WeHo implements COVID vaccine verification requirements


The City of West Hollywood has issued an Emergency Executive Order to implement COVID-19 vaccine verification requirements as the transmission rate of the COVID-19 Delta variant remains high in Los Angeles County and throughout the nation.

On Friday, September 10, 2021, West Hollywood City Manager and Director of Emergency Services David A. Wilson issued Emergency Executive Order (EEO) 2021-7 Implementing COVID-19 Vaccine Verification Requirements for City Facilities, Covered Businesses, City Contractors, City Employees, and City Officials. Full text of EEO 2021-7 is available on the City of West Hollywood’s website by visiting www.weho.org/coronavirus or by clicking on the PDF document link here.

Emergency Executive Order 2021-7 was developed following direction from the West Hollywood City Council. On Wednesday, July 21, 2021, the City Council directed the City Attorney to report back on various questions and related legal issues about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine mandates. On Monday, August 16, 2021, the City Council approved direction to draft formal COVID-19 vaccine mandates to be implemented by Emergency Executive Order. The City Council will ratify EEO 2021-7 at its next regular meeting on Monday, September 20, 2021.

EEO 2021-7 establishes the following vaccination verification requirements in the City of West Hollywood:

Vaccination Verification Requirements for Patrons at Covered Businesses: As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, Covered Businesses must require all patrons age 18 and older to show proof that they are Fully Vaccinated before entering any indoor portion of a facility, subject only to certain exceptions. Individuals who do not provide proof of full vaccination may use outdoor portions of Covered Business facilities. Persons under the age of 18 are not required to show proof of full vaccination.

Covered Businesses include:

1) Establishments where food or drink is served indoors, including, but not limited to; restaurants, bars, nightclubs, theaters, cannabis consumption lounges, and entertainment venues;


2) Health/Fitness facilities, including, but not limited to; gyms, recreation facilities, yoga studios, dance studios, and other fitness establishments, where any patrons engage in cardiovascular, aerobic, strength training, or other exercise involving elevated breathing; and

3) Personal Care Establishments that include businesses that offer personal care services such as but not limited to, esthetician, skin care and cosmetology services, non-medical electrology, body art professional, tattoo parlors, microblading and permanent makeup, piercing shops, massage therapy (non-healthcare), tanning services, nail salons, hair salons and barbershops.

Covered Businesses will be required to post patron notification signage at entrances informing individuals that proof of full vaccination is required to enter. Samples of signage will be made available on the City of West Hollywood’s website at www.weho.org/coronavirus, following ratification of the Order.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for Staff at Covered Business: As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, Covered Businesses (as listed above) must use their best efforts to ascertain the vaccination status of all staff who routinely work onsite and no later than November 1, 2021, must ensure that all staff who routinely work onsite provide proof of full vaccination before entering or working in any indoor portion of the facility. This does not include staff who enter or work in Covered Business facilities on an intermittent or occasional basis or for short periods of time (e.g., individuals who deliver goods or packages). Persons under the age of 18 are not required to show proof of full vaccination.

Covered Businesses will be required to post staff notification signage in areas such as break rooms informing individuals that proof of full vaccination is required with details about how to get vaccinated. Samples of signage will be made available on the City of West Hollywood’s website at www.weho.org/coronavirus, following ratification of the Order.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for City Facilities and City Contractors: As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, persons 18 and older must show Proof of Full Vaccination before entering any indoor area within a City Facility, subject only to certain exceptions. This requirement also applies to team sports, athletic activities, and privately organized clubs and leagues held outdoors or indoors on the premises of a City Facility. In addition, as soon as possible, but no later than November 1, 2021, City Contractors must show Proof of Full Vaccination before entering any City Facility or engaging in-person with city employees, community members or city businesses, subject only to certain exceptions.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for City Employees and City Officials: All City employees, temporary employees, interns, contract personnel, volunteers, and elected or appointed officials who work at all City facilities shall be subject to a separate vaccination policy that will require vaccination no later than November 1, 2021.

In EEO 2021-7, Fully Vaccinated and Full Vaccination are defined as two weeks after completing the entire recommended series of vaccination (usually one or two doses) with a vaccine authorized to prevent COVID-19 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including by way of an emergency use authorization, or by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The following are acceptable forms of Proof of Full Vaccination:

  • A CDC vaccination card, which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided, and date last dose administered, or similar documentation issued by another foreign governmental jurisdiction;
  • A photo or copy of a vaccination card as a separate document;
  • A photo of a vaccination card stored on a phone or electronic device;
  • Documentation of vaccination from a healthcare provider; and/or
  • A personal digital COVID-19 vaccine record issued by the State of California and available by going to myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov or similar documentation issued by another state, local, or foreign governmental jurisdiction, or by an approved private company.

The City of West Hollywood’s Emergency Executive Order establishing vaccine verification requirements is aimed at safeguarding health and safety. COVID-19 continues to present an imminent threat in the City of West Hollywood, across the region, and throughout the nation. Although vaccines are now widely available, many people in the state and region are still not fully vaccinated. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, unvaccinated people are at a higher risk of infection and a higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce the spread of disease overall, and that vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death. 

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3 years ago

I think you should also have to show a negative HIV test in order to get into anywhere in W. Hollywood. Can you imagine how many lives that would save?
Or would that be considered an invasion of privacy and a form of discrimination?

3 years ago
Reply to  Think

BING to the O!

3 years ago

The city hall employees are going wild in the comments.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

NO, more like a few right-wing trolls posing as “city hall employees” are going wild in the comments.

3 years ago

Enough is enough. Sign the petition to RECALL John Erickson now!

Go to TinyURL.com/FreeWeho
[or click this username for link]

3 years ago

Issuing these emergency orders is a convenient way to reach the end-goal – tyranny. Life long emergency!

3 years ago

How ’bout the WeHo journalists find out why natural immunity of those of us who have had Covid is not being taken into account and not considered in lieu of a vax?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

How about credible Medical ⚕ Science sources showing Recovering From COVID19 Does NOT Guarantee Antibodies or Confer Immunity to Reinfection The findings further support vaccination 💉 (and two doses), even for people who have contracted the SARSCoV2 virus previously ❗

William Seegmiller
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Hussein, I’m stunned that you actually believe vaccine passports are about public health. The entire world is in revolt against this two tiered system. I respect you as a man and an activist, but you are on the wrong side of history. Please review Glenn Greenwald’s recent work on this topic.

3 years ago

I’m not even from USA, but this feels so Un-American. Honest, what is happening to you guys is shocking. Who knew LGBTQIA community like yours would be the first to discriminate on people for this,

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
2 years ago
Reply to  Kent

Hi Kent-I’m not sure if you will even see this given 3 months have passed, but if you do see this, I hope you will respond, if not publicly, then privately to [email protected]. I’m curious to hear where you are from and what steps are being taken there by public health officials to protect their residents from the virus. Also, give a little time has passed since these requirements were put into place and given the emergence of the, albeit apparently less severe but much more contagious, new omicron covid variant, have your views on this matter changed at all?… Read more »

3 years ago

And why hasn’t WHD mandated proof of vaccinations to stay at the biggest tax provider in the city? Yes I’m talking about hotel rooms, shouldn’t you be required to show proof to enter and stay at a hotel, or is Covid nonexistent in these establishments?

Rod Sprott
Rod Sprott
3 years ago

Thank you West Hollywood for taking this strong but belated action. I was in Palm Springs recently where not only is proof of vaccination required but also ID so that they match. They were very diligent and enforcing this and there was no blowback from patrons. Those that did not have it quietly walked away. Perhaps all of you that are yammering on and on and on about not getting a vaccine should wish that your parents had not gotten you vaccinated for polio or smallpox. You could have died from those long before now and not have to worry… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Rod Sprott

So you’re saying the vaccine doesn’t work since you and how many other countless Henny Penny’s became infected? Why are you, or anyone else, forcing me into something I choose not to? That is why I chose to spend $75 on a piece of paper instead of injecting something into my body.

Now begone and go get infected again

Rod Sprott
Rod Sprott
3 years ago
Reply to  Stevie

No I’m not saying the vaccine didn’t work. If I had not had the vaccine I might be on a ventilator or dead. Vaccine is not intended to prevent every infection but to minimize the effects.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rod Sprott

Keep watching Zombo Box!

3 years ago
Reply to  Stevie
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Stupid Wench couldn’t spell Moderna right and the card was in all the same ink and handwriting. She must be an uneducated liberal, and deserved to be caught.

Besides, with the wonderful cashless bail system the liberals have enacted I won’t do any jail time.

Jimmy Palmieri
3 years ago
Reply to  Stevie

clearly you have someone who has repeatedly admitted to fraudulent use of a vax card. Do you not have the responsiblity to report them?

The DOJ said that misrepresenting the official seal of a U.S. agency, like the CDC logo on vaccine cards, could be a violation of federal law. Violators could face up to five years in prison or a $5,000 fine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Palmieri

It’s a CDC logo copyright infringement, not an act of terrorism. Who is this guy, the brown shirts brigade captain? OMG wearing an Act Up Shirt LOL

Last edited 3 years ago by Blue
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Palmieri

Oh Nancy Pelosi clutching her pearls wannabe, where did I ever admit to “fraudulent use of a vax card?” I’m not an uneducated liberal sheep follower and that stupid.

Now go educate yourself instead of blindly following in the true Democrat fashion.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stevie

It’s great to see the inner, police state loving authoritarians coming out of the closet


3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Palmieri

What’s that saying about snitches?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Palmieri

Jimmy you are so full of hate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rod Sprott

Oh, you’ll get your blowback soon

3 years ago

Weho readers- A mandate won’t work if you don’t comply. You don’t have to accept an invasion of your privacy.

Most of the accounts championing a mandate are city hall employees.

Last edited 3 years ago by WehoFan
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Great, we won’t invade your privacy and you won’t invade our spaces. Sounds like a fair trade for me. Signed, Not a City Hall Employee

3 years ago
Reply to  SeeMe

What are you talking about?

William Seegmiller
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Take a glance at local social media, talk to your neighbors on the street, ask any working class & young person and you can see an overwhelming disgust at these policies. City Council is out of touch— Lindsey and Sepi are essentially unemployed party hacks. “Dr” Erickson has been living in a fantasy land where he’s Sandra Bullock from Miss Congeniality. Damico just checked out once Ed Buck got fried and Damico’s name started popping up among the working boys in the street.

These people are not leaders, they aren’t even worthwhile people.

3 years ago

Everyone in my neighborhood facebook group is thrilled with this mandate.

Do you not understand the views of West Hollywood? It’s a fairly liberal leaning city that trusts science. There is a high vaccination rate here.

Sorry that goes against your fantasy!

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I’ve started to patronize only those businesses that require proof of vaccine (thank you David Cooley for getting that ball rolling!), and I will continue to do so. I look forward to airlines requiring proof of vaccine before allowing anyone onboard their aircraft.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Alan no need to virtue signal.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

“Everyone in my neighborhood” = weho city hall.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Why do you think anyone that goes against your Qanon far right rheotric is a city hall employee?

Over 75% of Weho is vaccinated…are they all Weho city hall employees?

Most residents are fine with this mandate.

William Seegmiller
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

People around the globe are mass protesting vax mandates and passports. But you think they are all Qanon-ers. Such are the limits of your world view. You cheer dehumanization and criminalization of people you disagree with— that’s the difference between you and me.

William Seegmiller
3 years ago

Did you know obese people are super spreaders of flu and covid-19? Why doesn’t City Council enact a BMI passport to keep them away from the healthy? They tell us “trust the science, bigot!” While gleefully erecting a two tiered society based on completely non-scientific conclusions. Source: https://www.aafp.org/news/health-of-the-public/20180813flu-obesity.html The researchers found that on average, adults with obesity shed influenza A virus nearly 1.5 times longer (5.23 days) than adults without obesity (3.68 days). Adult patients who were obese and had two or more flu symptoms shed the virus 42 percent longer than those who were not obese, whereas for adult… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by West Seegmiller
3 years ago

Just more reason for obese people to get vaccinated!

3 years ago

Surprised, to put it mildly, that I did not get an email from the City.

I got my digital proof a few weeks ago – or longer, but it was NOT easy. They couldnt find my information.
Began in July and it seems to have taken about a month.

Great idea, though.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Yeah, what’s the deal with it taking so long to get that info? I keep getting the same message that the info I provided does not match the info in their system. I was given the Vaccination Record Card when I got my first shot but they wrote in only my name and birthdate, but they didn’t fill in the dose and date. I didn’t notice it until much later. I’ve made phone calls and haven’t gotten anything from them. I had Covid, so natural immunity is even better than the vax, so I want some acceptance of that record,… Read more »

3 years ago

West Hollywood is a small city,so it will be easy to implement all these new restrictions.These orders aren’t anything new as some bars and restarants have already started checking for inoculation cards.

Of course,all of this will attract the attention of the right-wing folks and conspiracy theorists. Get ready to see the goonie birds out front with their protest signs and harassing actions.