Sheila Kuehl hates bullying. Or does she?


Retiring County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, author of a landmark bill that prevented LGBTQ students from being bullied, is engaging in some bullying tactics of her own.

Kuehl has taken aim at state Sen. Bob Hertzberg, who is currently in a runoff election against WeHo Councilmember Lindsey Horvath, her favored horse in the race. In a recent email to her supporters, Kuehl bashed “Lindsey’s opponent” and denied his support of the LGBTQ community.

“He (astoundingly) tried to take credit for the passage of my gay student bill, one of the hallmarks of my time in Sacramento,” Kuehl wrote. “So, he’s using this rag to try and burnish his (non-existent) LGBTQ credentials,” referencing WEHOville.

Kuehl’s vitriol for WEHOville — which she twice calls a “despicable little rag” — is on full display.

As a member of the Assembly in 1999, Hertzberg helped garner crucial support for the bill written by Kuehl which gave legal protection to LGBTQ students in schools and universities. 

“When Sheila Kuehl introduced her bullying bill that was vetoed four times, I got it passed,” Hertzberg told WEHOville. “Because I worked with conservatives from the Central Valley where she couldn’t get the votes.”


The bill passed 41-34, the bare majority in the 80-member house. Four Democrats had sided with Republicans in opposing the bill. Assemblyman Dennis Cardoza was the final Democrat still unsure about supporting it — and his vote was the last it needed.

“I guarantee the bill would never have passed without Bob Hertzberg,” Cardoza told WEHOville.

Kuehl’s original bill was extremely progressive for the time, Cardoza said, and many people in districts like his felt the bill, as written, was going too far. Hertzberg was instrumental in re-sculpting the bill so that it would appeal to more assemblymembers — and have a chance at being passed.

Hertzberg, whose gay son Daniel is running to become the only LGBTQ State Senator from Southern California, says he’s more interested in giving — rather than receiving — credit.

“I could have made the measure a Hertzberg bill, but I did not think it was fair and right,” Hertzberg said. “My approach to legislating is to always let others take the credit. Getting important policy advanced is all I need.”

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2 years ago

I don’t like the hostility from Kuehl, the LA Times, towards this site. Aside, the LA Times article was pretty exhaustive reporting. Surprised it survived, with Nika in play. Comparing her mudslinging, or insults to this publication, hardly qualifies as “bullying,” when comparing bullying at schools. WEHOville can take it. Not the first time it happened with a publication and a politician. “rag” sounds like words fed to her by Horvath. The fight between Hertzberg is typical mudslinging, not bullying. Sounds like they both deserve credit for the bill, her, more, throwing it up there three times. The reference to… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

I’m the person who brought Giuliani into this conversation so have the balls to address me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

I did.

But I erased it, after Larry said something like “not addressing other commenters” (cannot find the article, now).

Yes, your reference to Giuliani is absolutely ridiculous. There, I said it out loud. Kuehl has done more for gay rights than any commenter on this site, including you, Alan. Comparing her to Giuliani is abhorrent.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

My reference to Giuliani had nothing to do with gay rights, or who has done more for gay rights. It was in reference to Kuehl’s public behavior which I do find petulant, irrespective of what she may have done for gay rights. My point was exactly that he made himself into a fraud and a joke. I maintain that Kuehl’s end-of-career ranting make her sound like a joke, too.

Cat Fight
Cat Fight
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg


2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Stick with that, Alan. Stubbornly stick with that. Comparing her to someone who tried to defraud the country, conspired to attack our Capitol, once again, is patently absurd. You should be ashamed for even making the reference. Just gross. You asked about “balls.” She has balls. Bigger than most people.

Your attention span is about 5 minutes. I DO NOT like her attack on this publication. But her e-mail, in comparison to Giuliani? Nope.

Last edited 2 years ago by Randy
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

P.S., I always have the balls to address you. Your reference was ridiculous.

Cat Fight
Cat Fight
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy


2 years ago

IF one ‘hates bullying’, then they should not bully, and over the years she has many times. Being a Pushy Bully is not a great personality trait.

2 years ago

I heard through “the grapevine”, that Lindsey Horvath’s out of office email saying she’s gone July 8 to July 22, is for a fabulous luxury vacation to Paris, FRANCE. I guess when the heat in the Weho kitchen, she obviously despises and unquestionably denies, it’s time to jet off to the “City of Light”, Paris, France. Ooo La La Lindsey! I guess sipping an 8 Euro espresso on the famed Champs Elysees is more fun than dodging her constituents about being forced to pay out unsustainable wages for unskilled work, her desire for a world without Police, and denying she… Read more »

Welcome Committee
Welcome Committee
2 years ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Anyone well informed knows that most Parisians take holiday during July & August and will be out of twin. She will need to be satisfied by being welcomed by the peasants.

2 years ago

Yes… Mademoiselle Horvath is unique in that the peasants love here when she gives them other people’s money, and beloved by the billionaire publishing class, and “les anarchists” who are fed up with law and order. She can throw croissants at them from atop the Eiffel Tower, and do a video call back to Sheika Kuhel at HQ, and laugh together about bullying.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Come on, we all deserve a vacation. I recognize that not everyone has the luxury. I’m in Europe Aug 18-Sep 3, longer than her. D’Amico was on vacation during the most import discussion of the year, June, 2021: the budget discussion. He was also burying his mother. Shyne just had a big vacation. This is not something to be criticized.

2 years ago

Council Member LH of West Hollywood has disappointed so many West Hollywood supporters especially for defunding the Sheriff’s Department and not recognizing the top priority of WeHo Citizen’s health & safety … my vote goes to Bob Hertzberg.

WeHo Resident
WeHo Resident
2 years ago

I was going to say that Shelia Kuehl is ruining her own legacy. Decided to edit that and say she’s just showing us who she’s been all along. Good riddance to her and her teenage crush Lindsey Horvath!

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Resident

HaHa WeHo resident…..totally agree on your comment! Shelia Kuehl’s excuse for NEVER accomplishing anything is to give credit to others which is so bogus coming out of the mouth of a politician! Politicians make things up (like Horvath getting rid of Homelessness) & take full credit to be elected! It’s all so swampy, filthy, & very dirty!

Last edited 2 years ago by Eastside Straight Girl
Tom Smart
Tom Smart
2 years ago

Surprised the big “M” word isn’t be tossed around with reckless abandon….. misogyny. Who can forget Ivy Bottini’s infamous misogyny speech (it’s on YouTube)

Unhappy Soul
Unhappy Soul
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Ugh! I just relived it on YouTube! Just as vile a person as I recall from our first interaction years before. Even though she apparently had her credentials I personally found her to be the most unappealingly angry, spiteful and one likely to never experience peace and harmony. In her life time. Her own worst enemy.

2 years ago

Bye Sheila, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. (hopefully Lindsey will be walking through that same door)

2 years ago

Kuehl doesn’t get it. She’s a politician. She called WehoVille a rag! Over and over again. She probably thumbs through the printed edition of what was a great newspaper under the Chandlers, the Los Aneles Times, and now under the ownership of Dr; Schlong has turned into an opinion piece (his own and his daughter’s) now called the El Segundo Times. In their backing Horvath, it could be a curse since they backed John Duran agains Kuehl and he lost. Hopefully, history repeats itself.

Susie Q
Susie Q
2 years ago

Interesting. But…
Why is she backing Horvath who is now trying to erase her history with the city of West Hollywood and with the LGBTQ+ population?

Angry & Duplicitous
Angry & Duplicitous
2 years ago
Reply to  Susie Q

Just speculation which is only that. Both of these individuals are problematic. Ms. Kuehl, a life long unhappy individual taken to fighting at every opportunity has apparently never experienced true satisfaction through diplomacy. Ms. Horvath who has proven to be a wiley, duplicitous individual may have cozied up to an aging politico to carry her “mantle” so to speak. Happens frequently.

Ethics & Behavior
Ethics & Behavior
2 years ago

It is always a good idea to support and elect individuals that are consistent with their ethics and behavior even when the going gets rough.

2 years ago

The author doesn’t understand what the word “bullying” means.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

It’s not bullying if it’s your guy/gal doing it, right?

Sheila the bully
Sheila the bully
2 years ago

Makes perfect sense, the one who cried against bullying, turns into the bully. Hertzberg at least provided some honest commentary. Sheila chose put downs and attacks .. she is the bully!

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