City may give out test strips to detect spiked drinks


City Council will consider Monday whether to spend $15,000 on a new effort to combat sexual assaults in the city’s nightlife establishments.

The proposal by Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne and Councilmember John Erickson calls for the purchase and distribution of “spiked-drink test strips,” which reveal whether a cocktail has been laced with the common date-rape drugs GHB and/or ketamine.

In tandem with a public education campaign, the city would distribute the strips to local bars and drinking establishments as part of an ongoing effort to tackle the recurrent spiked drinks/sexual assaults in Boystown/The Rainbow District. In September, the Sheriff’s Department noted 30 such incidents had been reported in the previous five years.

In 2019, West Hollywood purchased similar test kits which detected the presence of fentanyl, distributing them at the LGBT Center and at the city’s Pride booth.

How a spiked-drink test kit works, from an infographic on

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Cy Husain
3 years ago

Establishments selling alcohol a highly intoxicating drug are already responsible for selling an authentic product as opposed to something boosted with ethanol and, their product NOT being sold to minors; Alcohol Beverage Control is there to make sure of it ❗ They and NOT the City should be responsible to use reasonable care to keep their product from being spiked with drugs by predators. Test strips may help for a while but, a Security team trained for the problem with a certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) or Paramedic is needed for long term safety.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago

This place is like a college campus. What happened to being an adult, keeping track of your drink and going home before you can’t look after yourself? I can just imaging this becoming a narcissist status symbol: “can you believe someone tried to do this to me!” as a way of demonstrating that they’re so desired that people will stop at nothing to take advantage of them.

3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

A dignity free college campus? Folks in boarding school with were all smarter than that. While first attending a women’s college for two years , the word was never, never, never go to a DKE house party at any of the men’s colleges surrounding us. The culprit wasn’t spiked drinks it was the full on lovely behavior the likes of Justice Brett Kavanaugh who has since become a paragon of virtue. Should he receive a key to West Hollywood?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

PLEASE let’s NOT engage in victim blaming ❗ Being a victim of a predator is NOT a symbol of desirability but, an assigned vulnerability by society that respects predators. We need to send a message to today’s Brock Turners and tomorrow’s Brett Kavanaughs that they are NOT above the law and, NO ONE is forgotten by society to be their prey ❗

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

1. It’s not victim blaming, it’s called empowering people, and sometimes it comes with a critique. 2. Speaking of blaming, Let’s not blame problems in our community on people who aren’t even part of it, the problem is within. 3. I know you want to be an activist type, but what you’re saying is silly. The alleged victims of Justice Kavanaugh aren’t sitting around lamenting, “If only I had a test strip…”

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!
  1. Leaving targeted oppressed people to the mercy of powerful predators is NOT empowerment ❗
  2. Outside reactionaries routinely target West Hollywood for its support of the LGBTQ+ community and others, this kind of hate crime is NOT the fault of West Hollywood.
  3. I’ve been an activist for a long time well beyond the bounds of the United States, with action far greater than “test strips.”
WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Glad you’re using my numbering system! 1. If you’re partying in WeHo, you’re privileged and entitled, NOT oppressed. There are basic ways of protecting yourself, I suggest you research these ways for your own benefit. 2. These tests strips aren’t intended to prevent hate crimes, they are specifically for date-rape prevention. Do you even know what a hate crime is? Which brings me to 3. If you are truly an activist you would know what a hate crime is. As we used to say five years ago, “Sure, Jan.”

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

3. The “Sure, Jan” goes back 50 years.
2. If you bothered to see any of my other posts, you would of clearly seen that I made the point that “test strips” are NOT a long term solution. The Feminists I know (many Attorneys) do consider rape a hate crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.
#1. It is indeed quite possible to be highly privileged and entitled and to become the victim of violent oppression. Visit The Holocaust Museum

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

1. True statement, but people partying in WeHo are still not “oppressed”, and comparing them to Holocaust victims is extremely offensive. 2. Your feminist attorney friends don’t decide if rape is a hate crime or not. It can be, but not always. Do your research, I don’t think your friends are the best source of information. 3. It’s called humor, and I hope you’re getting some help, you seem a little unhinged. xoxo, Mary

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!
  1. Please read Branded by the Pink Triangle by Ken Setterington, you might not want to make a statement like that with such certitude afterword.
  2. Feminist Attorneys have every right to advocate for Women’s Right and, hopefully one day soon more of them will decide these issues on the Judiciary ❗ ⚖ YES I did my own research, the class was called “Women’s Studies.”
  3. Most people really enjoy my humor!🤣
WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

1. Yes, I have skimmed through that book before, which has nothing to do with my statement, that those who party in the West Hollywood, in 2022, should not be compared to Holocaust victims. Still highly offensive. 2. Advocating for women’s rights and defining what a hate crime is or is not are two different things. Please ask your college or university for your money back. 3. Bless your heart.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!
  1. You haven’t read it in all this time? Even Undergrads would have had it read and a paper written.
  2. They are related and I’m sure I could explain it to you but, I doubt you would understand the connection. FYI my last employer paid all my University expenses and, has an overwhelming response from qualified applicants for open positions ❗
  3. Sarcasm commonly used by southern racists.
WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Your responses have become some sort of stream of consciousness drivel at this point. I hope that the non-profit/daycare center that you work at can offer you some help, you really need it.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

The baby teacher job was more than a few years ago as was the one working in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and, now they visit me with their own babies❗💖

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

If one sees themself ot considers themself a victim they will continue to play the part. And as for Feminism, it can be another way of putting a target on ones back.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Victimhood

REALLY ❓ Conservative white males are the poster children of false victimhood. I wouldn’t bring it up if not for the fact it has historically driven them to murder and full scale genocide

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

You sadly seem obsessed with representing yourself to be the smartest person in the room on endless subjects. While you are clearly not, I’m sure some folks will agree you seem to be the most annoying and likely identify as a victim.

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
3 years ago

Anyone remember the small vending machines on the wall of restrooms that for $0.75 or $1.00 you could purchase a condom? Maybe we bring those back but instead sell 2 or 5 or 10-packs of these strips? This way the tools are there for those concerned with their drink being spiked and the City has an extra $15k for something else.

J. Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
J. Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
3 years ago

How many of these people live in Weho?

Why does it matter?
Why does it matter?
3 years ago

How many of them spend money here, resident or not, and just want to enjoy themselves without being prey? If we take their money and we know this is a problem, we should focus on prevention.

Eric Jon Schmidt (Henderson)
Eric Jon Schmidt (Henderson)
3 years ago

It’s a good idea, but the responsibility and cost should be on the business owners, not the city. Tax money should be used to represent all the citizens and this proposal only represents visitors to the bars who, for the most part are not citizens. As a condition of having a liquor license, they should be required to provide test strips and/or covers to drinks to those who request them. And here’s a really radical idea: When you’re out drinking, be aware of who is around you and keep an eye on your drink. The city is opening themselves up… Read more »

Cy Husain
3 years ago

You made many excellent points ❗ The problem is those in positions of influence seek to completely privatize businesses’ profits but socialize the expenses (like safety measures including test strips) to the public. Keep in mind that those interested in drugging people are, right now likely looking for new drugs that won’t be indicated on the test strips. The clubs need a certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and or a Paramedic on their Security team who has been trained in this area.

3 years ago

I’m sorry, this is just so infuriating that I have to add to my comment below. This city council, especially Shyne, Erickson and Horvath refuse to acknowledge the escalating daily crime in West Hollywood and place the proper number of sheriff deputies on the street to protect residents and tourists – see today’s and recent local T.V. news coverage and Wehoville and Weho Times daily coverage – but the council members want to pay to put fentanyl stripes in bars and restaurants and clubs. Huh? This makes no sense and is all part of the same problem. I’m at a… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by :dpb
3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

This is actually a very serious issue.

How does this not make sense to you?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Considering his past comments, how can anything make sense to him❓🤣

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

Do you watch City Council meetings? Or Public Safety Commission meetings (I’ll, admit, I don’t catch all of the latter)? Or just complain in these forums? Do you know how the system works? If you want to complain about our current crime issues, have it. But, please, know how the system works. Shyne, Erickson and Horvath are not telling the LASD how to do their jobs. There have been complaints to the LASD, from various Councilmembers over the years. But the LASD has run with arrogance and autonomy, and if you want to keep blaming that on three Councilmembers (two… Read more »

3 years ago

Why did I immediately know that this proposal is from Shyne and Erickson? WTF. This is reaching beyond the scope of government. I am a leftist liberal and these two zealots have lost their frickin’ minds. NO. This is not the city’s responsibility.

3 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

And why did I know that you would be the first person to immediately complain? Everything they do seems to be under your spotlight, and complained about. Just about everything I can think of.

This is a public safety issue. Who cares who sponsored the item? Let me guess, “another waste of public funds …”

3 years ago

When the city puts out a bold invitation to miscreants of all types they prefer to spend money on lame means to give the PR appearance that they are willing to do everything possible to protect folks. The easiest and quickest deterrent to this type of behavior is to have high standards and make it known that the city will not tolerate spikers, speeders, rapists, potential lethal behavior and the ever increasing tribe of celebrity gang bangers. If no action, watch it ramp up with the cannabis clubs emulating Cookies. In no time it will become another plague similar to… Read more »