West Hollywood Suspends Parking Regulations


In response to the coronavirus outbreak, which has resulted in many people working from home or being without work, West Hollywood has suspended the following parking regulations until March 31:

  • Permit parking on all residential streets
  • Street sweeping enforcement 
  • All rush hour parking enforcement (including on Holloway Drive, La Brea Avenue, Fountain Avenue and Robertson Boulevard south of Beverly)
  • Ticketing cars blocking driveways, which only will be done if someone calls Parking Enforcement to make a complaint at (323) 650-6757.
  • Ticketing vehicles in loading zones (commercial and passenger) which only will be done if someone calls Parking Enforcement to make a complaint at (323) 650-6757

All citations issued that are not currently delinquent will be extended an additional 30 days from their issue date. The city asks that residents contact the Parking Violations Bureau at (800) 687-2458 with all citation-related questions. Metered parking is continuing in West Hollywood to ensure that businesses that are permitted to remain open during this public health crisis can rely on curb-space turnover. Updates on parking regulations and enforcement can be found online..

The city also will temporarily end its free shuttle services, The Pickup (Santa Monica Boulevard) and The Sunset Trip (Sunset Boulevard, Doheny Drive, and Fairfax Avenue) until further notice. The city’s free Cityline local and Cityline Commuter service will remain operation. Schedules and route maps can be found online.  Dial-A-Ride, the free shared-ride transportation service for residents 62 and older and people with disabilities of all ages, will continue regular service. Trips are scheduled by appointment and advance registration is required. More information is available online.

At city facilities, the schedule of sanitization and cleaning has been increased and additional hand-sanitizer stations and individual hand sanitizer bottles at service counters have been made available; disinfecting wipes are available on an as-needed basis. The city has also begun use of a disinfectant solution at all transit shelters and kiosks and in heavily trafficked locations in public rights of way.

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