City Will Enforce Social Distancing at Dog Parks and Construction Sites

west Hollywood park, off leash dogs

Your dog can greet that other dog with a lick and a kiss at any of the City of West Hollywood’s dog parks. But you, and the guardian of the other dog, must be using leashes long enough to ensure that you’re six feet apart.

The City of West Hollywood has announced that it is extending its enforcement of measures meant to reduce infection with the COVID-19 virus to public parks and dog parks and also to construction sites.

“Social distancing is expected in these areas and they will be monitored,” says an announcement from City Hall. “The city is working diligently to maintain these open spaces for residents, but will be forced to shut these areas down if public health orders for social distancing cannot be maintained by park users. Additionally, the city encourages all dog companions to walk with their dogs in neighborhoods at a safe distance from others.”

Advisory – COVID19The City of West Hollywood is making every effort to respond to community needs during the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency and is working to enforce Governor Newsom’s Stay at Home directive and LA County Department of Public Health Safer at Home orders.

The City is issuing additional social distancing enforcement measures to respond to community concerns about construction crews and park/dog park users. While essential construction is permitted under Safer at Home orders and socially distanced park recreation has been permitted, it is vitally important that all community members adhere to public health orders to stay at home whenever possible and to use social distancing when in public for essential reasons.

In response to concerns expressed by people living near construction projects, which haven’t been shut down because of the pandemic, the city will be stepping up its enforcement of public health requirements.


“You’re welcome to bring your dog to our dog parks as long as you observe our social distancing rules every time,” said West Hollywood Mayor John D’Amico. “County and State public health orders have been put into place to flatten the curve of coronavirus transmission and it’s essential that all of us – not just some of us – adhere to orders for social distancing. And we expect all construction workers and sites to be proactive in ensuring safe workplaces. Our City staff will not hesitate to shut down activities where there’s evidence of unsafe distancing. There is zero tolerance for groups gathering at an unsafe distance – we must do what we can to prevent new life-threatening cases of COVID-19.”

The city’s Building and Safety and Code Compliance divisions recommend the following measures for construction activities:

  • Install hand-washing facilities or hand sanitizer at entrances to construction projects;
  • Sanitize shared tools and equipment;
  • Post signs to tell workers about social distancing and sanitation requirements, and that those who are sick or exhibit symptoms of being ill or those in recent close contact with someone exposed to COVID-19 cannot enter the site; and
  • Notify workers that they should not gather in groups of more than three during breaks and must maintain a six-foot social distance during such breaks.
  • In addition, if construction is taking place within an occupied residential building, steps must be taken to minimize contact with areas within the building (excluding the actual construction area) and to clean and sanitize those areas daily.

The city’s Building and Safety and Code Compliance staff is authorized to issue a stop-work order at any construction site operating in violation of these measures. Residents can report concerns related to construction by calling the city’s Code Compliance Division at (323) 848-6516.

The City of West Hollywood is extending enforcement measures to public parks/dog parks. Social distancing is expected in these areas and they will be monitored. The City is working diligently to maintain these open spaces for residents, but will be forced to shut these areas down if public health orders for social distancing cannot be maintained by park users. Additionally, the City encourages all dog companions to walk with their dogs in neighborhoods at a safe distance from others.

The City of West Hollywood continues to follow the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Safer at Home orders and Governor Newsom’s Stay and Home directive. West Hollywood City Hall is currently closed to the public and has suspended all in-person transactions. All public city buildings, playgrounds, and facilities are closed. City Hall will remain accessible for business and essential services with transactions to be conducted by phone (323) 848-6400 and via the city’s website at

The City of West Hollywood coronavirus updates are available online  at .

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Robert Haaga
Robert Haaga
4 years ago

What would make sense is to repair roads and streets during this crisis with stringent COVID safety measures in place by the City while the work is being done. This is the one time that these streets will be empty and could save the city millions by being able to complete these long awaited projects in weeks not months. How about repair of La Cienega or Robertson to start.

4 years ago

Are any of the million dollars homes and real estate development projects that are currently being built around WEHO essential? They are to Faring Capital and everyone better catch up, because that’s all that matters to this City Council.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
4 years ago

Do you really think construction workers will do this? The site at 9016 Santa Monica should be closed down as a non essential business.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

Might want to start with traffic enforcement……of which there is presently zero in WH.

4 years ago

As an employee of an essential provider (my company supplies healthcare, governmental and financial institutions), I still have to work from home as do the majority of employees we employ. I’d like to know what is so essential about the construction site on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and Ramage Street in West Hollywood. What Is the essential purpose being provided in this Corvid-19 environment for a mixed-use complex just started construction 3weeks ago? And since the Safer at Home orders have been in place the construction company no longer adheres to the posted hours of 8am to 5pm.… Read more »

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

It’s also happening at the Beverley Blvd project. Makes zero sense.