigrants, blacks. LGBT and Muslims especially……

“I think you’re immoral and vulgar Donald Trump. I don’t fear you. But I do fear what you inspire in unhinged people around my country……”


The New York Times has reported that Sayoc, who currently is in custody, had compiled a list of more than 100 political and media figures as potential targets for his bomb mailings. The FBI has not released the names of the people on that list but has begun informing them.

Sayoc has been charged with crimes that could lead to at least 50 years in prison. To date there is no evidence that his threats were made as part of a conspiracy with others.

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6 years ago

John Duran’s past publicity pranks have cost him his credibility. He’s been the boy who cried wolf too many times. I agree with Woody McBreairty. Unless this latest ploy is proven to be true, I’ll count it as another embarrassing attention grab by a council man who has already been embarrassment to the city too many times. Put up or shut up councilman

will alton
will alton
6 years ago

Does anybody think Cesar Sayoc knows who John Duran is? No way this true.
In the past John you cost the city of West Hollywood over $200,000.00 with your bad judgement.
You said a porn star is the Rosa Parks of today which was disrespectful of Rosa Parks.

Please go away.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
6 years ago

P.S. Retired Lt. General & former Director of National Security James Clapper, Multi billionaire & highly visible anti Donald Trump crusader Tom Steyer, spending many millions to defeat Trump in 2020, were also on the list

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
6 years ago

The packages were sent to former president Obama, former president Clinton & former first lady, senator & Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former VP Joe Biden, former senator & Secretary of State John Kerry, former CIA Director John Brennan, former attorney general Eric Holder, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, International philanthropist & multi billionaire George Soros, international celebrity & legendary super star actor Robert De Niro. I too am surprised this “story” was published. I think it’s dangerous to humor Duran’s personal delusions at this time since they seem to be more & more off the deep end & I think more… Read more »

6 years ago

I think its “dangerous” to label an actual threat, as brought to him by the FBI, as a “delusion,” or some type of political stunt. It was an actual threat. It doesn’t matter if he’s not as high up on the list of famous politicians as you need him to be. Once again, as I asked below, Woody, when was the last time you were threatened by a domestic terrorist? How would you respond? And how would you feel if you were labeled “sad and pathetic,” as a result of that? Can you not just let your derision for Duran… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Do you think it will be in Duran’s Council Member Comments tonight? The public would be better served by authentic FBI verification from the FBI. Will he possibly be defending Michael Avenatti in his alleged criminal charges and/or representing Stormy Daniels if she defects?

So many questions so little credibility.

6 years ago
Reply to  Credibility

So you really think that Duran made this up for attention, and you need proof?

6 years ago
Reply to  Credibility

Mr Avenatti said he was not charged with a crime.

7th Grade
7th Grade
6 years ago

In reality, nothing has ever changes since 7th grade.
Another reality, folks generally make targets of themselves.

6 years ago

Woody and “Oh puhleeze,” lets see how you would respond to know that a domestic terrorist had you on his hit list. No matter what you think of (or maybe even despise) Duran, please … think about how you’d feel if that happened to you. I take no issue with him publicizing it. I’m sure that if this really happened to you, you wouldn’t respond so well to people commenting with “sad, pathetic.” And just because he’s not as “prominent” a Democrat doesn’t mean he shouldn’t make this public. Personally, I’d be freaked out if I was on this hit… Read more »

Oh puhleeze
Oh puhleeze
6 years ago

Sorry Miss Duran, but the targets were “prominent” Democrats. Your publicist must be working overtime to get this attention to which you are so addicted. I can’t believe that wehoville would publish a story based on Duran’s contemptible need for attention based on unverified hearsay disseminated by the subject himself.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
6 years ago
Reply to  Oh puhleeze

HAHAHAHAHA..,,,thank you!!! Now I don’t have to write my response.

Your true colors are showing.
Your true colors are showing.
6 years ago
Reply to  Oh puhleeze

Haters gonna hate. You guys and your insults and jokes are getting really tired. I would suggest maybe getting out of the house to do something worthwhile, instead of spreading bullish!t and vitriol on the internet. Trolls are a waste of everyone’s time. Bye Felicia.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
6 years ago

This “tale” has a very curious ring to it. I can’t wait for Duran’s national “press conferences”! Should West Hollywood provide him with a 24/7 security detail? Is this another one of Duran’s ego/personal publicity stunts? Where’s the beef? Sad. Pathetic.

Your true colors are showing
Your true colors are showing
6 years ago

Woody. Your comment is hateful and ridiculous. The FBI contacted him not the other way around.
Stop it with the anti Duran crap already for something that is this serious. WEHO has always been a target of the extreme right and this should be taken very seriously.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
6 years ago

I’ll believe he’s on The List if and when it’s ever published, and not before. How many others allegedly on The List have spoken openly about it?

Your true colors are showing
Your true colors are showing
6 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Of course you feel that way Tom. I’ve read your other comments. 🙄

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
6 years ago

Well good for you! John is that you???

Your true colors are showing
Your true colors are showing
6 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Whatever Mary👏