Shyne ‘whitewashes’ her campaign for Congress


Opening campaign statement drops reference to herself as a ‘person of color’

In Shyne’s carefully crafted opening statement in her run for Congress to represent District 30 she changed one line as she refers to herself. ‘I am an Iranian woman running for Congress’ .

In past campaign statements Shyne had referred to herself as ‘an Iranian woman of color’, dropping the ‘woman of color’ from her self-description.

Shyne’s email blast also had little representation of any persons of color. There were no obvious lgbtq or transgender representation. Of 64 persons included in Shyne’s mailer above, less than 5 people appear to be persons of color. 46 of 64 appear to be female. There is little Asian or Latino representation.

The messaging flip comes just six weeks after West Hollywood resident Annie Jump Vincent challenged Shyne’s ‘whiteness’ as person of color from the public comment podium, OpEd: Is West Hollywood ‘all white again’.

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Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
1 year ago

This jackass has demonstrated she has no good reason to be near the levers of power.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago

SEPTIC is toxic. IRAN is NOT a “country of color”. She is just as bad as Congressman George Santos. She lies as much as he lies. She should resign from WeHo City Council whilst running for Congress. She simply cannot do both! She is not an ethical person. How on earth did she get elected in the first place? She has zero qualifications. She is just a ‘lightning rod’ of discontent.

Resign Now.jpg
1 year ago

‘I am an Iranian woman running for Congress’ .
Wrong country, dearie.

Rich Scott
Rich Scott
1 year ago

If she’s Iranian, she’s not eligible to become a Congress member. You must be a US citizen. Was she born in the US and uses the Iranian descriptor as some perceived benefit? Or was she actually born in Iran? If so, she would have had to swear allegiance to the US upon becoming a citizen. Why would anyone vote for her because she’s some sort of Iranian? Maybe it’s good that she continues to refer to herself as Iranian!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rich Scott

Ilhan Omar was born in Somalia and is now representing her district in Minnesota in Congress. Although she was rescued by our country and was given every opportunity here, she too, like Sepi, hates America and wants to remake it to be more like the countries they came here from.

Only the office of the presidency requires that their birth be in America.

Grifters Delight
Grifters Delight
1 year ago

We may laugh, cry and cringe at this trainwreck but don’t let up. She has hijacked the Horvath playbook.

Not Credible
Not Credible
1 year ago

Sepi has imprinted herself the Horvath mailing list and didn’t even bother to change the format. Same song, same deception.

NEVER! Team Shyne
NEVER! Team Shyne
1 year ago

Now it appears as if Shyne has inherited Horvath’s mailing list & format. One appeared this morning from TEAM SHYNE. Never, never, never.

1 year ago

So sleazy. I’m tired of thinking about this swine.

1 year ago

Imagine the backlash if Meister sent out such an anti-diverse mailer. Jackie Steele would be foaming at the mouth !

Joseph Balogna
Joseph Balogna
1 year ago

It’s astounding how easily people are led like sheep. This whole thing about focusing everything on race has gotten to the point where it’s absurd. Logical people who are proud to be who they are don’t even think about race for more than two seconds a day. Most people are too concerned with leading their own productive lives to even have the time to notice anybody else around them, let alone give two cares whether they’re green, blue, purple, red, orange, green, black, or white.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

Be wary of anyone in business or politics or any station in life who uses the word leader as a self-appelation. Titles do not confer leadership. Leadership is an observation made by others and an honorific bestowed by others. One who insists on calling oneself a leader is probably not a very good one. Good manners have fallen to a culture of boastful arrogance enabled by social media echo chambers.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

hear! hear! So very well said, Alan!

Mohib Jivan
Mohib Jivan
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Spot-ON! Not unlike a person we know mutually labels himself “Upstanding member of the community!”

1 year ago

I noticed the same thing too.

1 year ago

This re-referencing of herself should be no surprise to anyone, certainly not any citizen of West Hollywood. Sepi Shyne is an opportunist and lair and will position herself in anyway that is advantageous for Sepi Shyne. This woman stands for nothing but herself.
And let’s not forget how the rotating ceremonial title of mayor has been plucked by her to pad her non-existent credentials for Congress. If anything, Shyne is a quick study she’s borrowed (stolen?) from Horvath’s playbook only Shyne pounced early and didn’t cultivate an impressive endorsement.