Here’s what WeHo wants to buy with your money over the next two years


City Council, and the public, will get a first look at the City Manager’s Preliminary Two-Year Budget tonight. The budget is supposed to be available at, but still is not as of press time.

So what does WeHo want to spend your money on now?

  1. MITs, or Multidisciplinary Integrated Teams, composed of Licensed Clinical Social Workers, nurses, substance abuse counselors, psychiatrists, and peer advocates providing “street-based services.” COST INCREASE: $400,000
  2. West Hollywood Care Team, a new type of behavioral health crisis response unit. They’re calling it “an alternative to law enforcement to address mental health and social service needs.” COST: Unknown
  3. Block by Block. The citywide security guard program could see a substantial expansion, including a dozen new full-time employees, kiosks and electric bicycles  COST INCREASE BY 2023: $1.5 million
  4. Smart City projects.  In addition to license-plate reading cameras, public wi-fi and electric vehicle charging areas, the city will test a new pilot program that turns street lights into surveillance tools, counting cars and foot traffic, detecting noise levels, monitoring parking spaces. COST: Unknown

You’re encouraged to give your two cents on this and other topics at tonight’s meeting. Instructions to do so are below.


Members of the public who wish to comment on matters before the City Council are strongly encouraged to submit written correspondence to or submit an E-Comment by visiting no later than 2:00 p.m. on Council meeting day.  Note: Written Correspondence and E-Comments will not be read into the record during the City Council meeting; however, correspondence received by 2:00 p.m. will be forwarded to the City Council and posted on the City’s website as part of the official meeting record. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, please do not include your address and/or phone number.


(Please note: This option is to provide public comment via phone ONLY. To view the meeting, please see information on how to view the meeting provided above.)

1. You are strongly encouraged to e-mail the City Clerk at  no later than 2:00 p.m. on the City Council meeting day, to be added to the Public Speaker List for the meeting. Please include your name, the phone number from which you will be calling, and which item you would like to speak on.

2. Dial-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting (the meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.)

• Dial-in #: 669-900-6833
• Meeting I.D.: 845 6763 5052, then #

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2 years ago

As real life stands, supposedly WeHo has contracted out all social services programs to LA large existing social Services. They may once have a contract, and paid it, not just myself, but I’ve heard from many locals sent to the regular (usually fairly useless – but something) AND TURNED AWAY, REJECTED … OFTEN WITH NO EXPLANATION. “90069” IS THE RED FLAG TO SAY THEY CAN NOT PROVIDE SERVICE. GET BASICS BACK ON LINE AND PAID IN FULL BEFORE SO BOUGIE $440K JOB to help who exactly. More needy than the normal set of legal, health, care providers that always need… Read more »

Bunker Mentality
Bunker Mentality
2 years ago

City Hall has become a bunker with less communication and visibility plus a seemingly undisciplined staff. They do not appear to realize they are working for the residents of West Hollywood but without any critical thinking are pursuing hare-brained schemes. Me thinks Mr. Wilson is not in control of this situation.

WeHo Proud
WeHo Proud
2 years ago

Wait, I thought the City Manager and the staff work for the developers and special interests from outside the city. Right? Isn’t that their job?

Ham for City Council
Ham for City Council
2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Proud

Paul Arevalo took the directions with him when he departed. The city structure is crumbling and rightfully so. A House of Cards.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago

Well, we know what left-wing woke group is behind all of this. The SHE! Or should I say the anti-somatic SHE! Shyne, Horvath, and Erickson. The three political hacks who refuse to come clean claiming they aren’t supporting the Jew-hating Chelsea Byers! What is really needed: Sexual Harassment Unit: To monitor when “Dr” Erickson is boozed up and sexually harassing young men as he did with the President of Stonewall. Or his one-bedroom Airbnb for young women wanting abortions with the Doc sleeping on the couch. Pay-for-play-watch guard Unit: To zoom in on Horvath to check her taking handouts from… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

It’s 9:44 a.m. and it’s still not available online! Mr. Wilson? Mr. Wilson? Anyone?

2 years ago

The Smart City implementation sound fantastic until you look closely what the technology is capable of.The traffic signal surveillance setup and license plate cameras smack as Big Brother instead of being a help to the wider community.

You should search by “5G technology” or “Smart City” in your favorite search engine to learn more how this technology work.A lot of it is great,but there are Smart City schemes that can be easily abused.

2 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

Thank you for staying this— we should all be resistant to this surveillance tech in our town. Weho has long been an incubator for spooky projects like this before being rolled out on the masses.

carletonj cronin
2 years ago

Block by Block, the invisible observers. Very seldom see them. Better to invigorator the WATCH program to include residents and business interests – and CERT. Self-help plans which costs pennies and promote community responsibility and not reliant upon heavy expenditures. Press the county for funds to assist the homeless – although I doubt the county would respond since it has been absolutely shameless in its approach to the issue.It looks like we’ll have as, any mental health workers as homeless on the streets with this plan…

2 years ago

“Don’t Tell Me No Tell Me How” …I try to live by this rule in life ….As much as we, myself included can find reasons to disagree with the citys ides here , lets give this approach a chance and stand behind them as we hope to for each other…I prefer it to seeing 6 Sheriffs cars ( on our dime) responding to a minor car accident or as in the case of the front of my building a man that tripped and fell on the sidewalk ( no less than 9 cars responded ) We are the Creative City… Read more »

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

How about lazers that incapacitate drivers that don’t stop at stop signs. (Please also allocate funds to repaint these.)

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