OpEd: Don’t trash WeHo! by Rocky


Hiya –

My name is Rocky and I’m new to WeHo. Actually, I’m new in general. I’m a 14 week old rescue pup.

While I love our city, I’m shocked how much trash is on our sidewalks.  Puppies like me explore the world with our mouths.

We like to sniff, taste, and chew.  

Cigarette butts, bottle caps, wrappers, straws, napkins… all these have ended up in my mouth.Smelling is my superpower!  And as fast as my human dad is, I’m faster and lower to the ground, so I can snatch these things up, before he even sees them.

One time a cigarette was still burning on the sidewalk, but luckily I was stopped before putting it in my mouth. These cigarette butts and other trash also go down drains and pollute our beaches, oceans and water.  Plus there are bigger items like food, bags, to-go containers, receipts, socks, coffee cups, bottles, cans, cup lids.

You name it, I’ve seen it. 

So please, think about what you throw on the ground.  I don’t want to choke or get sick. Sorry to dogsplain, but understand how bad this is. Take care of our city and planet.And to the city, please empty trash cans and keep power washing the sidewalks. We’re lucky to live in West Hollywood, pups like me (and even humans too) need everyone to do better.


(and all my dog friends that are good boys and good girls.)

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2 years ago

We hear you Rocky. And on the flip side it would be nice to tell all your friends to have their owners pick up the loads of dog poop they leave behind on our sidewalks and grass areas.

Last edited 2 years ago by Davedi
2 years ago

Rocky won’t be the only dog or animal to benefit from this request on trash.Other dogs are doing the same thing as he is.They are exposed to this trash on the ground.

Also,coyotes are attracted to the smells of trash,so they will come around thinking food is available.As coyotes seem to be a problem in West Hollywood,it would be wise to try to eliminate the many sources of food for them as well.Besides trash,outdoor cats are a target.Keep cat food inside or the coyotes will get them.

2 years ago

Poor thing he’s lucky he didn’t find a lost baggy of meth or broken crack pipe
Where’s the heck is the ambassadors Horvath?

From the Street to Your Bed
From the Street to Your Bed
2 years ago

Not to mention all the filth that pooches bring in to the house then jump onto your bed. And the easy transmission of parasites from pooch to pooch. Yuck!!!

2 years ago

Right on Rocky!…..and also be careful with those bad scooters careening down the sidewalk.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
2 years ago

I nominate Rocky for City Council. He’s got my vote

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago

Cute. JK. Not really. Weird.

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