Mayor Meister: A vision of unity for West Hollywood


Mayor Lauren Meister was sworn in to office Monday night at City Council’s meeting. She took the opportunity to address the contentious period in West Hollywood history. Her comments are republished below:

Today is kind of bittersweet. It is the second anniversary of Spike’s passing but it is also the beginning of the Jewish holiday, Sukkot, the season of rejoicing. According to Chabad, “it’s a festival — laden with unique mitzvahs, quality time with our community and family, all with an extra-large serving of joy.” I’m hopeful that my swearing in on this festive day is a good omen!

I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and support.  I want to thank my family for their love, encouragement, and unlimited patience. Thank you to my colleagues for your vote of confidence as I take on the role of Mayor for the second time. 

I also want to thank my former Council colleague, John Heilman, for swearing me in as your mayor tonight. It means a lot to me.

When I was installed as Mayor back in April 2016, I spoke about renewing the community spirit that helped form this great city nearly 37 years ago, which John and others were a big part of. 

As a community, we gathered as one after 9/11, we mourned the tragedy of the Pulse Nightclub mass murder, we celebrated marriage equality, and we marched, stood up to, and survived a challenging national political climate. 


I have lived in this city over 30 years, and over the years, I have witnessed many stages in our city’s maturity – I have seen issues divide our city. I have seen the east side pitted against the west side, businesses pitted against residents, tenants pitted against landlords. 

But I have to say, that after being elected to Council, the drama that seemed to plague every Council meeting with a controversial topic… the theatre – and a lot of it was theatre – seemed to dissipate.  

Now, however, we’re seeing a divisiveness that I haven’t seen in a while, and it’s disturbing.  It’s disturbing because we are still one small city and one community – a community comprised of people from all walks of life, a community with young people and older people; a community with businesses and workers.  All must be valued; none should be discounted. A rainbow flag is not just six colors or 10 colors – if it truly represents our community, then it is an infinite number of colors. Putting people into categories, labeling them, disparaging them, does not serve this community. 

I’d like to say, today, that my goal as Mayor is to solve our three biggest issues: homelessness, housing affordability, and making our city safer. 

As Mayor, I’d like to strengthen our neighborhoods, encourage economic diversity, and further initiatives to protect our renters and our small businesses. I’d like to make West Hollywood a premier green city by increasing our urban forest and embracing biodiversity. I’d like to find a companion care center close to home for our lost, found, and abandoned animals. 

And, importantly, I’d like for West Hollywood to be the most prepared and resilient city in the country – for whatever emergency or disaster strikes – whether it be earthquake, drought, pandemic, or recession. 

But none of this can happen if we don’t work together and focus on the city’s recovery from this pandemic. None of this can happen, if we don’t focus on keeping people healthy and getting people vaccinated.  And none of this can happen if we, as a council, don’t make recovery our number one priority. 

So, in the coming weeks, I will be bringing forward a proposal requesting that the city manager arrange several team-building workshops for council, designed to help foster communications among council members, to clarify council’s role, and to identify priorities and common goals. The objective of the workshops will be to transform our new council and our new city manager into an effective, problem-solving team.

Now, I come full circle to why I asked my former colleague, John Heilman, to swear me in today as Mayor.  As many of you know, John and I did not agree on every issue, and in fact, before I was on Council, I was probably one of Council’s most vocal critics. But, once we were colleagues, we learned to work together, respect each other, and most importantly, acknowledge that we both cared about the best interests of the city, even when we didn’t agree. 

So, I appreciate that John was a part of my swearing in today because, to me, it symbolizes hope… that there’s hope that people with different perspectives can work together effectively for the city they love. And, as your mayor, I’m confident this is something that we – Council, residents, businesses, and other community members – can achieve in the months to come.

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mike Dunn
mike Dunn
2 years ago

If you want to make West Hollywood a Green City stop trimming those sickly trees on Santa Monica Bl. and allow them to grow. Those trees that die should be replaced by Ficus or some other species that can thrive in our environment. It’s very obvious that the current trees are not and were not well suited when planted over twenty years ago. In addition, prohibit the cutting down of historic trees in our neighborhoods because they interfere with new construction or design of the replacement structure. Also when a tree is destroyed require the person(S) responsible replace it with… Read more »

Keoni Tyler
2 years ago

I really admire and have come to love and respect Lauren. Best wishes to her and the Council.

2 years ago

Well said and a hopeful start during a very challenging time. Much luck!

2 years ago

Meister has come a long way and is stepping up when the council is in complete tatters with Shyne and Erickson steam rolling for Unite Here kickbacks. Stay strong Mayor!

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
2 years ago

Congrats Lauren! I look forward to a happy year!!!

Leslie K
2 years ago

Very well said, Lauren. Congratulations!!!

2 years ago

Bravo Mayor Meister!

2 years ago

Good luck, Lauren, you’re going to need it. I too have lived in West Hollywood for more than 30 years now and I’ve seen many changes, mostly for the better. How we are going to address the increasingly difficult homeless problem on our streets is a mystery to me. The tent cities in Hollywood are scary – both for personal safety and as a symbol of how bad the crisis has become. As long as we are surrounded by the problems in LA, our little island is bound to get bleedover. Beverly Hills seems to keep homeless people abay, but… Read more »

Hope for the Future
Hope for the Future
2 years ago

“A rainbow flag is not just six colors or 10 colors-if it truly represents our community, then it is an infinite number of colors. Putting people into categories, labeling them, disparaging them, does not serve this community”.

‘I’d like to make West Hollywood a premier green city by increasing our urban forest and embracing biodiversity.”

2 years ago

Well spoken and seemingly heartfelt.
We are fortunate to have Mayor Meister at the helm.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

A very fitting speech that hit the right points on what sound municipal governance should be about. Bravo for the class act of inviting Mr. Heilman to administer the oath. An adult is at the helm.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Very classy.

2 years ago


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