DURAN: FDA approval hasn’t boosted vaccine rates


2,006 new COVID cases announced in LA County yesterday along with 49 unnecessary and preventable deaths.   Positivity rate unchanged at 1.87%.   Hospitalizations drop again. 

  • LA County Cases 1,423,620 (up from 1,421,616)
  • LA County Deaths 25,514 (up from 25,465)
  • LA Positivity Rate 1.87% (unchanged at 1.87%)
  • LA Hospitalizations 1433 (down from 1463) 


When the FDA gave full approval of the Pfizer vaccines – officials hoped there would be a boost in shots.   Didn’t happen.  No bump up here in CA or anywhere else in the Nation.  Some are just defiantly refusing to get a shot.   Others have adopted a “wait and see” attitude hoping that Delta will pass them by.  Unlikely.    More remorse and regrets ahead for thousands of unvaccinated people.  


The New York Times has an excellent analysis on this question today.   Here’s the bottom line:

For children and vaccinated adults without other major health problems – there are a lot of reassuring signs.  COVID appears to present less risk than some other daily activities.   Among Americans under the age of 17, less than 500 have died from COVID since the pandemic began.   Many more, a few thousand annually, die in vehicle crashes.  “Risk is low enough to live life, high enough to be careful”.

For people who do have a health condition that increases their risk — like severe obesity, a recent organ transplant or an active case of cancer — the calculation is different.   Delta does represent a threat to vulnerable people.  

The hardest call is for vaccinated people over the age of 65 who are generally healthy.   Delta’s severity does not appear to be fundamentally different for them either.  But their hospitalization rate has risen more rapidly in recent weeks than the other groups.   So seniors who are vaccinated should choose to err on the side of caution until we better understand Delta.

And what about the one quarter of Americans who are unvaccinated?   Fear COVID.   Delta is going to find you.  



538 has an interesting history on the anti vaxx movement.  The modern anti vaxx people in America are often seen as stereotypical left wing, coastal, white, wealthy Moms – the “crunchy granola” types.  In recent years, outbreaks of preventable diseases have been occuring in liberal places like Marin County, CA and Boulder, CO.    Conservative communities of Orthodox Jews have also seen spikes in cases since there are some in that community who reject vaccines.  

Vaccine rejection has always been a place where left meets right politically according to the article.   But in recent Gallup polls taken in 2015 and 2019,  the largest spike in the adoption of anti vaccine views are among Republicans and Independents who lean right.  

In a 2013 YouGov poll, 11% of Democrats, 14% of Independents and 9% of Republicans said they believed vaccines caused autism.   Four years later in 2017 YouGov poll, 19% of Democrats, 31% of Independents and 39% of Republicans said it was definitely or probably true that vaccines caused autism.  

It now seems that political ideology is driving the vaccine hesitancy for Republicans.   And not just on COVID – but all vaccines.   How this political party’s distrust of government since the days of Ronald Reagan morphed into anti science and reason on everything from climate change to COVID – is a threat to the nation’s health and well being.   

It becomes even more imperative in future elections to make sure that the GOP does not control the Congress.   We have seen what they do with abortion rights and voting rights in places like Texas.  We have watched failed policies on COVID in places like Florida.     This Nation was born out of the Renaissance which demanded Enlightenment and Reason.   And rejected the teachings of the churches in power during that day.   It now appears that we are morphing into a Nation that has to fight America’s Taliban taking roost in one political party.

Cheerful? Eh?   89 degrees and sunny in LA Today.   I am going to let the sunshine and ocean breeze touch my face today…… One Day at A Time……

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mooc thùng
2 years ago

This is really a very good article that I really like and will definitely share it widely with my friends, wish you all good health and make more articles in the future. Thanks

William Seegmiller
2 years ago

List of law firms that you may call if you believe your rights are being infringed upon by your employer, school, college, or any group that discriminates against you for not complying with their vaccine or mask mandates. 1. Liberty Counsel https://lc.org/ 2. Liberty Institute https://www.libertyinstitute.org/about/faq 3. Pacific Justice Institute https://www.secure.pacificjustice.org/site/SPageNavigator/contact_us.html 4. Advocates For Faith and Freedom https://faith-freedom.com/ 5. Alliance Defending Freedom https://adflegal.org/about-us 6. National Legal Foundation https://nationallegalfoundation.org/ 7. Thomas More Law Center https://www.thomasmore.org/ 8. Thomas More Society https://thomasmoresociety.org/ 9. Christian Legal Society https://www.christianlegalsociety.org/ 10. American Center for Law and Justice https://aclj.org/ 11. Center for Law and Religious Freedom https://www.clsreligiousfreedom.org/about-center… Read more »

Cy Husain
2 years ago

Those are a bunch of right-wing quacks out of hillbilly law schools❗ Look up  Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) and the fact that U.S. has a well established precedent of vaccine mandates with Courts ruling in favor of public health over selfish individual liberties when they conflict with the overall wellbeing of others. Coronavirus is a “grave danger” which a 1985 circuit court opinion held that OSHA should be able to determine this without being second-guessed in court. 

2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Cy you are so full of hate.

Consciousness Beyond Science
Consciousness Beyond Science
2 years ago
2 years ago

John is blaming conservatives and Jews. What’s next? Should they be put in camps?

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

You’re asking if jews should be put in camps? You sound like a nazi.


2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Yes people who think like you are disgusting.

2 years ago

More reason to vote NO on the recall.

2 years ago

YouGuv polls are not legitimate. They’re used by journalists trying to advance an agenda.

William Seegmiller
2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

John Duran knows that but he’s initiated, he doesn’t work for us. We are the vulgar and profane to his syndicate.

Last edited 2 years ago by West Seegmiller
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