WeHo Plans Virtual Presentations to Educate Business Owners About COVID-19 Related Issues


The City of West Hollywood is planning three virtual presentations to educate local business owners about issues tied to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first of them – “Employer and Employee Resources” — will take place at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law on March 27  to help protect people from the public health and economic impacts of COVID-19 and provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers, families, and small businesses. The CARES Act has raised a lot of questions, oftentimes without clear answers. The coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to quickly shift protocols and tackle workplace culture with a new perspective.

Employers may have uncertainty about available options, and may want information about what steps to take. The webinar will include information about the CARES Act and how it may benefit employers and employees, including: overview of the Paycheck Protection Loan Program; safely bringing back the workforce; managing remote employees; cost-effective and creative ideas on how to leverage remote resources; improving the workplace culture utilizing technology; and, employee support programs. Register online at https://app.livestorm.co/city-of-west-hollywood/employer-and-employee-resources.

On Thursday at 3 p.m. the city and the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce will present “Accessing Mediation Services for Commercial Tenants and Landlords” to provide information on mediation services available to commercial tenants and landlords who are unable to agree upon the terms of rent repayment, rent owed during the state of emergency, and additional details that may need to be negotiated as a result of the city’s temporary moratorium on commercial evictions. This webinar will provide interested parties information on how to access mediation services, what to expect through the process, and how it benefits both the landlord and the tenant to willingly participate in the process. Register online at https://app.livestorm.co/city-of-west-hollywood/mediation-services-for-commercial.

On May 19 at 2 p.m. the city will present “How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats.” Many businesses have transitioned to working virtually as a result of COVID-19. In this presentation business owners will learn about the current threat landscape, where the threats are coming from, and how to prevent being a victim of such threats. It’s not all doom and gloom however; participants will also learn multiple techniques to protect themselves and customers’ information from harm. Register online at https://app.livestorm.co/city-of-west-hollywood/protect-your-business-from-cyber-threats.

Prior City of West Hollywood webinars topic include: “Combatting Loneliness, Isolation, Depression, and Anxieties during COVID-19,”; “Rethinking Your Business Model,” “ Information on the City’s Residential Eviction Moratorium,” “Information on the City’s Commercial Eviction Moratorium,” ; and  “Information on the City’s Job Assistance Programs.” These webinars are archived on the City’s coronavirus information page located at www.weho.org/coronavirus for future viewing.


The city’s COVID-19 free webinar series is for informational purposes only and webinars not intended to constitute legal or medical advice; rather, all information, content, and materials available in these webinars is for general informational purposes only.

The City of West Hollywood in March issued an emergency executive order aimed at assisting businesses and workers and has produced a toolkit for businesses affected by the coronavirus crisis. Information is available on the city’s website at www.weho.org/coronavirus where there are links to small business resources.

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