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The glow of Supervisor Horvath.
2 years ago
Wonder how far Supervisor Horvath will get with her version of “defund the police” and incorporating her “policies for homeless”. Willing to bet she will soon lock horns with Karen Bass when the glow wears off.
New Yorker
2 years ago
I watched the entire thing. It was a polished and professional ceremony. The current Mayor and Sheriff-elect were there, as well as many other well-known public servants, past and present. I have no doubt Lindsey will do well. She has won her last THREE elections, and because of that has the will of the majority of the people solidly behind her.
I’ve lived in L.A., for over three decades now. Try commenting on the SUBJECT, without unsolicited, unsubstantiated personal attacks on other readers, whom you don’t know. (And N.Y is doing just as well as any other large city in our country.)
2 years ago
The Grand Canyon available for weddings is a smaller gaping hole for hire than that self-serving, anti-gay, anti-choice, vapid sorority girl. The County collectively barfs en masse.
Wonder how far Supervisor Horvath will get with her version of “defund the police” and incorporating her “policies for homeless”. Willing to bet she will soon lock horns with Karen Bass when the glow wears off.
I watched the entire thing. It was a polished and professional ceremony. The current Mayor and Sheriff-elect were there, as well as many other well-known public servants, past and present. I have no doubt Lindsey will do well. She has won her last THREE elections, and because of that has the will of the majority of the people solidly behind her.
Of course, you do (your handle explains it).
One has only to look at the condition of New York City.
I’ve lived in L.A., for over three decades now. Try commenting on the SUBJECT, without unsolicited, unsubstantiated personal attacks on other readers, whom you don’t know. (And N.Y is doing just as well as any other large city in our country.)
The Grand Canyon available for weddings is a smaller gaping hole for hire than that self-serving, anti-gay, anti-choice, vapid sorority girl. The County collectively barfs en masse.
Anti-gay? Please provide an example. Anti-choice? Maybe in her youth, possibly, but why has she worked with Planned Parenthood?
Here is the link to the swearing in ceremony. Only 52 people have watched it so far.
Values & Courage? Shown in Weho? I mean the city she betrayed?
Scamming trash, I’d rather attend a party with Saddam.
No fricking way. Here comes the hypocrite.
Somehow, having a root canal would be more pleasurable than watching anything related to this vile hypocrite.
Well said. Ugh.