West Hollywood Park and pool will open in April


The City of West Hollywood is thrilled to announce that the new West Hollywood Park Aquatic and Recreation Center (ARC) will be opening soon. The anticipated date for completion and opening is April 2022.

Envisioned as a true gathering space for a variety of programs, events, sports, and recreation, the ARC is now nearing final completion. The project has been subject to unforeseen delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic and supply-chain disruptions. The City is excitedly anticipating opening the ARC to the community.

The City is also moving quickly forward in a phased approach to open newly improved park amenities. El Tovar Place is now open to reestablish a connection between N. San Vicente Boulevard, the five-story West Hollywood Park parking structure, N. Robertson Boulevard, and West Hollywood Park. Also now open: the West Hollywood Library plinth garage is providing library staff and patron parking during open library operating hours.

As new West Hollywood Park facilities can be opened to the public following safety checks and final signoffs, the City will welcome community members during the upcoming weeks to enjoy amenities such as updated children’s playgrounds and the “Robertson Gardens” park area with new picnic areas and a new permanent addition to the City’s public art program: Parallel Perpendicular by artist Phillip K. Smith III.

Safety inspections and finishing touches are now in process for the new four-level 75,000-square-foot Aquatic and Recreation Center. The ARC will feature two rooftop swimming pools and a multi-sport court that will accommodate a variety of sports such as basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball. It will also feature five community meeting rooms and one conference room, Recreation Services staff offices, a Tiny Tot program classroom, a public access television studio, and lockers.

Construction is part of West Hollywood Park Master Plan Phase II improvements, which follows the addition of small and large dog parks featuring shade trees, small mounds and turf terraces for romping, and water stations. West Hollywood Park, once fully opened, will have newly expanded green spaces and will feature an outdoor exercise circuit for adults.


Soon, plans will move forward for the AIDS Monument, a collaboration between the Foundation for a National AIDS Monument (FAM), artist Dan Tobin, and the City of West Hollywood. The AIDS Monument will be located within the park’s expanded open space along N. San Vicente Boulevard. It will be a visually distinct and tranquil area to be experienced in many ways.

For updates about West Hollywood Park, please visit www.weho.org/whparkproject.

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doggie dad
doggie dad
3 years ago

They made the dog parks way too small. They should be much bigger with all that land available. Also doesnt help that idiots bring their Unfixed dogs in there causing issues. (Not even allowed by law)

Doug Shoen
Doug Shoen
3 years ago

God pray we don’t have to see Sepi in a swimsuit.

3 years ago

I lived in West Hollywood from 1964 when I was 19, until 1978 when I was 31. I loved it. Most of MY old stomping grounds are gone. The last to go was Studio One. I would take my best friends toddler to the West Hollywood Park whenever I would baby sit. I remember The Blue Parrot, Revolver , Machismo, Drakes, The Greenery, The Louisiana Purchase , International Male, and The Mother Lode. I used to go to Jim Morris’ Gym which was around the corner from where I lived on Rugby Drive. I’m so proud of how West Hollywood… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  GUY

You left that city right in time before the AIDS pandemic started. Sadly it hasn’t stopped. Many young residents keep becoming HIV Positive as we speak.

3 years ago

To clarify things for Wehoians: most of the fat cats at city hall don’t even live in WeHo. They take their money and run back to their safe, clean enclaves. Looking the other way and shrugging shoulders is their way.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
3 years ago
Reply to  Lamar

They backed blondie aka John Erickson when he ran for office.

The Willz
The Willz
3 years ago
Reply to  Lamar

Dude. Fat cats? Are you living in the 1920s? What “enclave” is safer or cleaner than WeHo?

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
3 years ago
Reply to  Lamar

Hard to blame them. This city is hardly “clean and safe”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lamar

Maybe the housing in that city is too expensive? Not affordable to even rent?


[…] Source link […]

3 years ago

1) I’m glad they re-imagined the park to give more green space and to utilize what they had to work within. 2) The project was badly managed and at least one person noted the article was press release in the guise of journalism. 3) The sales tax increased passed by the stupid citizens of this city is their own doing. People who voted for it didn’t understand they were voting for a massive increase in local taxes all at once. 4) We live in an urban place and there will be people you might not want in the park including… Read more »

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
3 years ago

the homeless have a new park to enjoy. money well spent.

3 years ago

The construction and mismanagement of West Hollywood Park is an atrocity and embarrassment to this city. The mishandling and delays of the park is being blamed on COVID and chain supply delays which is a convenient excuse, but it’s a lie. This project experienced various construction delays for 5-1/2 years, the original $70 to $80 million dollar budget was depleted by mismanagement (by 2018) and required a $290 million dollar bond issued to complete the project. The bond resulted in West Hollywood’s 10.5% sales tax (the highest in the country). It’s time this city become transparent. We’ve all been paying… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

Actually, the voters in West Hollywood voted in that sales tax increase. That was the result of a November, 2020 vote, by residents. You can blame that on mismanagement, or not.

Regarding the parking garage, and it’s lack of use. Were you predicting the first pandemic in 100 years? I don’t think anyone was.

Tyler T
Tyler T
3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Edie Gorme’ blamed it on the Bossa Nova. Michael Caine blamed it on Rio. Randy blames it on a virus.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler T

I sure do. The original poster said “we’ve been paying for that too, but no one has been in city hall for two years.” City Hall is hardly the one business/government entity to close their offices for almost the last two years.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

You are incorrect.

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

Incorrect about what? That City Hall is the only business or government entity that has been closed since the beginning of Covid? I know plenty of people who have still not gone back to the office. And plenty of people who had their office close, permanently.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

The reason the sales tax increase was on the ballot was to make up for the funds needed to complete the park. The city funds were gone and the city required a bond to substantiate the repayment on the funds. Kindly check your facts. As for the parking structure, the city owns a number of vacant lots surrounding city hall that would have been provided adequate parking to cover city hall. Again, the city used tax payer funds for themselves that were mismanaged.
Research your views.

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

I was there when it happened. I know how it was sold to the public. Prove me incorrect. ”Measure E enacted a ¾-cent sale tax to address COVID-19 revenue shortfall and longer-term impacts to the economy from COVID-19. Measure E was approved by almost 75% of the voters – 14,852 votes for vs. 5,607 votes against. West Hollywood is projected to lose as much as $35 million in revenue over the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years due to the coronavirus pandemic. That amounts to about a 20% decline in revenue. The new tax rate could generate approximately $11 million annually.The… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

“Like many cities in California, the city of West Hollywood has been affected by the significant financial impacts of COVID-19. The city is projected to lose as much as $35 million in revenue over the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years, equal to approximately a 20% decline in revenue. The new tax rate could generate approximately $11 million annually. Measure E funds will help prevent cuts to programs and services that are critical to residents and could otherwise help the city recover from the current crisis, such as protecting public health, working with local nonprofits to help community members in need,… Read more »

Kip Thompson
Kip Thompson
3 years ago

Go take a peek through the fences. The landscaping looks like a desolate, dying wasteland, and, as some others say first looking in “what’s with all the concrete? It’s supposed to be a park.” Oh: Maybe an alive and green kind of park would have cost an extra couple million$?

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
3 years ago

Posting the city’s press release isn’t journalism.
There are tons of credibility issues here that deserve reporting.
Blaming it on Covid and the supply chain? This park wasn’t on schedule or budget well before Covid. Why does a park take nearly 6 years to build?
Safety inspections and finishing touches” were underway the first week of September and it’s still not opening until April?
The mishandling of this park is enormous. Posting their press release is ridiculous. Everyone needs to step up their game! We deserve answers and accountability.

3 years ago
Reply to  Howard Beale

You’re exactly right about what we all deserve… but will never get. City Hall will never be truthful about this park and egregious miscalculations, mishandlings, misdeeds, and mismanagement. Everyone past and present who has swept truths under the carpet will show up for the photo opp at the opening, though.

3 years ago

What is a plinth garage?

3 years ago
Reply to  Curtis

Imagine an office building or an apartment building built on top of a parking garage.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 years ago

West Hollywood needed some good news! This has been a twenty year process and it will be interesting to compare the original estimates to the actual costs of construction. The new park will enhance the quality of life in our city and will become a gathering place that fosters a closer sense of community. The park gives us something to celebrate.

Reuben R
Reuben R
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

The park will continue to draw crowds of mothers & nannies, all from out of town, with a lot of screaming children making loud disturbing noises & even more homeless people will return to the park & cause an even further undesirable environment, including the homeless who have been “living” in the library & garage. And I’m sure the final figure is staggering. But at least Lindsey & D’Amico got their stairway to the stars, as excessive as it is, both literally & figuratively. You can’t put lipstick on a pig.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 years ago
Reply to  Reuben R

And after a lot of fighting, we got a dog park. But at least we have the space back and the new pools. But I suspect that the real construction numbers will never see the light of day. Given the malaise that seems to have set over the City, we should at least try to see the bright side.

Hidden Numbers
Hidden Numbers
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

You might find all the details in the Little Black Book of Dan Adams at Heery or you could peruse the Demand Register for years.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hidden Numbers

is this the guy they sent out to push around the residents around plummer park years ago?