Pedestrian struck, killed on Sunset Blvd.


A woman in her 30s attempting to cross Sunset Blvd. near Hammond Ave. at around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday was struck and killed by vehicle.

The driver then hit a parked car before coming to a stop and cooperating with authorities. No arrests were made.

The woman’s friends were reportedly yelling at her to stop as she walked into oncoming traffic.

“She got hit by a car in front of me,” a witness told KTLA, adding that she was “shot almost a quarter of a block after she got hit, like, boom, hit really hard, flew.”

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2 years ago

Not to be rude or insensitive, but jaywalking is common on all streets. California drivers MAY be aware of the “pedestrian has the right of way”, 99% of people simply do not care. MAYBE WeHo should lower the speed limits in City Limits? Lots of speeding and racing all the time, but especially at night, and mainly by visitors to the Sunset Strip and/or Santa Monic Blvd.

Jake Lee
Jake Lee
2 years ago

If only WEHO had more Rainbow crosswalks, this type of stuff wouldn’t happen…..😔

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago
Reply to  Jake Lee

If you’re jaywalking or crossing against a light, the design of the crosswalk doesn’t mean a thing. Get a clue. According to the story, this woman walked right into traffic.

Jake Lee
Jake Lee
2 years ago
Reply to  Rudi Logan

But the Rainbow would have protected her, like magic…..

Safety 101
Safety 101
2 years ago

Safety on our streets is one of the simplest things to accomplish. Properly lighted crosswalks mid block in dark areas, fully functioning crosswalks at intersections. It should not require instances like this for the departmental personnel in the city to act promptly and forsee problematic areas. The engineers could take time to leave the four corners of their desks and observe what is happening through the eyes of the tourists and residents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Safety 101

We had a lot of work done with barriers and speed bumps and crosswalks and lighting, not that long ago.
So, what are we missing here?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Sheriffs presence between midnight and 3 am when the idiots in their rented cars flying down Sunset at 60 miles per hour every weekend. If you live near the strip you would know.

2 years ago
Reply to  CLEE

Only 3am?

City Council just voted for extenuating bars & clubs 4am.

Money is all WeHo City Council cares about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose

4am hasn’t been approved as of yet….thisspeeding has been going on for the last year. There was many accidents already.

2 years ago
Reply to  Safety 101

Really was an incredibly stupid idea to allow bars to stay open later in WeHo. This is NOT LAS VEGAS! Allowing people another hour + to drink more just makes things worse. More LASD on the streets looking for drunk drivers!!! NOT LESS LASD!!!!

Jerome Cleary
Jerome Cleary
2 years ago

This is the same area where a woman was killed late at night in the past decade where the driver fled and abandoned his Range Rover and eventually turned himself in.

2 years ago

So damn sad.

2 years ago

KTLA reported that the driver of the car had a green light.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Begs the question, was the pedestrian intoxicated? Was there a blood alcohol test done? If the driver had the green light and was not speeding and or was not impaired, then they should not be held responsible. Dance on razor Blades, get cut. Play with fire, get burned.