Horvath, Shyne clap back at social media attacks


Councilmember Lindsey Horvath and Mayor Pro Tem Shyne bemoaned the broadsides they frequently received on social media, with Shyne vowing to name names at future City Council meetings.

The two took to the podium at Monday night’s council meeting to heir their grievances and defend themselves against the nasty and often outlandish attacks aimed their way.

“There continue to be some engagement with city officials and city council members and I think that it’s important to hear what we’re talking about because what we’re describing isn’t just so you know, words and hurt feelings and name calling — but really some scary language,” Horvath said.

“Two examples since our last meeting, one comment that was sent to a member of our city council: ‘You literally deserve to be hung in the middle of the street. The best part is cops won’t save you since you don’t believe in them. Apparently, you’re a piece of shit and I hope a real woman who trains kills you and leaves you on the street for homeless people to eat.’ Another series of comments on Facebook and response to neighborhood: ‘Much of the crime in West Hollywood is committed by or enabled by Sepi Shyne, John Erickson, and Lindsey Horvath, get rid of those three, and we get rid of much of the crime in West Hollywood.’ A neighbor responded, We should lock the criminal, lock the criminals, and those three in a room for 15 hours with nothing but a set of 24 steak knives. The next day clean up, whatever is left with a wet vac.

“Perhaps these are ways that people joke to express their frustration, but you can see that when they’re read aloud in a room like this, they don’t feel like good way to express disagreement, they don’t foster productive engaged dialogue and they certainly aren’t reflective of the kind of comments that we want to have in our public discourse.”

Shyne went a step further, promising to expose the people who attack her.

“I received an email from a person named Steven L. Pope who said ‘I sure hope you get robbed or carjacked hopefully, both you worthless pos queer bitch,” Shyne said. “Some people may say that we should be more thick skinned and that this is what it’s like being in politics. Well, this is not the political world. which we should strive to live in, nor the community that I think any of us want to be a part of. So, from here on, whomever writes to me, any violent bullying or intimidating posts emails. I will call it out by name during my comments. And that is my First Amendment right to do so.”

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2 years ago

“The two took to the podium at Monday night’s council meeting to heir [SIC] their grievances….”

Such great *journalism” on display here. Maybe a remedial English course is in order for you, Mystery Author. A byline is pretty much de regueur in professional journalism, Mr. Blockhead. Perhaps you could get yourself a copy of the Times to see how it’s done.

2 years ago

How often do you see AOC’s name anymore. She wore it out too. As the kid’s rhyme says “Slow and simple win the race”. In a small city on a small council more supporters are gained by wisdom that loudness. Both women want front row seats. Human nature…don’t we all, but gaining respect and NOT tempting fate by being “the Boss” is not how it gets done. I would say both councilmembers have brought the malice upon themselves by grandstanding. Whining about being called out on it is what happens. And please quote me.

Steve Carry
Steve Carry
2 years ago

It’s interesting how the Left jumps to the Constitution when they feel their liberties are being violeted. But, when BLM, and Antifa were burning down city blocks they called it a peaceful protest. When the Left surrenders and really supports the Constitution, for everyone,then there will be peace.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Carry

So, you’re an advocate for violence from.the Far-Loony Right, as your composition suggests. Bad…ALL bad.

By the way…your Orange Führer is going down…HARD. Don’t believe me? You could ask Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, but the far-right (Nixon, Roy Cohn, tRump’s unrequited love, et al.) killed them for doing essentially what tRumpty Dumpty did.

Last edited 2 years ago by DesertBob
2 years ago

If these FOOLS want people to stop attacking them, then they should sponsor programs that benefit the residents of West Hollywood and NOT support programs that adds to their campaign money chest!!!

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago

The majority of comments in almost every WehoVille story recently have become so vile and cretinous that the publication itself is almost not worth reading anymore. I had no idea there were so many malcontents in the city these days. First Amendment freedom notwithstanding, popping off and abusing the privilege just because you have nothing constructive to do with your time is juvenile and undignified. Larry Block probably does his best to run an organized operation and present the news as fairly as possible, but too many of the commenters have the intellect and lingual capacity of zoo animals. Such… Read more »

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  Rudi Logan

There are two board monitors for the messages and since April 1st this board has been fully monitored with hundreds of threats and comments not posted. You might recall the council members reading about vile messages they got on facebook and Instagram and WEHOville was not in the mix. There is really no reason for you to scroll and choose to engage the comments unless you choose. The crime and toxic atmosphere in the city and the world are not protected in these pages.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

HORRIBLE people! POOF! Be gone!!!

2 years ago

I think a lot of the hostility aimed at Sepi Shyne is due to her false claim to be a “person of color.” Iranians are NOT considered to be people of color by the Federal government or Census bureau. A small minority of Iranians, like Shyne, choose to call themselves “people of color” for their own personal reasons. Shyne made this false claim to get votes during the BLM times, but she might actually believe her own lies.

2 years ago
Reply to  resident

If Martin Luther King Junior were alive today he’d never stop throwing up because of people like her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Davedi

so TRUE!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  resident

When I saw this description used to describe Ms. Shyne, I was surprised. Have socialized with many Iranians. Dinner, in homes and as friends. Not a single one ever referred to themselves as a person of color. Co-opting a term to widen one’s appeal is childish.

WeHo resident
WeHo resident
2 years ago
Reply to  resident

What someone calls themselves really doesn’t amount to much. I think a bigger reason for dislike of these two women is that they sell out the interests of WeHo residents in favor of developers that can support their political/power ambitions.

2 years ago

Oh so sad the Communist “Laverne and Shirley” are the victims of their defund the police insanity which is destroying the community. I only pray they become victims of their rotten policies. No sympathy here.

2 years ago

I know how VICTIMS of crime must feel after this horrible scammer helped to turn West Hollywood into one of the most dangerous cities in the state.
#RESIGNMOVE for the defund the police scammers.

2 years ago

Sympathy vote is a no no do you think this is really serious? Have you seen the threats to FBI and much more prominent poliical figures?
This is part of America and here Horvath is crying like a school girl when its part of the job in politics. JEEEEZZZ

2 years ago

Councilmember Horvath’s should be more concerned with integrity than public criticism despite its unpalatable venom which is inexcusable. A cruise through her various bios indicate she takes credit for many incidents generated by others and erases her shortcomings. In other words she has artfully white washed her record in order to achieve higher political status. This is clearly unethical.

2 years ago
Reply to  TomS

Great editorial

2 years ago
Reply to  TomS

Her pappy didn’t hurt the LA Times, he DESTROYED it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Even my parrot refuses to have it under her perch.

2 years ago
Reply to  TomS

Quotes from that article: “…In such a short period of time, Soon-Shiong has put some pretty serious numbers on the board as a — you should pardon the expression — “public safety commissioner…. “…Last year, West Hollywood saw a 32% increase in violent crime, a 126% increase in property crime and an increase of 137% in overall crime including murder, assault, rape, arson, human trafficking and burglary. In January and February of this year, 137 incidents of pickpocketing were reported at West Hollywood’s most popular bars… (Now, she’s moved to London and left West Hollywood’s citizens to deal with the fallout?… Read more »