Former Employee of WeHo Pharmacy Alleges Management Mocked Her for Wearing Mask


A former employee of a West Hollywood pharmacy is suing the business, alleging she was forced to quit earlier this year after management failed to implement any coronavirus safety measures and mocked her for wearing a mask at work.

Angelica Dayrit also alleges in her Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit that Alex Sirota, owner of Curson Pharmacy, showed sexually explicit videos of gay male sex that offended her as a lesbian. Her lawsuit allegations include sexual orientation discrimination, sexual harassment, both intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress and wrongful constructive termination.

Curson Pharmacy is located at 7559 Santa Monica Blvd., at Curson Avenue.

Dayrit seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages in the suit filed Friday. The pharmacy was closed Sunday and no one there could be reached for comment.

Dayrit was hired at Curson Pharmacy in November 2015 as a pharmacy technician and paid $20 an hour, the suit states. After the outbreak of the coronavirus, she found herself working in a confined space in which six feet of social distancing was not viable at the Santa Monica Boulevard business, according to her suit.

She donned a mask every day, but management refused to order everyone to do so, the suit alleges

“Plaintiff was openly mocked and ridiculed for wearing a mask,” the suit states. “Plaintiff  complained  about no one wearing masks, but no action was taken.”


Dayrit later found out that Sirota’s father exhibited symptoms of COVID-19, the suit states. Although the elderly Sirota was tested, his son did not let the pharmacy employees know the results, according to the suit.

“Defendants put the employees’ lives in danger by refusing to enforce the mask mandate and refusing to disclose whether someone tested positive for COVID-19,” the suit states. “Plaintiff was faced with the ultimate devastating truth: keep working for defendants and possibly die of COVID-19, or quit.”

Dayrit also alleges she was subjected to consistent sexual harassment and discrimination when Sirota discussed his sexual interactions with other men and showed sexually explicit images of men engaging in sexual acts with other males.

He knew this conduct bothered Dayrit, a lesbian who had no interest in men, the suit states. Sirota also referred to females as “just girls” or “just women,” implying they were inferior to men, the suit states.

Dayrit suffered extreme emotional distress from her workplace experiences and resigned July 23, the suit states.

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James Francis
James Francis
4 years ago

If these allegations are true or verifiable and that she felt endangered and exposure and sexual harassment were indeed done, this pharmacy and the owners must be held accountable in the court and ordered to pay damages and the city should cite this business because this should not be tolerated both with COVID restrictions and following the city’s orders in order to operate an essential business, plus it’s a pharmacy—of all things they should be aware and know better because they are benefiting from cities and governments not to harass, intimidate, and verbally abuse employees.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
4 years ago

Alleges is a strange word, and a strangely easy verb. It too often finds an easy home in the low bar that is internet news. As the pharmacy was closed on Sunday, one wonders why this sensationalism was not afforded just one more day for the balance of the opportunity for comment by the defendant in this case of constructive discharge, a legal concept the article might well have explained to its readers.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
4 years ago

very strange people in WH.

WeHo Poster
WeHo Poster
4 years ago

The ruling class is negotiating right now to bar this kind of lawsuit