LASD: Crime dips, but thefts and burglaries persist


Capt. Bill Moulder gave City Council an update on recent trends observed by the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station.

Part One Crimes by Category
Category Number of Incidents
Theft-related crimes 65%
Vehicle burglary 26% decrease
Armed robbery 40% decrease
Total robberies 44% increase
Residential burglary 57% increase
Grand theft 69% increase
Catalytic converter thefts 36 incidents
Vehicle burglaries 44 incidents
Petty theft shoplifting 64 incidents

Part One Crime Trends by District
District Part One Crime Decrease
West District 18% decrease
City Center 16% decrease
East District 12% increase

Part One Crime Distribution by District
District Number of Part One Crimes
West District 684 (52% of total)
City Center 244 (19% of total)
East District Accounts for 26% of total

Club and Bar Pickpocketing Incidents
Month Number of Incidents
October 26
November 36
December 20
January 16
February 43
March 15
April 29

Homelessness-Related Statistics
Arrests of Homeless Individuals 177 (October 2022 to April 2023)
Aggravated Assaults Involving Transient Suspect 28% (25 out of 89 incidents)

Domestic Violence Statistics

Domestic Violence Down 9%
Non-criminal Domestic Violence Incidents Up 71%

Reported Rapes
Period Number of Rapes
October 2022 10
April 2023 17



  • More than 11,000 calls for service were received during the period.
  • More than 11,000 observations were made for Deputy self-training.
  • Over 1,100 arrests were made.
  • There were 570 emergency responses.
  • There were over 2,700 priority responses.
  • Over 8,000 routine called responses were recorded for October 2022 through April 2023.
  • Organized crime groups targeted patrons inside nightclubs and outside on sidewalks in the West district.
  • The arrest of 12 suspected members of the organized crime group led to a slowdown in their activity during the reporting period.


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1 year ago

These numbers are terribly wrong due to underreporting and police not categorizing things properly. How do I know? We have aggravated assaults by transient individuals all the time on our block. The police DO NOT take a police report, which means no statistics, unless someone is injured. If you dodge the homeless person who chases you with a broken beer bottle or throws a ceramic pot at you (I have videos and called police for both) they say there is nothing they can do because you didn’t fear for your life enough. Ridiculous and would never fly anywhere but a… Read more »

1 year ago

Considering you need to go down to a station and wait around for hours to file a report, take these numbers with a grain of salt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bastian

Agreed. You don’t actually have to go down, they just simply won’t take a police report for assault (which is an attempt legally speaking). They will only take a report if you are bleeding profusely. If you are lucky enough to not be disabled or elderly and are able to avoid being surprise attacked by them and dodge their approach, you are just stuck with PTSD and the police roll their eyes and say that the DA and politicians will not let them make arrests or file reports for minor crimes. The priority is protecting the rights of the transients… Read more »

Joan Henehan
Joan Henehan
1 year ago

Criminal activity of all kinds require consequences.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

Public safety is a long game. It requires sustained, credible, and strong programs to maintain safe places. It is not something to subject to ideological experimentation. It was nice to see Philadelphia elect a sensible mayor yesterday who will restore public safety resources.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Exactly. John Erickson and Sepi Shyne’s schizophrenic read of the statistics was useless. One either makes an informed investment or they don’t. Safe cities don’t evolve through half hearted efforts

1 year ago
Reply to  Credibility

I recently heard from John E and was glad
To hear that he supports more BBB in our area. I do agree, however, that that is not enough so I do support the refunding of the police and hope our voices can be heard that we want actual enforcement of things like threats, public defecation, harassment by transients, and faster response time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tobias

Please don’t overestimate the contact from Erickson. He is big on stagecraft and nonexistent on responsibility and strategic thinking FOR THE CITY. Although he is big on self promotion and a sad example of ultimately a wasted space in the academic system producing his PhD.

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