‘What are they supposed to be doing?’ | Resident questions Block by Block kiosk

Block by Block security ambassadors

A new security kiosk has appeared at West Hollywood Park. The kiosk is staffed by the Block by Block security ambassadors and is part of the city’s new push to redistribute the money it spends on public safety. City Council is investing heavily in the unarmed security ambassadors and is hoping they will provide the public with a sense of safety in the absence of armed Sheriff’s Department deputies. A photo e-mailed to WEHOville and city officials today shows a man sleeping directly behind the security ambassador who is manning the new kiosk. The resident asks “What are they supposed to be doing?” Tell us in a comment: what do you think of the new kiosk?

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[…] questions about the Block by Block program’s usefulness continue to swirl, West Hollywood’s mayor and mayor pro tem just this week re-affirmed their […]

2 years ago

To be honest it’s a difference between cops and safety ambassador for all you people commenting and just talking .each job have there own special duties and are both here to help out in the community y’all should be grateful see city don’t even got that so instead of gossiping about it. Some people have no live but to talk about others

2 years ago
Reply to  Resident

If you don’t live here, it does not affect you. So yeah, those of us who pay taxes here would like our city to actually be much more safe. Safely ambassadors are not the answer.

2 years ago

Got a junkie homeless guy been sleeping outside our building on Lexington and LaBrea for a week. He plays with himself in the open and pees all over the cars. I’ve mentioned it to the “Ambassadors” and I found out their job is to ride their bikes right by him and ignore him. Keep up the excellent work WEHO City Council.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorge

You trolls posting and chatting online need to know that there is a distinction between police officers and safety ambassadors. People in the city don’t even have drift hunters either of these jobs, so instead of bitching about it, they should be thankful that they exist. As though their only purpose in life is to complain about other people.

2 years ago

Why has the original photo at the top of this article been changed?

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  Enough!

the photo was changed due to a request by a person who claimed it was their personal photo, we received it as a cc to the city council.

Michael on Havenhurst Drive
Michael on Havenhurst Drive
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

The guy can sell the photo to the candidate opposing Horvath. It was one of the most damaging photos I’ve seen. But I took a screenshot.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago

If you see one of our Block by Block team, talk to them. Ask them about their job and issues they see in your neighborhood. While I agree they are not a replacement for armed Sheriff’s deputies, but on the Eastside the Block by Block patrols have had a definite improvement in the quality of life. They discourage car theft; they discourage the people that are scoping out our homes to steal mail or break in. I have witnessed them de-escalate homeless people who are having meltdowns. If you talk with them, share your concerns and notify them about issues… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

I agree. We could have had both, more Block by Block and still have kept our Sheriff staff in tact and potentially ADDED more deputies. But politics and a lot of naïveté, or worse, got in the way of good governing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Well put, Steve. Feel exactly the same.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Steve, they are potentially a fine addition to our sheriff’s team in a time of escalating violence but you should not side with Lindsey Horvath and the defund team if you want majority votes in November. Now is the time for you to state exactly your position on deputy first responders and your support for the council member. And please, no ambiguity, probably fair to say that most residents do not want a repeat of the current council’s attitude toward public safety concerns.

Elementary Public Safety
Elementary Public Safety
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

This was a very obvious miscalculation by Kristin Cook who was not acting responsibly according to her title and compensation. It is elementary public safety not requiring a PhD.

Elementary Public Safety
Elementary Public Safety
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

So Mr. Martin, where was your voice in this prior to the public disaster. Those aspiring to public service have an inherent responsibility to have antennae for just such eventualities. Parroting these ideas now on the election trail is not only lazy it shows lack of integrity.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago

Obviously you don’t read this fine publication or you would be aware of my record on this issue. I was one of the first, and indeed at times the only person, at Council meetings speaking against this issue.

Elementary Public Safety
Elementary Public Safety
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

The snide comments perpetually made in front of City Council, which carry the same tone as this response, it’s evident that many have permanently tuned out. Walking in step with Lindsey Horvath’s appears to be a conflict regardless of words at public gatherings. Credibility should be a constant. So wanted to believe you but there was always something that didn’t jibe and a lack of humility.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Your backing Horvath only confirms one thing – vote no on Martin for city council.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

Problem is he is a typical political hack that wants to be on both sides. Steve, do you support Horvarth and defund the police or not? You really can’t have it both ways. We vote NO!

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter Buckley

You are so right. He is another political hack and city council grandstander whose message is falling on deaf ears. Then there’s Heilman, who gave us the dreadful Horvath and Erickson. They’ve given Heilman the finger!

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Yes, I’ve been impressed over the years with your wise counsel on so many issues, but I’ve been dumbfounded with your support for Horvath. I’ve long wanted you to run again for council, but won’t support that bid until you takes back support for her.

False Sense of Security
False Sense of Security
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

So here is something definitive you may take responsibility for: Advocating a false sense of security for utilizing Block By Block. Mr. Martin, you appear to be woefully out of touch with reality and responsibility.

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Maybe we should host a reading hour with them. And serve cocoa. Nope, we need to the police back in place. This is a farce.

L. Helmsley
L. Helmsley
2 years ago

I saw the photograph. The man sleeping appeared to be passed out on a cement ledge and completely unaware that a Block by Block kiosk had been set up right next to him. I believe the ambassador’s first responsibility would’ve been to see if this person required aid. This was a bad look.

2 years ago

Jokes aside, these guys provide a service. I regularly TEXT them about problems in my neighborhood. I almost immediately get a response saying they are sending a team out. At a minimum, they have more direct access to the sheriffs department. Additionally, they can stay and monitor a situation till a deputy arrives unlike most citizens who can’t/won’t hang around.

There is a place for these people in addition to a fully staffed sheriff department

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I live in the Norma Triangle and have not seen these guys on bikes in YEARS.

angry gay pope
2 years ago

The sleazy Church of Scientology guards in LA (illegally) are armed with tasers, handcuffs, pepper spray and more! These folks above are pictured armed with NOTHING. What are these people going to do except call 911 for us? I can do that myself!

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago

LOL. The unicorn security patrol. I hope they have walkie talkies to save me.

I hope and pray Sepi experiences a break in, a robbery, or better yet an assault, first hand, so she knows what she did to women. Call a SECURITY AMBASSADOR!!!!

You shouldn’t mess with safety of others for your own social experiment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

Amen. That selfish moron needs to be taught a lesson.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawn Lacey

You shouldn’t mess with safety of others”

Tell that to all the corrupt politicians beholden to the NRA.

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

What? That doesn’t even make sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Irrelevant. Don’t change the subject HERE!

2 years ago

Beyond idiocy.

Susie Q
Susie Q
2 years ago

you asked me to make a comment… I can’t… I’m speechless!! SMH!

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago

I looked at the photo ..and ..haha ..I…um…hahaha…could…hahahaha…not stop ..hahaha ..laughing ..at ..the…hahahahaha…shameless reality…of ..hahaha ..this ..

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