Union rallies support for controversial hotel worker ordinance


Hours ahead of the anticipated vote on the proposed hotel worker protection policy, hundreds of WeHo hotel workers and allies will march to West Hollywood City Hall in favor of the historic policy.

The policy is aimed at ensuring workers in the hotel industry, many of whom have dedicated decades of service to the industry, have jobs to return to as the economy reopens. The policy will also contain a series of measures to address the constellation of industry-wide problems that existed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as instances of sexual assault and other threatening conduct, and the lack of comprehensive, standardized training.

In addition to the march, hotel housekeepers will highlight another provision in the proposed ordinance by performing a special demonstration at the intersection of Santa Monica Blvd and Sweetzer. Housekeepers are calling on the West Hollywood City Council to adopt the same standard as Santa Monica in which housekeepers are fairly compensated when assigned heavy workloads exceeding 3,500 square feet in an 8-hour shift.

Over 550 West Hollywood residents have expressed their support for the policy and WeHo’s hotel workers ahead of the vote.

Similar worker protection ordinances have been passed around the region, including in Long Beach, Oakland, and most recently in 2019 in Santa Monica. 

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[…] hotel-worker ordinance is almost identical in wording to Santa Monica’s, and both were masterminded by UNITE HERE Local 11. The special-interest union also sank serious time and money into getting the ordinances approved […]

3 years ago

United Here is horrible and they mislead.

3 years ago
Reply to  JJ1

I asked this question before, which was never answered:
Why is WeHo an anti-union city?

WeHo Rocks!
WeHo Rocks!
3 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Why do you say WeHo is an anti-union city? WeHo is and always will be a union city. Why is Unite Here anti-hotel? They oppose every project even though it would create jobs for their members.