CRONIN: Why climate change matters to an 89-year-old


After a phone conversation with a friend yesterday I feel moved to add some thoughts to my previous posting. My friend for over seventy years, asked me why I was so involved in a discussion of a plan to try to mitigate the effects of global warming considering the fact that I would not be around to witness any effects. 

He was right to notice that I (and he, as well) will be celebrating our 90th birthdays in little over a year. 

But that fact does not alter my concerns for the fate of our planet. My age does not reduce in any way my enormous hope  that human-caused global warming can be reduced to a reasonable level which will still support life.

And, if age is any gauge of intellectual prowess, I point to Henry Kissinger – never one of my favorite people – who has just published another, book at age 98. You simply cannot stop thought and a desire for action. Thus, I keep moving on with the hope that my words will have some effect. 

I replied to a comment on my previous article stating that I was quite pessimistic about any real response to the reality of climate change and the immediate need for an approach locally to fend off than worst effects.  My pessimism arises from the current low approval of so many governments in the developed nations list.

The response of millions of citizens around the world to simple common sense rules meant to to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has been hugely negative.  How would they respond to the heavy sacrifices necessary in any climate action plan to protect and preserve our unique planet? 


Not since World War II will Americans be asked to work together for a common goal. Anything West Hollywood residents will do to enact and follow a Climate Action Plan could set a precedent for other cities.  I still have a copy on disc of Obama’s Climate  2050 Plan; California purportedly has a climate action plan; the city  of Los Angeles also has a plan.  Having a plan and not enacting its articles is meaningless. 

The Glasgow Summit was a major disappointment to anybody who understands the perils of inaction. Well, what can WEHO do?

To effect much change will take great political will to start followed by the willingness of residents to not just agree with the proposals but to make sure they can work and to work with them. Ideas from residents are where we should begin to flesh out Mayor Meister’s outline. I think we should look first at where we can reduce our carbon impact. How we acquire admuse electricity is a good place to start. 

And, although we cannot quickly solve our traffic problems, our major air polluter,  we can begin to map a way out of the automobile dilemma. When the idea of a city began to excite we who lived here in the early 1980s, one of the organizers said he wanted “an urban village, a walking city.”  Let’s revitalize that goal and make it real.

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Mother Nature
Mother Nature
2 years ago

Thank you Carl for your scope in viewing this. Essentially the response here depends on RESPONSIBILITY and RESPECT which depends on the individual and collectively extends of one’s immediate community, state and country. We have a huge period of neglect to make up where folks preferred to turn a blind eye and commercial entities preferred to seek financial gain thinking the bill would never come due. This is pure folly. Immediate demonstrable action is essential on a daily basis. Weho has an opportunity to make itself a legitimate example given its size and flexibility. There are no guarantees but regardless… Read more »

2 years ago

I am with you, 100%.
Best to start locally, to build and maintain momentum, and to mitigate the despondency by the inaction or too little action by the state and the feds.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Are you communist?

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