New commissioner, daughter of billionaire mogul, pushes back on more police in WeHo


Nika Soon-Shiong ’s appointment to West Hollywood’s Public Safety Commission didn’t make headlines, but the board that advises City Council on the No. 1 concern of its citizens now has a very newsworthy name in its roster.

Long known as the daughter of multi-billionaire media mogul and Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, twentysomething Nika is quickly becoming a powerful figure of her own. 

Over the past two years, she has emerged as a leading voice at the Times, advising her father on the direction of the paper and gaining clout and influence in the newsroom for her progressive viewpoints and her rapport with the editorial staff.

She was instrumental in preventing the word “looting” from being used by L.A. Times writers in stories about the George Floyd protests of 2020.

Soon-Shiong shares much of her progressive political stance with Councilmember Lindsey Horvath, who appointed her. Neither she nor Horvath answered requests to be interviewed for this article. 

During Commission meetings over the past three months, Soon-Shiong has questioned the need for more police presence in WeHo, advocating instead for the social services approach supported by Horvath and others on the council. She has also taken aim at Sheriff Alex Villanueva, criticising his refusal to enforce the county’s vaccine mandate and aiding the inquiry into the department’s billing scandal.


As a co-director of the Compton Pledge, Soon-Shiong is shaping public policy and driving support for guaranteed income programs, which recently have gained traction in cities nationwide — including West Hollywood.

“Why is West Hollywood experimenting with universal basic income?” asked the San Francisco Chronicle last August as city staff were preparing a pilot project that gives no-strings-attached monthly payments of $1,000 to LGBT senior citizens. Why in a city “with a reputation for being quite affluent,” as the article describes it, where median per capita income is twice the national average?

“While our community may be seen one way, we do have a portion of the population that’s living below the poverty line,” Horvath, who was mayor at the time of the interview, told The Chronicle. “We want to focus work on uplifting vulnerable community members.”

Horvath is a vocal member of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income coalition, a network of mayors around the country running guaranteed income test pilots. She is currently campaigning to become L.A. County’s next Supervisor for the Third District.

The Compton Pledge is one of the country’s biggest guaranteed income test pilots, having raised $9.2 million from private donors such as Amazon Studios. The goal, however, is to get the programs funded with taxpayer dollars.

TIME described The Compton Pledge as a “laboratory for wealth distribution” that “gives some of society’s poorest and most marginalized people cold-hard cash, and then lets them spend it however they want.”

That cold-hard cash and how it gets transferred is Soon-Shiong’s special focus. 

According to her bio on the Compton Pledge website, Soon-Shiong established the World Bank Group’s strategy for managing partnerships with global technology companies.  A doctoral candidate at Oxford University, she was writing her thesis on cash transfer systems in India when the pandemic struck. As the idea of government payouts became more familiar to the American public, she was inspired to begin her work closer to home.  

The City of Los Angeles began a guaranteed income program in October that gives 3,200 households a monthly stipend of $1,000 for a year, and the State of California is devoting $35 million to its own program, which started in July.

A universal basic income that gave every American adult $12,000 annually would cost the government more than $3.1 trillion per year — about 90 percent of all the money the government collected last year.

Public polling still suggests most Americans oppose guaranteed basic income, and it remains a politically risky pursuit in statehouses and in Congress.

But Soon-Shiong isn’t deterred.

“This is an inevitable future,” she told TIME.

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[…] Nika Soon-Shiong, a vocal critic of the Sheriff and advocate for alternative policing, accused the department of charging the City of West Hollywood between 45 and 50 percent above average for providing law enforcement services.  She based her findings on an unpublished budget analysis of unknown providence which the city is now working to release to the public. […]

A.K. McNeil
A.K. McNeil
2 years ago

Nika Soon-Shiong, like her dad has their own PRIVATE SECURITY, so of course they don’t need the police like regular people….

I always find it funny that people who can afford to pay hired guns want to tell others that they don’t need more police while at the same time usually telling these same people that they don’t need their own guns .


[…] Nika Soon-Shiong, a vocal critic of the Sheriff and advocate for alternative policing, accused the department of charging the City of West Hollywood between 45 and 50 percent above average for providing law enforcement services.  She based her findings on an unpublished budget analysis of unknown providence which the city is now working to release to the public. […]

Yuval Kremer
3 years ago

Horvath is running for County Supervisor. That’s why she is supporting things that hurt WeHo like the highest minimum wage…she has a conflict of interest. Soon-Shiong’s daddy also OWNS the LA TIMES, which makes VERY valuable endorsements. THIS position will also help her get OTHER endorsements (just like the minimum wage position will help her get the endorsement and money of major county employee unions…and other major unions). Will be interesting to see if the the daughter creates a Committee supporting Horvath, which can raise and spend UNlimited funds as long as it “doesn’t coordinate with her campaign” (which is… Read more »

3 years ago

The LA Times is a joke. Perfect for Horvath. Who must still believe she’s living in the last century, when the Times was a premiere USA newspaper. When Los Angeles was a city and not a third world joke. As for the Times, the owner bought the Brooklyn Bridge. There is no advertising and the Times aka El Segundo Times is so small you can’t wrap a fish in it.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago

Check out this article from LA Magazine on her father. Anyone whose father is sued by Cher and goes to dinner with Donald Trump is questionable to me. Oh, but he knew St. Kobe, so I guess that makes him ok to everyone in this kingdom.

Malibu Boy
Malibu Boy
3 years ago

Yeah right, There was no “looting” During Criminal George Floyds protests, earthquakes felt around the country broke windows and fires spontaneously combusted. And it is generally known and agreed that everyone prefers more crime and fewer cops than vice versa. (And just in case there are any liberals out there who don’t realize it, I am being very very sarcastic. God help the liberal cities

Surrounded by Cretins
Surrounded by Cretins
3 years ago

Are you people insane? No, you’re not people, you’re communists.

  1. If you’re going to get rid of the police, or defund them, guess what, crime will go up unless citizens either hire private security or get their cojones out of their reusable shopping bags and reattach them, metaphorically speaking of course~ and learn the ways of unarmed and armed self-defense.
  2. That means stop being crybabies and guzzling the lies about firearms.
Malibu Boy
Malibu Boy
3 years ago

The Communists Guzzle so many lies these days Don’t they?

Surrounded by Cretins
Surrounded by Cretins
3 years ago
Reply to  Malibu Boy

They also spew them, homes. Disinformation and misinformation abound, 99% of it from the left.

3 years ago

Her father is an awful human being. The LA Times is garbage. Sounds like she’s following in his communist footsteps. Lock her up.

Last edited 3 years ago by Graham
Malibu Boy
Malibu Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Graham

Surprisingly, I agree with the comment lock her up . Normally I would not be in favor of that because I am a firm believer in free speech . However, In the case of the LA Times and The owner’s daughter I think it is warranted because I believe they preach hate speech against law-abiding citizens on a daily basis. Either you support criminals or you support law-abiding citizens and their choice is clear. Lock her up

3 years ago

How’d this comment board attract so many obviously loony right wing fruitcakes?

Steve Carry
Steve Carry
3 years ago
Reply to  DesertBob

Fruitcakes? Have you ever looked into a mirror?

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Carry

Yours broke, bishhhh.

Malibu Boy
Malibu Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Carry

Excuse me? Really!

Malibu Boy
Malibu Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  DesertBob

Excuse me? Really!

Steve Carry
Steve Carry
3 years ago

Would it be fair to call her a Communist? Now I know why I don’t take the LA Times. And yes Virginia, it’s called Looting!

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Carry

Yes, daddy’s a billionaire. She can afford to be a Communist. Her first Communist move is to make it unsafe for victims and protect herself with top notch security with Progressive/Communist Daddy’s money. You know the type, they are called Tik Tok phone educated narcissists.

Last edited 3 years ago by Graham
Ryan R Gierach
3 years ago

Y’all don’t even bother hiding your collective misogyny any more, do you?
Tsk, tsk.

Keith Kaplan
Keith Kaplan
3 years ago

Watch closely WeHoans….Lindsey Horvath is about to begin some fancy dancing. As a result of the recent redistricting Ms. Horvath now has to appeal to a broader group of democratic voters, many of whom are a bit more moderate and more business-friendly than the voters she has coddled here over the past few years. You are about to witness what some of us have experienced on a regular basis as she denies responsibility for things she has done and claims responsibility for things she has not done in an effort to rebrand herself to appeal to this new voter base.

Last edited 3 years ago by Keith Kaplan
Miller Marysia
Miller Marysia
3 years ago
Reply to  Keith Kaplan

I agree. As an example of her well financed flip flop’s-look at the disaster project she voted for-after promising she would vote against; on Rosewood, between Robertson and Doheny. 7 years of chaos to destroy a neighborhood. However she got a new car!

2 years ago
Reply to  Keith Kaplan

Horvath is dramatically unqualified to hold public office. She’s not a lawyer, she doesn’t have degrees in political science, urban planning, an MBA, public administration, social work, economics, sociology, and no relevant business experience except for her own self-aggrandizing, Narcissistic, obnoxious self-promotion of public relations to line her own pockets and masturbate her own ego in the public sphere. She has no sense of service to her constituents, has no real accomplishments to point to, and yet taking credit for things in her campaign flyers (of which there are so many, she blankets West Hollywood mailboxes with literally tons of… Read more »