New Supervisor Lindsey Horvath joins the Metro Board of Directors


Newly elected Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath has become the newest member of the Metro Board of Directors, representing the county’s Third District. She replaces former Metro Board member Sheila Kuehl, who served on the Board since 2014.

Supervisor Horvath was elected to the Board of Supervisors on November 8, 2022, and assumed office on December 5, 2022, after serving West Hollywood as a City Councilmember and the longest consecutively serving Mayor.

Supervisor Horvath has made history as being the youngest woman to ever be elected to the Board of Supervisors and she has a long history of civic and social justice advocacy.

She has worked on a broad range of transportation and mobility issues, from her service as a Transportation Commissioner to championing Metro rail projects in the district. She initiated the West Hollywood Bicycle Task Force that resulted in West Hollywood being named “the Most Walkable” city in the entire state.

In addition to her duties as a Metro Board Member, Horvath will also serve as a committee member on Metro’s Construction Committee and Operations, Safety, and Customer Experience Committees. The Construction committee oversees construction of Metro’s infrastructure projects, while Operations, Safety and Customer Experience committee oversees bus and rail operations, safety of the system and improving the customer experience.

Horvath has also spearheaded policies to make West Hollywood an “Age-Friendly Community” to better serve residents of all ages and created the first-ever West Hollywood Community Response Team to Domestic Violence.


“As the Mayor of West Hollywood, Supervisor Horvath demonstrated, time and again, her commitment to building a more walkable and transit friendly community, said Stephanie Wiggins, CEO of Metro. “I’m excited for the opportunity to work closely with her in the years ahead to improve mobility for all Angelenos.”

The 13-member Board of Directors is comprised of the five Los Angeles County Supervisors, four members appointed by the Los Angeles County City Selection Committee and the Mayor of Los Angeles, and three members appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles. The position of Board Chair rotates between the three groups. The District 7 Director of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) also serves on the board as a non-voting member.

For more information about the Metro Board of Directors, visit

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2 years ago



Did I spell her name correctly?

2 years ago

What kind of salary do these board directors earn?

Larry Block
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Approx 275k plus all the perks and benefits, and pensions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Thank you, Larry,

Plus LA County Board Supervisor position of $231,174?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

No. The Metro Board stipend is a max of $650 a month based on committee and regular board meeting attendance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Think Larry means including the perks of the LAC Supe position, because the salary that I posted was just listed.

Thank you, Matt.
I couldn’t find that info anywhere.

Supes are meeting tomorrow – 20th,

Last edited 2 years ago by Joshua88
No More Horvath News Please
No More Horvath News Please
2 years ago

It would be wonderful if Wehoville could spare the folks if West Hollywood any news about Ms. Horvath. Her reputation precedes her and follows her.🙄

2 years ago

If it affects us, we want to read about it.

No More Horvath News Please
No More Horvath News Please
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Yes that is true but do t count on Horvath to do anything but posture where ever there is a camera.🙄 Perhaps her cohorts can positively influence her 😊

2 years ago

They probably will tell her she has to fight like hell for her nearly two million constituents in a huge district.

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago

I wonder how many times she or anybody on that board has taken the Metro bus in Los Angeles.

Tobias Madugan
Tobias Madugan
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Bologna

That’s an interesting point. I currently am letting my mom use my car so I’m taking the bus all the time, it’s quite an interesting experience and I ask myself that question sometimes. Some of the lines are actually OK, but the #4 here in West Hollywood I would say 50% of the time literally smells so horrible (due to certain homeless/unhoused people) that I want to throw up, and I’m not saying that as an exaggeration, I feel nauseous when getting off sometimes. Also, it takes longer than it used to because they got rid of the rapid. I… Read more »

Not old fashioned st all
Not old fashioned st all
2 years ago
Reply to  Tobias Madugan

Yup, deeds 😊vs. words🙄

2 years ago

Bigger problem boys and girls ….Now she will have a vote or say in where the Crenshaw Northern Extension may go and any approvals of what happens with the Metro Bus yard and its development. Oh the love of Power

2 years ago

“Longest serving mayor?” That means nothing. It is not an accomplishment. It was a change in election cycle, moving the election from March into November, in 2020.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Technically John Heilman has been the longest serving mayor as he has held that position more than anyone.

2 years ago

I was hoping that after she squeaked out a win on the county level, that we wouldn’t see her face on WeHoville again…but there she is. Ugh.

Last edited 2 years ago by JF1
2 years ago

As someone who is a daily commuter, this should be interesting given that now Supervisor Horvath, has claimed to have eliminated homeless from 80% to completely in West Hollywood. Now let’s see her do something about cleaning up the trans from being rolling Homeless Shelters. This is a statement that her feet need to be held to the fire!

Wacky Weho
Wacky Weho
2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

Trans rights are human rights

Tobias Madugan
Tobias Madugan
2 years ago
Reply to  Wacky Weho

I think the author meant trans as in transit

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

Lindsey will say anything what she thinks her audience wants to hear, no matter how stupid or untrue. She’s actually worse than Trump. Now that she single-handedly fixed the homeless crisis, can she eliminate all housing costs for everyone? How stupid the voters are. They get what they deserve.

Benjamin Story
Benjamin Story
2 years ago

So now it’s OK for Horvath to acknowledge being the mayor of WeHo?