Gay Republicans March in West Hollywood to Call Out Their Support for Donald Trump


As many as 70 men and women participated in a march tonight organized by the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay Republicans, to proclaim their support for Donald Trump. The Log Cabin group billed the march as “Gays and Housewives Take Over WeHo.”

They rallied outside the Pacific Design Center on San Vicente Boulevard around 9:30 p. m. and at 10 p.m. began their march north to Santa Monica Boulevard, chanting “gays for Trump.” Unlike those who have participated in other recent protests against police violence, few of the Trump supporters tonight were wearing face coverings, although that is required by law in West Hollywood. They also walked along Santa Monica Boulevard, attracting some angry shouts from people dining al fresco outside Fiesta Cantina, and also walked down Robertson Boulevard past the Abbey.

The rally of Trump supporters was one of a rare few that have taken place in West Hollywood, a city where only 8% of registered voters are Republicans. The city is known for its official opposition to Trump, with City Council members John Duran and John D’Amico in 2018 having given the key to the city to Stormy Daniels, the porn performer whose allegations of an affair with Trump sparked a controversy. Mayor Lindsey Horvath once declared that Trump is not welcome in West Hollywood, and the City Council asked that the Trump star be removed from the walk of fame on Hollywood Boulevard.

Trump marchers posing with West Hollywood Sheriff’s deputies for a photo. (Photo by Chelsea Lauren from Twitter)

While tonight’s event was peaceful, there was negative reaction on social media to a photo of Sheriff’s deputies posing with one of the “Make America Great Again” protestors holding a Trump sign. The photo taken by photo journalist Chelsea Lauren was posted on social media and already has drawn criticism.

“This is just bad publicity. This will give ammunition to the ‘Defund the Police’ movement,” one person posted on a Twitter account that shared the photo. “They will use this image to demonstrate that local law enforcement isn’t apolitical but rather partisan and political. This is awful.” Another person said “this does not make me feel safe in #weho.”

Bystanders also noted that Sheriff’s deputies weren’t wearing riot gear during this protest as they had at recent Black Lives Matter protests.


The intersection of San Vicente and Santa Monica boulevards has been the scene of a number of demonstrations this year, including a march of tens of thousands of people protesting police violence against Black people, which culminated at that spot.

Gay Log Cabin Republicans and their friends rally in West Hollywood to support Donald Trump. (Photo by James Mills)

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Virginia Jacques
Virginia Jacques
4 years ago

You cannot be serious …Gays for Trump ?

Michael S.
Michael S.
4 years ago

When is the “Hens for KFC!” march planned, anyone know?

chloe ross
chloe ross
4 years ago

Ask not what Log Cabin Republicans can do for you- simply ask how they donated to the absolute worst president we have ever had?

4 years ago

There will be riots if Trump is re-elected. Everyone knows that. Hope Weho has a well formulated plan to keep the city safe.

4 years ago

I saw their “March,” if you can call 50 people a march. They mostly paraded around trying to infuriate people who where dining at the outdoor restaurants. The Sheriff’s department was there in force, like 15 cruisers to “monitor” their actions. It was hard to tell if the police were there to protect the few instigators or protect the public. Given our current Sherif, probably the former. All in all they were successful at blocking sidewalks and making fools of themselves. Beyond that, not much…

4 years ago

No need for riot gear…Trump supporters, unlike BLM supporters, do not burn down buildings or attack people. They actually support police officers.

chloe ross
chloe ross
4 years ago
Reply to  SuziQ

No need for riot gear>. I am surprised there were so many.

4 years ago

Dismantling Democracy is a well spent hour on PBS. Learn and weep, then grow some backbone in a few days.

4 years ago

What I read here from people who I believe to be fairly intelligent, mostly based on comments they have written on this site over the years, just baffles me. I can come to the conclusion that they are so emotionally vested in their gayness at a period of time that coincides with everyone identifying with some form of victimology that there is this hypersensitivity that trumps reason. I see being gay as no more than whom one prefers to have sex, and yes, there are some inconveniences that come along with that. I suggest showing more interest in all the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Can you elaborate on “preferential privileges”? The “hand we are dealt” is one that gives us less rights than other Americans, which to me does not seem like a fair game. Despite your well-written post, it still seems that you somehow believe that being gay is a choice and that if we exercise that choice we should accept the discrimination that comes with it. Do you understand how that might be interpreted as internalized homophobia on your part and lead others to write, “LGBT for Trump is like…”?

4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

As fun as it may be to use anecdotal evidence to try and prove your point, it doesn’t work. We can all say “I have a friend that said this or that” but that does not prove an argument.

Yes, I believe in equal rights for all, but it appears sometimes that gays are looking for preferential privileges.”

This is the SAME line we heard from conservatives about gay marriage and DADT over the past few decades.

What preferential privileges do gays want? The right to get married? The right not to be discriminated against?

4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

They already handed out the Nobel Peace Prize and Trump wasn’t even in the running. Please, don’t make up stuff then chastise people for not speaking intelligently…

4 years ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

Trump had three nominations for the recent advances in the middle east with Israel before the prize was given to someone else. You didn’t hear about it? Maybe your sources for news didn’t want you to know that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Its next year that Trump is nominated for. They announce a year ahead.

Ty Geltmaker
Ty Geltmaker
4 years ago

Dear Councillors: Please respond with a thorough investigation into the fact that at least one published photo (click below) shows West Hollywood Sheriff officers posing with a Trump supporter and banner at the Oct. 23 Friday evening Log Cabin Republican sponsored “Gays and Housewives for Trump” march. We would have the same demand if such had happened with law enforcement personnel posing with a Biden contingent. It is not the purpose or role of uniformed or undercover cops to participate in political demonstrations of whatever kind. They are there to ensure public safety, duly badged. If such practice is… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Ty Geltmaker

Well said. If this is indeed addressed to the City Council, there appears to be very little spine to address the issue. Duran will vouch unequivocally for the Sheriff Department who endorsed him in a long winded grandstanding and the remainder will remain mute or make innocuous remarks poking at the problem with long sticks.

We don’t want a police states or self serving individuals…we want Public Service.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ty Geltmaker

Lighten up! No, I don’t believe for one minute that you would have the same demand if it had been a Biden event. Officers pose for pictures all the time with the citizens they serve. They do it at the Halloween Carnival and at Pride. When my nine year old nephew got his picture with three officers he decided he wanted to be one when he grew up.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Were they endorsing a Presidential candidate in those photos?

Larry Block
Larry Block
4 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Spot on.

Rusty Writer
Rusty Writer
4 years ago

Being LGBT and supporting Trump is like being Jewish and voting for gas ovens.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rusty Writer

I don’t see any hate in that comment. Its an appropriate comparison.

Rusty Writer
Rusty Writer
4 years ago

LGBT for Trump is a bit like Jews for Hitler

4 years ago
Reply to  Rusty Writer

Exactly, right out of Trumps playbook. Trump is so desperate that he throws crumbs to entice anyone and everyone that will believe his scam will actually benefit them. Trump is nothing more than an insidious crude lure to counteract his vile sinking ship. Mike Bloomberg aptly said made the statement “I know a con when I see one”. Too many desperate, ego driven, uneducated folks don’t have ample eye sight and are easy to con because that is in many instances, their own lifestyle. The others are happy just being dumb and happy.

chloe ross
chloe ross
4 years ago
Reply to  Rusty Writer

I wish I could have put it better, but not a chance. This says it all.

4 years ago

Hank – you consistently filter comments you disagree with or that go against your views. You should allow all voices to weigh in.

Staff Report
4 years ago

WEHOville does not publish comments that contain ad hominem attacks on other commenters or that contain false information. All other points of view are welcome!

4 years ago
Reply to  Staff Report

False information? who is the person that decides that?

Staff Report
4 years ago
Reply to  Preston

I do. WEHOville is committed to publishing real facts, not “alternative facts.”