Ambassadors seen observing WeHo street brawl tell their story


The cane-wielding pedestrian involved in a recent street fight on San Vicente and Santa Monica Boulevard was arrested after attacking sheriff’s deputies, according to the Block by Block security ambassadors who were seen standing and watching the incident in dashcam footage shared with the media.

As detailed in the report Block by Block will present to the Public Safety Commission at tonight’s meeting, the pedestrian apparently instigated the fight when he struck a white Hyundai with his walking stick. The driver honked at him, and the pedestrian repeated to hit the hood of the car with his stick. The driver then exited the vehicle and began arguing with the pedestrian before the two started to assault one another. That’s when the ambassadors say they radioed for the sheriff to be called.

The pedestrian then jumped on the hood the vehicle. The driver drove a ways with the man still on his hood. Meanwhile, the ambassadors were using “verbal commands to attempt to de-escalate the situation.” Seven minutes after they were called, the Sheriff’s and Fire departments arrived.

When deputies made contact with the pedestrian, he began to assault them and was then arrested, according to the ambassadors. The driver was allowed to leave the scene.

Controversy arose when the dashcam footage was released, as it appeared to show the ambassadors doing very little to de-escalate the situation. City officials including Mayor Sepi Shyne defended the ambassadors’ response.

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1 year ago

So what’s their story? They’re not telling it here in this article. Jesus.

sane refugee
sane refugee
1 year ago

I desperately needed a giggle and thank God I still subscribe to Wehoville…The comments are the best!!! The residents still cannot make the connection – their poor voting choices – have consequences. Hilarious!

1 year ago

Weho Clown circus hits the streets as Sepi holds the flood lights with yellow hair and red nose. This is news?

1 year ago

This Block by Block nonsense only makes sense to Californians. Everybody else in the country is laughing at us. They really are.

1 year ago

as I watched the head of BBB speaking last night at the PSC meeting, what kept running through my head was “and for this the city is spending millions of dollars?“ He even said he had to send the 2 security ambassadors who were watching the brawl for retraining. He also said that the security ambassadors can’t really do anything about kids riding scooters on the sidewalk because they just “go whizzing by“ so if the main function is to provide an escort for people who feel unsafe, going from point a to point B, then our city is unsafe,… Read more »

weho resident
weho resident
1 year ago

Is there a report on how many other people called this into the police or if block by block hadn’t called, would the police not have come? It seems like many of us drive or walk by incidents of people screaming or acting violently towards people or cars, and no one is called. So I’d be curious to know if Block by Block hadn’t made contact with the sheriffs, who else did (or would have) stepped up and called. Its also noticeable that police were not there, so abolishing this program rather than reforming it (and having all these people… Read more »

1 year ago

It took 7 minutes for sheriffs to respond?

Isn’t this LITERALLY outside the door if the sheriff office ?

Jonathan H. Dowling
Jonathan H. Dowling
1 year ago

The motto of the Security Ambassadors should be; “Frustra ut Ubera Tauro”- Latin for useless as teats on a bull.

1 year ago

So the “ambassadors” did basically what anybody else would and probably did do-call the sheriffs. Sheriffs-real people that can give real help and make real arrests.

Roger O
Roger O
1 year ago

Say what? They called the sheriff? How much training did that take before they knew how? They did something that anyone else could have done & probably did. So save it. Nice try. Better luck next time

1 year ago

Call Block by Block Ambassadors in advance and make a reservation if you need an escort from point A to point B. Lovely!

1 year ago

According to his remarks at Public Safety Commission this evening, Mr. Block by Block Figurehead indicates the city is about to receive 30 more of his fellow personnel who don’t carry handcuffs, pepper spray, guns or batons. I get it, in other words they use their antennae while standing by observing crime in motion and then articulate a method of de-escalating the event. He then explained the task of hand holding with the homeless. 30 more Wishy/Hopey Ambassadors to accompany residents in fearful and/or dangerous situations providing they cal BbyBl in advance. The specific budget increase for this was not… Read more »

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