The West Hollywood Voter Survey: Part 2 of 3


The West Hollywood Voter Survey was conducted by Wallin Research. It was not expected to create such a fuss. Then Council member John Erickson took to twitter. The push-poll was anti-trans, anti-worker, anti-renter, anti-weho. This alt-right wing poll is disgusting! This kind of politics doesn’t belong in #WeHo. Erickson’s hysterics caused many in the trans, renters, as well as others to be alarmed.

Keith Kaplan commissioned the poll on behalf of the Coalition for Pandemic Recovery. Polls are conducted every day by the City of West Hollywood as well as many other organizations. Kaplan agreed to release the poll in its entirety after Council member Erickson’s irresponsible tweet and false accusations directed to the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. The results are for all to understand equally no matter whom you voted for.

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[…] sponsored by the Pandemic Recovery Coalition and initiated by Keith Kaplan. Read Part 1 and Part 2 […]

Ty Geltmaker Ph.D /James Rosen
Ty Geltmaker Ph.D /James Rosen
2 years ago

Aside from questions about the intentions, sponsorship, and statistical validity/political meaning of this odd poll, and aside from whether or not a local politician or others have over-reacted to it or what that politician’s academic credentials really are, the fact remains that in the mere five years we two former Silver Lake/Echo Park (since 1986) homeowners have been happy senior renters (in a classic bungalow colony) in WeHoWest between Melrose & Beverly and Doheny & San Vicente, at least 18 ground-floor duplex structures have been demolished. That means minimally 36 units — some two-bedroom — have been emptied of neighbors,… Read more »

2 years ago

I was hoping you would cover this. I got this poll and I completely agree with Erickson. The questions were so long and editorialized. Can you get the script from the polling company and post it here? I had to explain to the pollster, who was out of state, that this must have been funded by group that was dissatisfied with the current administration. But I’m glad Erickson pointed it out. He’s not being alarmist at all.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
2 years ago

Major problem with the Push Poll it’s 300 people out of 34,000 residents. Frankly, it’s a joke. Obviously, orchestrated by the Chamber of Commerce and that woman who runs it. As for Erickson’s reactions, he’s just expressing his First Amendment rights. My wish is that every chain hotel, Marriott blah blah blah, be picketed by the housekeepers Union and forced to join it. Or Hollywood (it’s a very pro Union business) will boycott every hotel. Like when the Oscars come up no one’s going to be partying in West Hollywood. Especially the Sunset Tower where the owner made that stupid… Read more »

2 years ago

Wow,councilperson Erickson needs to calm down and reassess what he is against.This “push poll” is not the end of the world.Mr. Erickson needs to sit down and read the poll,however small a portion of the city population it came from.The poll indicated problems in the city that he can verify by talking to his neighbors. I am tired of seeing homeless tents on the sidewalks whenever I visit West Hollywood or the greater LA area.Mr. Erickson’s neighbors are seeing them too and want something done about it. Instead of making a fuss on Twitter about it and making yourself look… Read more »

Danielle Harris
Danielle Harris
2 years ago

What is Dr. Erickson so afraid of?

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago

Doctor….LOL. a doctor of women’s studies.

2 years ago

West Hollywood is 35K people in 1.89 square miles.
Los Angeles County is 10 MILLION+ in 4752 sq. miles.
The COUNTY needs to fix the homeless issue.
West Hollywood real estate is not cost effective when helping the homeless. The county needs to find less expensive land to combat the problem. We’re a very small city and can’t solve this ourselves.
We should be transporting homeless to county shelters and not let them camp here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg

This is exactly right.

Left Field
Left Field
2 years ago
Reply to  Greg

The county homeless shelter was replaced with Best Buy. If we are a very small city and can’t figure out the problem here. Then there is absolutely no reason to vote for Lindsey Horvath for county supervisor.. .

Don Jones
Don Jones
2 years ago

This tells me something I already know, Erickson is an a**.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago

I love the OUT ZONE maps. Reminds me of an anthem from the. 60’s that we all sang because we all knew the words. Thank you Arlo Guthrie. I am only using a few of the many words in the song:

“with circles
And arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each
One was to be used” { add}.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago

This is my own survey: I would like to know how the survey was actually conducted – in person, mailer etc., who the recipients were and more stats on the process. I know I did not receive a survey. I wish I had been polled, but I suspect I would have been in the green. Homelessness seems to be the major issue. I don’t see any specifics that single out any group of the population. Specifically what does any council member use as a criteria for their reactions to the poll. Nothing in it, as I read it, seems to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

Agree on method, etc.
I did not get a phone call, although some questions sound vaguely familiar.

I have a feeling you will not get a response.

Will ask John.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Oh – thanks but I am not actually imagining replies. But they are certainly welcome.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

this was listed in the first article on the survey

The survey — which contacted 300 respondents using live, professional interviewers, speaking Spanish, Russian and English languages, calling both mobile and landlines — polled the public on their satisfaction with city government and asked which issues facing the city were most urgent to them.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Fascinating – wish I had been one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Thank you. It should be included in each portion of the survey results.

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