Residents Invited to Participate in Online Housing Element Workshop on Tuesday


The city of West Hollywood is holding an online workshop on Tuesday to get feedback from residents about its housing policies.

The workshop will be held on Zoom on Tuesday at 11 a.m. and is intended to get ideas about how the city can best address the housing needs of residents while updating its Housing Element.

The Housing Element is a state-mandated component of the city’s General Plan. It serves as a policy guide indicating the need for housing in the community, particularly in terms of availability and affordability. The state requires the Housing Element be updated every eight years.

Tuesday’s workshop will include a presentation by city staffers and consultants explaining why it’s necessary to update the Housing Element and what it will do. After that, it will open up to discussion from residents.

Community members who are interested in participating in the workshop can register and join on Zoom at

The process of updating the Housing Element will continue over much of 2021. The city will have online surveys and more meetings to get additional feedback from residents. For additional information about the Housing Element update, please visit

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