Hail to Harry! The Prince and Meghan Markle Deliver Free Meals to the Needy in WeHo

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Dan Tyrell responded to a call to his apartment at the Sierra Bonita building in West Hollywood this morning and headed downstairs to unlock the gate. When he opened it to receive meals from Project Angel Food for himself and his neighbor, Becky Lincoln, he thought the volunteers doing the delivery looked a bit familiar.

“They were both nice and very down-to earth people,” Tyrell said.  “They had masks on, and they were dressed down with jeans, but very nice jeans.”

“I thought that tall red-headed guy looked pretty familiar, and that girl was very pretty. Then I saw the large black SUVs with the security guards behind them.”

It was Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. “If they had given me the heads up, I would have worn my tiara!” Tyrell joked.

John Daniel Harrington -Tyrell (aka Dan)

Harry and Meghan took to West Hollywood this morning to distribute meals for Project Angel Food, the non-profit charity. Project Angel Food cooks, prepares, and delivers meals to people living with critical illnesses including HIV/AIDs, cancer, kidney failure, diabetes and congestive heart disease. More than 62% of those clients are 60 and older and have compromised immune systems, which place them at greater risk, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PAF has kept delivering during the COVID-19 pandemic, although it has faced some challenges with increased demand for meals, cancellations by some volunteers, and the postponement of some fundraisers.  The City of West Hollywood has helped fund its effort, and the organization is accepting donations in any amount at www.angelfood.org/covid19.


Richard Ayoub, Project Angel Food’s executive director, said he was delighted at Harry and Meghan’s offer to help, which he hadn’t intended to make public.

“They wanted to help us relieve some of the drivers from their workload,” he said.  “So they made deliveries in West Hollywood today.  It’s really, really amazing. We loved having them and they are the most down-to-earth people.”

Sierra Bonita Apartments is a low-income mixed-use housing complex, it is a project of the West Hollywood Community Housing Corporation.  

In January of this year, Harry and Meghan announced their intention to step back as senior members of the British royal family and split their time between the United Kingdom and North America. They recently have been spending a lot of time in and around Los Angeles, apparently trying to decide what next to do with their lives. What they did today, Tyrell said, made him and Becky Lincoln, who is dealing with Type 1 diabetes,  especially happy.   “Good things do happen in times of crisis!”

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[…] of the drivers from their workload,” Project Angel Food Executive Director Richard Ayoub told WeHoVille. “We loved having them and they are the most down-to-earth […]

Angela Herron
4 years ago

That is absolutely selfless of both of them. Its really amazing to see royalty delivering groceries to people with compromised immune systems or anybody for that matter. Thank you Duke Harry and Duchess Meghan of Sussex.

4 years ago

Huh? Why not do charity in the UK WHERE HE WAS BORN??? Came all the way here to continue doing the same thing they were doing over there? And why West Hollywood??? I didn’t know there were poor people in WeHo. Why not deliver food to really poor neighborhoods?

Jason K.
Jason K.
4 years ago

I love Harry and Meghan. Happy they are living in LA now!!

4 years ago

Keeping Up with the Markles.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
4 years ago

Wonder how much TMZ paid for the security camera videos and more curious, WHO at the Sierra Bonita Apartments authorized the release of the video?

4 years ago

I thought exactly the same thing, the minute I first came across that private property security camera video, of which TMZ would have needed permission from the owner to air. In other words, the property/equipment owner would have had to at the least signed off on its publication and apparently didn’t consider how damaging such a release could be for them, if public opinion backfires.

Ted Zaluski
Ted Zaluski
4 years ago

The Sierra Bonita Apartments link in your story points to another apartment complex down the street in Los Angeles, and not to WHCHC’s Sierra Bonita complex in West Hollywood.

Staff Report
4 years ago
Reply to  Ted Zaluski

Thanks for the alert. The link has been corrected.

Ted Zaluski
Ted Zaluski
4 years ago
Reply to  Staff Report

You’re welcome Hank. Keep up the good work. I still read WeHoVille out here in Palm Springs, since retiring from WHCHC in 2018. I worked there for 30 years, it was my professional home for a long time.

4 years ago

Meghan used this for publicity, plain and simple

4 years ago
Reply to  Sammy

You should use it for P.R. too!

4 years ago

This is so wonderful. Action definitely speaks louder than words. The Duke & Duchess of Sussex are the true Royals. They are selfless people. They truly want to make the world a better place. It’s a shame that a lot of hateful people would find negativity in doing a good deed to help others.

4 years ago

Good P.R. Meghan knows how to work it.

4 years ago

Royal awesomeness. Project Angel Food is a godsend for so many. Thank you, Royals.

4 years ago

These are real Royals.