British tourists robbed at gunpoint near WeHo


A pair of British tourists on the first night of their visit here were the victims of an armed robbery in Los Angeles near West Hollywood city limits.

Two male suspects approached the tourists early this morning on La Cienega and Santa Monica Blvd. bearing a gun and demanding all of their possessions.

One of the tourists told NBC Los Angeles that the suspects took two Rolex watches worth $70,000, a Dior bag with all of their IDs and passports and $5,000 in cash.

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Wilshire Division is handling the investigation.

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2 years ago

Why are so many people up in arms about two wealthy British tourists, rather than late night crimes towards people who live with lower means? I don’t usually see as much an uproar, if it is a poor person who was jumped on the street. Does everything have to be about money? I’m not “blaming the victim” here, but who walks around any major city in the world with $5K in cash in the early morning hours? I’d be crazy to do so, and I’ve never carried that much cash on me, for any reason. I’ve had transactions that are… Read more »

2 years ago

So much for the WeHo hospitality profiteers ever making their huge profits ever again! Word’s out…WeHo’s s sewer, has been since the late ’80s.

Get over yourself
Get over yourself
2 years ago
Reply to  DesertBob

Palm springs has more murders than WEHO.

2 years ago

Texas Hostage Taker Identified as British Citizen Who Traveled to U.S. in Recent DaysMalik Faisal Akram, 44 years old, died after a standoff with law enforcement Saturday at a Colleyville, Texas, synagogue

Yeah, we have ours, but the Brits sent us one of theirs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gimmeabreak
Thom Cook
Thom Cook
2 years ago

This s**t wouldn’t happen if Keith Kaplan were in charge! Keith is a helluva guy. Why, he’s the person who singlehandedly strung the colorful lantern lights along Santa Monica Boulevard. He’s so many things rolled into one cute, bubbly package. He’d give a complete stranger his own Rolex Yacht-Master II watch off his wrist to appease US-Anglo relations, which this incident will certainly ignite into a conflagration.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thom Cook

Yes, we KNOW this is going to be all over the news in the UK!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thom Cook

Singlehandedly? Like he was out there with a ladder, by himself, stringing those lights? I had not heard of this.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

Sounds like the LA Times editors need to do an investigation into Horvath and the owners daughter.

2 years ago

I was mugged and pistol whipped in weho in 2005 at around 10pm. A block from my apartment. Follow your instincts about people. I did not and I walked right into it. West Hollywood is not safe.

Miller Marysia
Miller Marysia
2 years ago

I’m surprised by many of the comments. Since when should victims be lectured on what they “should not wear” when in West Hollywood. Every person should wear whatever they please. The only question remaining is our safety in West Hollywood or adjacent. I’ve had the occasion to require assistance from the sheriffs and I’d like to point out and laud their very quick response and satisfactory solution to the incident. As a city we expect every crazy situation to be handled by them. It’s impossible, given our numbers vs. how few we employ to protect us. I agree with the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Miller Marysia

I agree. Seem like all people who run for office in weho do a 180 degree turnabout when the are elected. Truth is Developers are the only people who matter to our elected officials. Including Los Angeles.

Jerome Cleary
Jerome Cleary
2 years ago

My friends are afraid to go out at night now after 6pm. It has never been this bad with crime. When I ran for city council November 2020 I made sure at every debate and on my campaign literature I repeatedly addressed the wasted and misused $20 million we spend with the Sheriff’s department yearly and most importantly the “T-A-B” crimes which I coined the phrase for: Theft, Assault and Burglary.

2 years ago

If the cops had taken notice of these guys and, based on a hunch, had kept a close watch and maybe even stopped them for questioning people would be screaming “RACISM” right now. But let’s extend this scenario that if these two guys had been stopped by deputies because they just had a “feeling” that something wasn’t right, the deputies would have gotten identifying information that would be of help now to find them after this crime, or even better, the deputies would have found the gun and the two British boys would be happy to be in LA still… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

If you say too many true things, you’ll be called a racist. So, say everyone is 100% wonderful and equal. Then you can a politician and make the big money.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Hear hear to both of you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt that they know what they are doing”

Okay I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt once they stop playing Pokemon Go and killing innocent teenagers- deal?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You’re obsessed with fake narratives.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Both of the incidents I referenced are very real.

Time for you to wake up.

2 years ago

It seems there would be available some basic description of the criminals who did this more than “two males”. I live very near where this happened and I would like to know a little more about who I should be on the look-out for.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

There is the story from the Blade: WEST HOLLYWOOD – Two young British men who had been visiting a nightclub in the area of 961 N. La Cienega Blvd. were accosted by armed robbers as they left the club to catch an Uber. A telephone video by a witness caught the robbers struggling with one of the victims, KTLA reported.  William Saunders, who identified himself as one of the victims in the robbery, said that he and his friend had just left a nightclub and were hailing an Uber ride when the robbers approached them. “Black guys with their hoods pulled… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

I suspect that if I had seen these two criminals my antennae would have gone up that they don’t “look” like they belong in WeHo and are to be avoided. And it wouldn’t have been their race that would have made me uncomfortable; it’s the way they almost for sure carried themselves. I worked in law enforcement for nearly 30 years and I recognize demeanor and attitude as intent.

It’s not profiling; it’s probability!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Can you explain further why these people don’t look like they belong in Weho?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Experience. And you know that.

Your “wokeness” is tiring. Wake up and get real!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I simply asked you a question. Why can’t you answer without yelling “wokeness”? You even said it wasn’t because of their race…so what would have tipped you off about these guys then?

Just answer the question instead of defelecting.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Their race had already been established when I referred to it. I said I would have known something wasn’t right without regard to their race.

You read things that aren’t there. That’s how badly you want to argue and to demonstrate your superiority (as you seem to think of yourself).

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I would have known something wasn’t right without regard to their race”

Why can’t you just explain how you would have known that? What are the signs? You can’t answer a simple question?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I TOLD YOU ….. I was in law enforcement for nearly 30 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Okay, so what? What are the signs that you pick up on? Why can’t you just answer the question?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

There is nothing I could say that you wouldn’t argue with me about. You’re a contrarian and that’s what contrarians do. I’m not going to waste my time on you. You’ve shown me who you are many, many times and I’m not going to play your game. There is absolutely nothing in it for me and everyone else knows exactly what I’m talking about. I have better things to do and it appears that you do not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Hilarious. If you can’t or won’t fully explain your position, you need to refrain entirely and just keep it to yourself. Someone with your so-called experience should get this.

2 years ago
Reply to  C.R.

C.R., you clearly LIVE for this stuff and probably spend all your time digesting this radical propaganda and cataloging what you read so you can demonstrate your self-described superiority by putting your finger on just the right rebuttal to anyone who crosses you. I don’t! I have a life. Yes, I could put in the time to do the research and provide the compelling evidence to support my position, but it would be a complete waste of time because you don’t want evidence; you want to argue, and the back-and-forth would go on endlessly. NOTHING would convince you of anything… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Gimmeabreak
2 years ago
Reply to  C.R.

Oops, C.R., I thought I was responding to Cy with what I just wrote below so it may not fully apply to you, but I think it’s probably close enough.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gimmeabreak
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

Nowhere in the video or the article did he identify the race of the robbers.

Why are you changing what he said and putting it in quotes?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Because other news sources have refined the video. And unless you’re Helen Keller the guy is black. Hands and the top of his face half covered by the mask. Also, there many new editing apps where you can refine the videos but you probably wouldn’t know that living in East Cleveland. Since you make so many comments on this site but didn’t know that romaine stretches from La Brea one south of Santa Monica all the way to La Cienega. Plus, it’s in the sheriff’s report they are identified as black. And there is a new British news video which… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  #SHEisadisease

Okay thanks for admitting you made that up and put it in quotes. Really slimy stuff but not surprising coming from the person obsessed with toilets and nail polish.

Please link us to the sheriff’s report. Why can’t you do that, Michael Grace?

The unhinged nonsensical rants from you are getting way worse.

This incident happened in the City of LA and is being handled by the LAPD. And thats why Wehoville changed their headline. You just can’t admit you were wrong.

Dave d
Dave d
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I’m sure with gender “stereotypes” under attack it will eventually be just “two people” in the description of the attackers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave d

….. as opposed to “two animals”.

2 years ago

I scoured The (once-great) Los Angeles Times to find coverage of this story and found none. Is such a story inconvenient to the new woke agenda of the Times? One wonders who’s calling the shots in the newsroom. Cynical? Hell yes.

Peter Wu
Peter Wu
2 years ago
Reply to  Pathetic

If there was ever a time for Lindsey Horvath to explain why she chose Nika Soon-Shiong to advise on WeHo police numbers, now is the time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pathetic

The Los Angeles times has no news about the city. It’s a joke. It’s dying so fast if the owner, whose daughter is on one of the commissions, decides he wants to go in the movie industry and dumps the LA times he couldn’t even find anyone to buy it. The owner was so stupid he bought the equivalent of the Brooklyn Bridge. Print media is dead. If you see someone reading a newspaper, they’re usually over 90. It’s time to get into the 21st Century. And make sure that the SHE…Septic Shyne, 40ish Horvath and Erika Erickson doesn’t destroy… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by #SHEisadisease
Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago
Reply to  #SHEisadisease

A reader can only guess from this mess of a comment that SHEetc is not a gay man or SHE wouldn’t be reduced to making juvenile remarks about John Erickson. Like him or not, there’s no reason to lower oneself to 8th-grade juvenilia in a public forum. How does SHE function in a city with such a large gay population without going stark-raving mad? Or perhaps SHE has and this nonsense is the result.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

This is what happens when you allow a trendy limousine liberal trust fund baby whose dad runs the LA Times to be on a decision making committee that wants to reduce the police force in return for dad backing her sponsors run for higher office.

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter Buckley

Some members of this CC are part of the problem. They should get their priorities straight instead of fiddling while Rome burns. This is by far the worst & most embarrassing council we’ve EVER had. 2 new members, in particular, seem flippant & immature are hell-bent on doing their own thing regardless of what’s right for the city & the citizens. I can’t believe those 2 can be elected again. Lindsey Horvath has taken a turn for the worse as well & now seems like an entirely different person that we knew in the past, a bit too defiant &… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter Buckley

Larry Block resigned from a WEHO Commission after he bought WEHOville. Horvath’s buddy, the woman whose father owns the El Segundo Times aka the L.A.Times is active on the editorial side of the newspaper. She should immediately resign from the commission she is now on. It is a total conflict of interest.

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