ELECTIONS: Bob Hertzberg, Lindsey Horvath appear headed for runoff


Bob Hertzberg is currently the top vote getter in the primary race to represent West Hollywood as its next County Supervisor, with WeHo Councilmember Lindsey Horvath trailing in second place as of publication time.

With Election Day ballots still being counted, the longtime state senator of the San Fernando Valley has captured more than 48,000 votes, or about 35 percent of all votes cast and counted. Horvath, with about 25 percent, is behind by nearly 15,000 votes. If the totals hold, they will face each other in the November runoff election.

Hertzberg’s fellow senator from the Valley, Henry Stern, is currently in third place with more than 30,500 votes, or roughly 22 percent. The remaining 14 percent of votes are split between Jeffi Girgenti, Roxanne Beckford Hoge and Craig Brill.

With public safety at the top of voters’ minds, Horvath’s campaign seems to have successfully portrayed the stalwart progressive as a tough-on-crime candidate, while barely mentioning her gung-ho advocacy for alternative policing and her efforts to defund the Sheriff’s Department.

Hertzberg, however, was the candidate endorsed by the county’s law enforcement unions — something Horvath suggested was “untrustworthy” during a recent debate.

Down the ballot, Sheriff Alex Villanueva received 32 percent of the vote, sending him into a runoff with Alex Luna, who got 26 percent. Villanueva’s brusque style and hard line on criminal justice have made the Democrat somewhat of a bête noire in his own party, particularly for WeHo Public Safety Commissioner Nika Soon-Shiong, whose billionaire father owns the LA Times.


Voters handed easy victories to Gov. Gavin Newsom, Congressman Adam Schiff and freshman California U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla.

Capturing just under 50 percent of the vote, former WeHo Councilmember Jeff Prang appears headed for a runoff in his bid to be re-elected County Assessor against Sandy Sun.

Republican Lanhee Chen currently leads the vote for State Controller, a potential milestone for the GOP in deep-blue California, which hasn’t had a winning statewide candidate in years.

Nick Melvoin, whose district includes West Hollywood, has a comfortable lead in his re-election bid for Los Angeles United School District.

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Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago

Misandrist Lindsey Horvath is delusional, thinking she will win over Sen. Bob Hertzberg. He is Jewish. Horvath is best friends with the Jew-hating WEHO CC candidate Chelsea Byers. Byers spoke Monday night at the Monday CC meeting. She spoke directly to her anti-semites best friends on the CC, Horvath, Erickson, and Shyne. Get real, Horvath. This district has a substantial Jewish population. Plus, will Shyne be confronted for her anti-semitism in being a supporter of Byers when she heads for Israel? Why didn’t the SHE confront Byers? Byers, like Horvath, is a professional busy body. No accomplishments except pushing their repugnant… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael on Havenhurst
Ad Nauseam
Ad Nauseam
2 years ago

Please contribute some substantive information. Repeating yourself ad nauseam is useless and makes you seem like an idiot drunk on your own noxious words. Enough!

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago
Reply to  Ad Nauseam

Repetition is a persuasive technique in politics. It has been used by politicians, journalists, and advertisers for years. It is used intensely on social media since print media like the LA “El Segundo” Times is dead and CNN is close behind – and it is very effective! Not only comments on significant news blogs, like WehoVille, but Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, podcasts, and videos. Labels are endless when it comes to the WOKE takeover of West Hollywood. For example: Misangist (manhater), anti-semite, streetwalker for developers, pronoun advocates, unisex toilet pushers, self-serving, pompous, no business background, gender studies major, etc. They will be… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael on Havenhurst
Ad Nauseam
Ad Nauseam
2 years ago

While I can agree to a point, new information is highly effective and one must know when they have reached the tipping point which invalidates the writer point. You seem to maintain a very wretched outlook on nearly every subject.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ad Nauseam

Repulikooks tend to be that way.

2 years ago

Hopefully this is the beginning of getting Lindsey Horvath out of town. She is a vile hypocrite in every way. She’ll have to actually find a day job and understand the value of money, rather than just hand other people’s money around so she can try to look like a do gooder. She is the worst example of humanity. A phony hypocrite. Maybe her billionaire barely teenage L.A. Times friend can get her a real job over there selling subscriptions?

2 years ago

I’ve been NO on Horvath for a long time. But seeing her portray herself as the current Mayor of West Hollywood in all the interviews last night on the news, lie about her sheriff/public safety stance and lie about her record is a disgusting reflection of how very untrustworthy Horvath truly is. I’m disgusted by her.

2 years ago
Reply to  :dpb


Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
2 years ago

Congratulations Lindsey Horvath! Good luck in November!

Horvath the Dilettante
Horvath the Dilettante
2 years ago

Lindsey Horvath has employed Eric Hacopian as a campaign strategist who is making untoward statements about “Huggy Bob” Hertzberg right off the bat just as Horvath made negative statements his support from law enforcement. While looking at Hacopian’s history his fit with Horvath was not immediately clear, being from the Persian/Armenian community but it makes perfect sense. Undoubtedly impressed with Horvath at first blush, he appears tasked with bringing the P/A community and more into the fold for her support. Many others have bought this approach but folks that have seen Horvath in action locally, don’t buy it. Horvath has… Read more »

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago

Does Horvath and her new campaign flack, Eric Hacopian, think any community, PA or WASPs, especially men, want to spend 30 minutes in line at the Hollywood Bowl or a ball game to urinate in a unisex stall for the “Tranny” POV. To satisfy the pathetic ego of Horvath… a gender study grad form Notre Dame (aka RC pedophile university that should be taxed with all religions). Does anyone want to vote for this man hater, anti-Semitic, middle aged spinster? Backed by her aging sexually harassing boy toy joined at the hip: Erickson. Or the pronoun queen: Shyne. How many… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael on Havenhurst
Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

You can bank on the fact that she’s going to be nasty as hell. She feels entitled to this position and she’ll pull out all the cards. Let us let no one in the district forget that she is completely two-faced on defund and public safety. The electorate sent a clear message last night. Spin away, Linds.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Horvath doesn’t know what nasty is. Just ask Shyne on how she went after Duran with videos. There is so much to play with when it comes to the Horvath angle. For openers, her jew hating girl friend, Chelsea Byers, was Horvath’s former campaign manger’s girlfriend. Byers and Horvath are cut from the same mold. Privileged white girls, who street-walk for developers money and then pretend they are the Woke queens. Oh la la!

14% Voter Turnout
14% Voter Turnout
2 years ago

The saddest part of all is approx. 14 % voter turnout.

For all the daily, weekly, monthly complaints on Wehoville, twitter, FB and march in the streets but people will not put their feelings into real action to vote . Perhaps it should be required in order to obtain a drivers license or other necessity. People have died for the right to vote and we fail to exercise our civic responsibility. It’s mind boggling!

Mountain Man
Mountain Man
2 years ago

A lot of people who recently moved here don’t bother to register. A single vote in LA or California doesn’t carry much weight. They’d rather vote where they have max impact for President. Sad but reality.

2 years ago

I don’t want people to vote unless they are self-motivated and well informed. So if that’s only 14% so be it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Judging who the 14% picked, I’m not sure all of them are well informed… At. All.

2 years ago

Could not agree with you more.
Mores the pity, too.

2 years ago

It’s a strong NO on Horvath.

2 years ago

No reporting on how horribly Villanueva did? A runoff election is coming in November and his chances are not looking so good. Thank GOD.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

So…you think that Villanueva coming in first place at 9% ahead of the second place candidate was bad? Please, elaborate on how you think that was a bad result for Villanueva?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray

I left a comment with facts and statistics to prove my stance but Wehoville won’t approve it for some reason?

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

There is nothing in the pending messages. The some reason is there is no message to post.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Fact checked. 👏👍

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Okay I typed it out again and it didn’t get approved (again).

Do you want me to submit a screenshot of my comment to show you this is happening?

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

This comment made it, the pending file is empty. I can send you that screen shot too, but maybe your loading attachments or other I do not know. If its not here twice then its something about the post.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Right?! Since when did coming in first place and well ahead of the second place runner-up mean that the candidate did horribly? 🙄 😄

2 years ago

It scares me that she did as well as she did, which, even if she doesn’t make it she will be encouraged to try again in other election cycles.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago

As for Lindsey Horvath getting elected LAC Supervisor, Horvath will be labeled anti-law enforcement, anti-semitic, no urinals, men hater, etc., and anti-Second Amendment and insurance for private ownership of guns. Did two black guys, pointing guns and threatening to kill the two Brit athletes during the robbery at La Cienega and Santa Monic Blvd, have legal firearms and insurance? See for yourself. Videos like this are only the beginning of making sure Horvath’s political career is over: https://rumble.com/vv0rqa-west-hollywoodsunset-strip-4-most-dangerous-city-in-california.html

2 years ago

She will be labeled all of those things *by you*. “Men hater” has to be one of your most unhinged statements (and there are a lot of them).

Left Field
Left Field
2 years ago

According to the NBC4 website. The robbers were involved in a series of follow home robberies. A Warrant was served at their apartment on the 7300 block of Santa Monica Blvd.

Don Jones
Don Jones
2 years ago

This could be very good news for West Hollywood. Should Horvath secure a runoff position for county commissioner she won’t be able to run for city council reelection. I believe election law doesn’t allow a candidate to run for two different offices in the same election cycle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Don Jones


2 years ago
Reply to  Don Jones

If Horvath’s loses and needs to relinquish her cc seat, it might be termed Poetic Justice. She might need to obtain a real job. ☺️

2 years ago

Bob Hertzberg is a recognizable name in politics and has been around for awhile. Lindsey Horvath is a relative unknown in the county,so she got the lesser votes.I hope the campaigning for the supervisor’s seat doesn’t get ugly,but the potential is there.The question remains who will get Horvath’s city council seat if she goes on to the county.

Not mention in the article is the race for sheriff.It looks like Los Angeles County is stuck with Alex Villanueva for another term.

2 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

“It looks like Los Angeles County is stuck with Alex Villanueva for another term.”

Absolutely not. There will be a runoff as Villanueva is projected to not even get close to 50%. There is a good chance he will be voted out in November if voters can rally around Luna.

Last edited 2 years ago by greeneyedguy
Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Luna is a credible alternative for people who care about making law enforcement accountable and pro-community. Hopefully we can end the Villanueva sideshow in November.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

What do you mean by “pro-community” and his “sideshow”?
Does he enforce the law?

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Yes, he does. And he has a no nonsense approach and doesn’t bow down to the unhinged “leaders” that we have that are more concerned about making brownie points with the woke crowd then they are protecting the people and that’s why they hate him so much.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

He cleared out the homeless in Venice and several encampments on the west side.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Villanueva will win a landslide. Many more voters like him than you think. He stands up to the political do nothing county supervisor hacks and is anti criminal. What more can you ask for? He’s got cojones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Manny

If that were true, he would have won already. There is a good chance he will lose in November.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

And there’s a good chance he’ll win. Only time will tell.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

There’s actually not though.

2 years ago
Reply to  Manny

Yup. Big ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

The majority of voters voted against him. They will unite to oust Villanueva in November. Mark my words.

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