Here’s How to Keep Getting the News You Need and Want in West Hollywood


We’re all anticipating Thanksgiving, and then there’s Christmas and Hanukkah, and soon we’ll be tumbling into a new year. But before that new year arrives, I hope you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to help WEHOville keep reporting the news that you want and need. Your gift will help WEHOville keep on giving. Our recent affiliation with the Institute for Nonprofit News means you can make a tax-deductible donation online by clicking here. Or you can send a check made out to INN/WEHOville to me at 1138 Hacienda Place, No. 211, West Hollywood 90069.

Your donation not only will help WEHOville keep reporting the news you want and need, it also will put us on the road to expanding our coverage of West Hollywood and nearby communities that have an impact on us.  We will be applying for grants for foundations that support news organizations like WEHOville. And every year WEHOville will publish a report that shows where the money from advertising sales and from donations by you and foundations has been spent.

Here’s what we hope that financial support will let us do:

•       Additional Reporting Staff: WEHOville wants to hire at least two full-time reporters as well as additional freelance writers. Currently I am the only full-time employee, however, I am privileged to have a small team of accomplished freelancers.

•       Expanded Coverage Area: With additional staff, WEHOville’s goal is to expand our reach into “Greater WeHo” – the Fairfax District, Beverly Grove, Hollywood North, and east of La Brea. The rapid changes in those communities continue to have an impact on our city. 

•       Coming Projects. WEHOville wants to move forward with projects like a look into who really owns West Hollywood (the land and buildings), a more frequent analysis of data that shows how West Hollywood compares with other cities (in areas like crime, housing costs, compensation of city officials), and an examination of how West Hollywood has evolved since its founding 30 years ago.

Your support is especially important given that the next City Council election is only 12 months away. I want to continue to dig deeply into the list of donors to Council candidates and let you know where the dollars are really coming from and where they are going.  And WEHOville must continue the Citizens Agenda, a project that lets you, the residents of West Hollywood, raise the issues that City Council candidates should address


WEHOville will continue to report the news without fear or favor. It’s clear that that is what our readers want — nearly 100,000 people read our reporting every month, the majority of whom are located in West Hollywood or Los Angeles.

So please accept my thanks for your support (which, if it totals at least $75, also will include a free annual subscription to our daily email update on local news).

If you have questions (or suggestions for reporting projects WEHOville should consider), please reach out by emailing me at [email protected] or calling me at (323) 454-7707.

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Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
5 years ago

Very good article. I encourage everyone to support local news. Hank works very hard to bring us the news we would otherwise not get.