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Mark Reese
Mark Reese
3 years ago

How is this arrangement legal? Did the city attorneys review consider the consequences of not having a check on the Sheriff, detectives, deputies, etc? Did the state chime in on this considering that California has no state police? After enduring brutality in November and January, I have sought a review of these actions. No police and no state police combined with inaccessible municipal employees leaves me in a helpless situation. Even seeking counsel is impossible with admitted Stingray technology (see ACLU web site) and possible “blackballing”. There are many problems to fix in this deceptively corrupt little city. 1.) Start… Read more »

Jonathan Simmons
Jonathan Simmons
3 years ago

How about approaching BEVERLY HILLS POLICE. The most powerful police force in the country. B.H. has a vested interest in keeping crime low in neighboring WeHo AND already act on a moment’s notice if a growing threat might move towards BH, AND JOIN TO STOP IT IN WEHO, long before any real risk ever comes close to BH A West Hollywood division, under BH Creation, Management and a joint interests in stopping the same crimes, for different reasons, but same desire AND VAST RESOURCES ON HAND IF NEEDED. With same budget, could BH provide a West Hollywood Police Department, with… Read more »

3 years ago

Until we elect RuPaul as Mayor we are doomed. He knows how to get things done and would improve things quickly.

3 years ago

If we can’t even get the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department in order what makes you so sure that you can maintain a West Hollywood Police Department?

3 years ago

We must simply partner with the Beverly Hills police dept. who have a proven track record. There is no need to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel. This doesn’t have to be complicated!

3 years ago

Other local cities that have their own police departments spend approx. 3x what WeHo spends for its Sheriff’s contract. They still have a police force that can’t afford to live in the city where they work.

How would a 200 +/- member department handle training, HR, and major events? How would that compare with the manner in which those things currently function?

Also – how would a 200 +/- member department handle ‘patronage’ if (when) pushed by an elected Councilmember, or an unhappy Chamber of Commerce board member?

3 years ago

Oh boy, another disaster-in-the-making unfolding in the City of the Wee Hoes! LA should’ve pushed harder to annex the dump in the ’20s, but Moe Sherman wasn’t having it, fearing zoning control from the LA City Council. My grand auntie lived on Huntley Dr. back in those days, her husband being president of Home Ice Co. of Los Angeles, the ice house of which become the Arena Café part of Gene Lapietra’s Circus Disco complex. They wanted some order to the melee that was Sherman (later WeeHoe), and hoped that annexation would provide that. Moe Sherman wasn’t having it. Now… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DesertBob

What mess? We would be much worse off if we were part of LA City.

Terry L Bolo
Terry L Bolo
3 years ago

I think this needs to happen. WeHo is a small, but very dense, and divirse city. We need law enforcement dedicated to keeping the peace here. I had an incident where a homeless man tried to enter my apt, and i called the Sherriff, who are one mile away, and it took them 20 minutes to arrive! Of course the guy was gone by then. just last night a nude black man was walking down my friends street, and the stabbing at Park LaBrea is just devastating. We need patrols, there is too much craziness out there!

3 years ago
Reply to  Terry L Bolo

the “nude black man” walking down your friends (sic) street …
was it a crime that he was nude, or was it a crime that he was black?
not sure why you needed to mention the shade of his skin.

3 years ago
Reply to  WeHoMikey

Calm down Mikey! There was no racism in Terry’s comment. There’s no need to get your panties in a knot! We should all band together and love each other!

3 years ago
Reply to  Terry L Bolo

Park La Brea has nothing to do with Weho. Also, the homeless issue is just staggering right now. Often, the police can do nothing about them. So having police versus Sheriffs would make no difference. The laws in LA County protect the homeless.

3 years ago

I do remember that shortly after this narrow defeat, the Sheriff’s department became a lot more polite towards the residents or WeHo and the rainbow logos started appearing. Now it seems we are back to indifferent service and absurd response times. Time for another referendum. I will, at leapt, get their attention.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

why do we need rainbow logo’s????

Brian Casey
Brian Casey
3 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

To show that the police are not the enemies of the community.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

I agree. Weho is no longer the gay ghetto.

3 years ago
Reply to  kab1200

HAHAHAHA! What would you call it?

carleton cronin
carleton cronin
3 years ago

In addition to my earlier remarks: I have no confidence in the current sheriff who is in over his head and an app;logist for bad policing. Remember that “leaders” influence and views always filter down to the people who do the work. And that’s one reason police are no longer trusted and have become so distant and arrogant.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
3 years ago

Policing in all of LA is passive. The result is a filthy city with homeless everywhere and a declining quality of life.

It’s not the fault of law enforcement….but the politicians pandering to every “victim” group at the expense of the majority of tax payers. It’s the same situation in NYC, Chicago, Seattle etc. So I don’t trust WH to have it’s own police force……look at the insanity of our City Council.